IBM Support

Instructions for changing the heartbeat user password on runtime server and process center after system has registered (Teamworks 7.0.1 and WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.1 and 7.2)

Question & Answer


How to change the heartbeat user (repository-server-designated-user) password on runtime server and process center after system has registered?


IMPORTANT NOTE: You cannot have different passwords for tw_author (repository-designated-user) in different environments (DEV, RUNTIME) in WebSphere Lombardi Edition V7.1 or 7.2.

The following information is the steps for changing the "repository-server-designated-user" user password on both Process Center and Process Servers (Runtimes).

If you open the 99Local.xml configuration file and search for: "repository-server-designated-user" then you will find something like:

<repository-server-designated-user>tw_author</repository-server-designated-user> <repository-server-designated-password>qbf/9Wu0fcufPhZx/VCM6A==:FHEM47ZKAfUI5KL4GVMcJg==</repository-server-designated-password>

As you can see, by default, this user is tw_author. In this article, we will change the password for tw_author on both the Process Center and in the runtime environments.

1. Log into the /ProcessAdmin web application as tw_admin. Under the User Management option, find the appropriate user and enter the new password (Click the User Management option. In the User Management -> Maintain User Settings dialog, enter a user name in the Retrieve Profile field. Click the Retrieve button. Change settings as required and click the Update button and press update button).

Complete this password change on both Process Center and Process Server (runtime environments). If you are completing this change for a clustered runtime environment, then you need to change the password in only one of the nodes using the Process Admin console. This change updates the record in the database. The database is a shared resource in the cluster,so both nodes use this new password.

NOTE: The password has to be the same in WebSphere Lombardi Edition V7.1 and 7.2 (RUNTIME, DEV)

2. Teamworks V7.0.1:
cd <process-center or process-server>/lib
Use the encryption tool with the following syntax and execute the following command:
java cp utility.jar com.lombardisoftware.utility.EncryptPassword <new password>
This comnnand outputs the encrypted password value.

WebSphere Lombardi Edition V7.1 and 7.2:
cd <wle_home>/twinit/lib
Use the encryption tool with the following syntax and execute the following command:
java -cp utility.jar com.lombardisoftware.utility.EncryptPassword

3. Shut down the Process Center and Process Server.

4. Teamworks V7.0.1
Update the 100Custom.xml file in the .../process-center/resources/config directory by adding the following content (replace the encrypted value with the value you have generated for Process Center password in step #2):


<server merge="mergeChildren">
<repository-server-designated-user merge="replace">tw_author</repository-server-designated-user>
<repository-server-designated-password merge="replace">put_encrypted_value_here</repository-server-designated-password>
<repository-server-designated-password-encrypted merge="replace">true</repository-server-designated- password-encrypted>


WebSphere Lombardi Edition V7.1 and 7.2:
Update the 100Custom.xml file in the .../process-center/config directory and add the following contents (replace the encrypted value with the value you have generated for Process Center password in step #2):


<server merge="mergeChildren">
<repository-server-designated-user merge="replace">tw_author</repository-server-designated-user>
<repository-server-designated-password merge="replace">put_encrypted_value_here</repository-server-designated-password>
<repository-server-designated-password-encrypted merge="replace">true</repository-server-designated- password-encrypted>


5. Teamworks V7.0.1:
Update the 100Custom.xml file in the .../process-server/resources/config directory for every runtime environment and add the following contents (replace the encrypted value with the value you have generated for Process Center password in step #2):


<server merge="mergeChildren">
<repository-server-designated-user merge="replace">tw_author</repository-server-designated-user>
<repository-server-designated-password merge="replace">put_encrypted_value_here</repository-server-designated-password>
<repository-server-designated-password-encrypted merge="replace">true</repository-server-designated- password-encrypted>


WebSphere Lombardi Edition V7.1 and 7.2:
Update the 100Custom.xml file in the .../process-server/config directory in every runtime environment and add the following contents (replace the encrypted value with the value you have generated for Process Center password in step #2):


<server merge="mergeChildren">
<repository-server-designated-user merge="replace">tw_author</repository-server-designated-user>
<repository-server-designated-password merge="replace">put_encrypted_value_here</repository-server-designated-password>
<repository-server-designated-password-encrypted merge="replace">true</repository-server-designated- password-encrypted>


IMPORTANT NOTE: Runtime environments use the Process Center encrypted password in their configuration files as this is being used for Process Server to connect to Process Center.

Start the Process Center and import the Process Application that is attached to this file into the Process Center environment:
EncodeTWAuthorPWD - Snapshot_to_run.twx

Run the Human Service called InputData.

In the coach, enter the host name of the Runtime Server as it is specified in the TeamworksConfiguration.running.xml file of the runtime server. Enter the password of the Runtime Server tw_author user - not encrypted.

Perform the same set of actions for all of the runtime servers. You have to do the same for all the nodes in the cluster. (The password is the same in case of cluster runtime but the host name is different. Thus, you have to do it for all nodes in the runtime cluster. For example, you need to run InputData service twice for the two nodes runtime cluster and so on.).

7. Start runtime servers and try to deploy a simple snapshot from Process Center to Runtime environment.

8. Run the following query to verify that LSW_SERVER (on the Process Center database) has kept the new password after the runtime server finishes starting:

If this password is not correct, shut down your runtime nodes, re-do step 6, restart your Process Center, restart your runtime nodes, and check the row again.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSFPRP","label":"WebSphere Lombardi Edition"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"User Management","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.2;7.1;7.0.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym

TW 7.0.1 WLE 7.1

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

