IBM Support

XA_CLOSE call SIGSEGV’s during CICSAS process termination in Oracle 11g R2

Flashes (Alerts)


When a TXSeries CICS region is configured with Oracle 11g R2 database as XA Resource Manager (RM), every CICS Application Server process receives a SIGSEGV during termination.


The CICS Application Server terminates with a SIGSEGV signal when Oracle is configured as XA Resource Manager to a TXSeries CICS region.
CICS generates traceback files when it receives a SIGSEGV signal from Oracle XA_CLOSE calls during termination. The traceback file would show an SIGSEGV signal generated in Oracle library functions while executing the XA_CLOSE calls.

The error would be similar to below example.

11809/0001 CICS Signal Handler entered with signal: 11
11809/0001 Traceback file '/var/cics_regions/rmtest/dumps/dir1/cicsas11809.traceback' for transaction '<NULL>' is generated
XA_CLOSE: Turned exception exc_e_illaddr into XAER_RMERR
ERZ080035E/0805 05/12/10 11:53:13.365015000 rmtest 11809/0001 : Abnormal termination A800. XA_CLOSE returned a Resource Manager error when closing 'Oracle_XA' using XA_CLOSE string ''. ''

As the SIGSEGV signal is generated during the termination of CICS Application Server process, there is no impact on transaction which updates the Oracle database. The transactions can be run normally on CICS region and the only issue you may see are the SIGSEGV signal and traceback file generation during the exit of application server process.

We are currently investigating this issue with Oracle Support. Refer Oracle support with the Bug reference number 10086495. Also, see the Problem document for more details.

Text from the Oracle Bug Report:
Tried to link static and problem goes away. Even when I have a 2.nd
compilation unit with 2 object files the code works fine.
Only when Code is loaded dynamically with dlopne API we get the problem.
So the problem is very likely related how libraries where unloaded.
After setting  LD_PRELOAD=./libFunc.o the code works fine.
Does not reproduce on : Solaris 32-bit-client Solaris 64-bit-client HPUX Itanium 64-bit-client

Reproduced on:  HPUX Itanium 64-bit-client  Linux  64-bit-client  Linux  32-bit-client

Fixed in Product Version 12.1

[{"Product":{"code":"SSAL2T","label":"TXSeries for Multiplatforms"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"CICS","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.1;8.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
25 September 2022

