IBM Support

Collect troubleshooting data for problems with the WebSphere Adapter for Oracle e-Business Suite



You are having a problem with the WebSphere Adapter for Oracle e-Business Suite. You would like to know what documentation you must collect (MustGather) so that the WebSphere Adapter Support team can diagnose your problem. If you gather this documentation before contacting support it will expedite the troubleshooting process, and save you time.

Resolving The Problem

MustGather technotes provide a detailed description of the documentation required by the IBM Support team to diagnose your problem.

Select the runtime where your problem occurs:

WebSphere Application Server

Gather the following documentation for the WebSphere Adapter for Oracle e-Business Suite running with WebSphere Application Server runtime:

  • Rational Application Developer: If the error was encountered while running the Rational Application Developer, collect the following files:
    • Configuration parameters log file
      • Adapter configuration Parameters are in the file: <workspace>\.metadata\.plugins\\ dialog_settings.xml file.
    • Rational Application Developer log file
      • Parse dialog_settings.xml file to get the value for attribute logFileLocation which indicates the log file location. The file normally is in the <workspace>\.metadata directory and needs to be collected.
      • In addition, collect the '.log' file in the <workspace>\.metadata directory.
  • Runtime: If the error was encountered while running an adapter application in WebSphere Application Server, enable the following traces:
  • 1. Enable the adapter tracing from the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.

    2. Navigate to Troubleshooting > Logs and traces > server > Change Log level details.
    3. Set the following tracing either in the Configuration tab or the Runtime tab:*=all

    Note: Changing the traces in Configuration tab would require server restart to take into effect.

    4. Recreate the issue.

Next, collect the following files:

  • Deployment descriptor files
    • WebSphere Application Server Deployment descriptor deployment.xml<WAS.rootdir>\config\cells\<CellName>\applications\<AdapterApp>.ear\deployments\<AdapterApp>\deployment.xml
    • Resource Adapter descriptor ra.xml - this file contains the adapter version
    • -If adapter is deployed with embedded mode: <WAS root dir>\profiles\<profile>\installedApps\<CellName>\<AdapterApp>.ear\<AdapterRAR>\META-INF\ra.xml

      -If adapter is deployed with standalone mode: <WAS root dir>\profiles\<profile>\installedConnectors\<AdapterRAR>\META-INF\ra.xml

  • Adapter runtime log files
    • <WAS root dir>\profiles\<profile>\logs\<server>\SystemErr.log
    • <WAS root dir>\profiles\<profile>\logs\<server>\SystemOut.log
    • <WAS root dir>\profiles\<profile>\logs\<server>\trace.log
  • FFDC log files (collect all files in directory)
    • <WAS root dir>\profiles\<profile>\logs\ffdc
  • WebSphere Application Server version
    • <WAS root dir>\properties\version\was.rt.bundle.component
  • Adapter version (can be found in ra.xml file)
    • If adapter is deployed with embedded mode: <WAS root dir>\profiles\<profile>\installedApps\<CellName>\<AdapterApp>.ear\<AdapterRAR>\META-INF\ra.xml
    • If adapter is deployed with standalone mode: <WAS root dir>\profiles\<profile>\installedConnectors\<AdapterRAR>\META-INF\ra.xml

WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus

Gather the following documentation for the WebSphere Adapter for Oracle e-Business Suite running with WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus runtime:

  • BuildTime: If the error was encountered while running the External Service, collect the following files:
    • Configuration parameters log file
      • Adapter configuration Parameters are in the file: <workspace>\.metadata\.plugins\\ dialog_settings.xml file.
    • External Service log file
      • Parse dialog_settings.xml file to get the value for attribute logFileLocation which indicates the log file location. The file normally is in the <workspace>\.metadata directory and needs to be collected.
      • In addition, collect the '.log' file in the <workspace>\.metadata directory.

  • Runtime: If the error was encountered while running an adapter application in WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus, enable the following traces:
    1. Enable the adapter tracing from the WebSphere Enterprise Service Busr administrative console.
    2. Navigate to Troubleshooting > Logs and traces > server > Change Log level details.
    3. Set the following tracing either in the Configuration tab or the Runtime tab:*=all

      Note: Changing the traces in Configuration tab would require server restart to take into effect.

    4. Recreate the issue.

Next, collect the following files:

  • Deployment descriptor files
    • WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus Deployment descriptor deployment.xml
    • <WESB.rootdir>\config\cells\<CellName>\applications\<AdapterApp>.ear\deployments\<AdapterApp>\deployment.xml

    • Resource Adapter descriptor ra.xml - this file contains the adapter version
    • - If WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus is bundled with WebSphere Integration Developer: <WID root dir>\pf\wps\installedApps\widCell\<AdapterApp>.ear\<AdapterApp>\<AdapterRAR>\META-INF\ra.xml

      - If WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus is not bundled with WebSphere Integration Developer: <WESB root dir>\profiles\<profile>\installedApps\<CellName>\<AdapterApp>.ear\<AdapterRAR>\META-INF\ra.xml

  • Adapter runtime log files
    • <WESB root dir>\profiles\<profile>\logs\<server>\SystemErr.log
    • <WESB root dir>\profiles\<profile>\logs\<server>\SystemOut.log
    • <WESB root dir>\profiles\<profile>\logs\<server>\trace.log

  • FFDC log files (collect all files in directory)
    • <WESB root dir>\profiles\<profile>\logs\ffdc
  • WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus version
    • If WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus is bundled with WebSphere Integration Developer: <WID root dir>\runtimes\bi_v70\properties\version\ wps.rt.bundle.component
    • If WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus is not bundled with WebSphere Integration Developer: <WESB root dir>\properties\version\wps.rt.bundle.component

  • WebSphere Integration Developer version

  • Adapter version (can be found in ra.xml file)
    • If adapter is deployed with embedded mode: <WESB root dir>\profiles\<profile>\installedApps\<CellName>\<AdapterApp>.ear\<AdapterRAR>\META-INF\ra.xml
    • If adapter is deployed with standalone mode: <WESB root dir>\profiles\<profile>\installedConnectors\<AdapterRAR>\META-INF\ra.xml

WebSphere Process Server
Gather the following documentation for the WebSphere Adapter for Oracle e-Business Suite running with WebSphere Process Server runtime:
  • BuildTime: If the error was encountered while running the External Service, collect the following files:
    • Configuration parameters log file
      • Adapter configuration Parameters are in the file: <workspace>\.metadata\.plugins\\ dialog_settings.xml file.
    • External Service log file
      • Parse dialog_settings.xml file to get the value for attribute logFileLocation which indicates the log file location. The file normally is in the <workspace>\.metadata directory and needs to be collected.
      • In addition, collect the '.log' file in the <workspace>\.metadata directory.

  • Runtime: If the error was encountered while running an adapter application in WebSphere Process Server, enable the following traces:
    1. Enable the adapter tracing from the WebSphere Process Server administrative console.
    2. Navigate to Troubleshooting > Logs and traces > server > Change Log level details.
    3. Set the following tracing either in the Configuration tab or the Runtime tab:*=all

      Note: Changing the traces in Configuration tab would require server restart to take into effect.

    4. Recreate the issue.

Next, collect the following files:

  • Deployment descriptor files
    • WebSphere Process Server Deployment descriptor deployment.xml
    • <WPS.rootdir>\config\cells\<CellName>\applications\<AdapterApp>.ear\deployments\<AdapterApp>\deployment.xml

    • Resource Adapter descriptor ra.xml - this file contains the adapter version
    • - If WebSphere Process Server is bundled with WebSphere Integration Developer: <WID root dir>\pf\wps\installedApps\widCell\<AdapterApp>.ear\<AdapterApp>\<AdapterRAR>\META-INF\ra.xml

      - If WebSphere Process Server is not bundled with WebSphere Integration Developer: <WPS root dir>\profiles\<profile>\installedApps\<CellName>\<AdapterApp>.ear\<AdapterRAR>\META-INF\ra.xml

  • Adapter runtime log files
    • <WPS root dir>\profiles\<profile>\logs\<server>\SystemErr.log
    • <WPS root dir>\profiles\<profile>\logs\<server>\SystemOut.log
    • <WPS root dir>\profiles\<profile>\logs\<server>\trace.log
  • FFDC log files (collect all files in directory)
    • <WPS root dir>\profiles\<profile>\logs\ffdc
  • WebSphere Process Server version
    • If WebSphere Process Server is bundled with WebSphere Integration Developer:: <WID root dir>\runtimes\bi_v70\properties\version\ wps.rt.bundle.component
    • If WebSphere Process Server is not bundled with WebSphere Integration Developer:: <WPS root dir>\properties\version\wps.rt.bundle.component
  • WebSphere Integration Developer version

  • Adapter version (can be found in ra.xml file)
    • If adapter is deployed with embedded mode: <WPS root dir>\profiles\<profile>\installedApps\<CellName>\<AdapterApp>.ear\<AdapterRAR>\META-INF\ra.xml
    • If adapter is deployed with standalone mode: <WPS root dir>\profiles\<profile>\installedConnectors\<AdapterRAR>\META-INF\ra.xml

[{"Product":{"code":"SSMKUK","label":"WebSphere Adapters Family"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Adapter for Oracle E-Business Suite","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.0.1;7.0;6.2;6.1;6.0.2","Edition":"WebSphere","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

