IBM Support

db_server(nnnnn): Warning: TCF entry(2) sync of \\vobserver\VobData\sources.vbs\db\vob_db.k02 failed, errno=9



IBM Rational ClearCase VOBs stored on a disk that is locally attached to the VOB server host (IDE / SCSI attached) may get errors in the server logs referencing the VOB storage via a UNC path.


Randomly the vista files are corrupt, the VOBs are not accessible and the ClearCase logs show the following errors:

2009-10-10T08:38:28+01:00 vobrpc_server(7872): Error: vobrpc_server.exe(7872): Error: Error from VOB database: "\sources".
2009-10-10T08:38:28+01:00 vobrpc_server(7872): Error: vobrpc_server.exe(7872): Error: db_VISTA error -907 (errno == "Bad file descriptor")
2009-10-10T08:38:28+01:00 vobrpc_server(7872): Error: vobrpc_server.exe(7872): Error: DBMS error in \\vobserver\VobData\sources.vbs\db.
2009-10-10T08:38:28+01:00 vobrpc_server(7872): Error: vobrpc_server.exe(7872): Error: DBMS error in "../db1.c" line 1189
2009-10-10T08:38:28+01:00 vobrpc_server(7872): Warning: *** db_VISTA database error -907 - database taf/log file error

2009-10-10T08:17:35+01:00 db_server(7124): Warning: *** db_VISTA database error -907 - database taf/log file error
2009-10-10T08:17:35+01:00 db_server(7124): Error: db_server.exe(7124): Error: db_VISTA error -907 (errno == "Bad file descriptor")
2009-10-10T08:17:35+01:00 db_server(7124): Error: db_server.exe(7124): Error: DBMS error in \\vobserver\VobData\sources.vbs\db.
2009-10-10T08:17:35+01:00 db_server(7124): Error: db_server.exe(7124): Error: DBMS error in "../db1.c" line 1189
2009-10-10T08:17:35+01:00 db_server(7124): Warning: *** db_VISTA database error -907 - database taf/log file error
2009-10-10T08:17:35+01:00 db_server(7124): Error: db_server.exe(7124): Error: db_VISTA error -919 (errno == "No such file or directory")
2009-10-10T08:17:35+01:00 db_server(7124): Error: db_server.exe(7124): Error: DBMS error in \\vobserver\VobData\sources.vbs\db.
2009-10-10T08:17:35+01:00 db_server(7124): Error: db_server.exe(7124): Error: DBMS error in "../db1.c" line 1189
2009-10-10T08:17:35+01:00 db_server(7124): Warning: TCF entry(2) sync of \\vobserver\VobData\sources.vbs\db\vob_db.k02 failed, errno=9
2009-10-10T08:17:35+01:00 db_server(7124): Warning: *** db_VISTA database error -919 - error writing to a database/overflow file


The VOBs are stored locally on the VOB server but are registered with a UNC path as VOB server access path, instead of using a "drive letter" path.

This can be seen in this message:
...DBMS error in \\vobserver\VobData\sources.vbs\db.

To see the registered "VOB server access path" use the following command:
cleartool lsvob -long

The db_server process must use a local path (IDE / SCSI access path) to access the VOB storage directory. A UNC path forces I/O through an extra layer of control, which impacts performance and reliability.

Resolving The Problem

For local VOBs that are registered with a global Path, register them again as follows:

  1. Logon to the VOB sever

  2. Open a command prompt

  3. Run the following command:

    cleartool register -replace -vob <local path to VOB storage>

    cleartool register -replace -vob C:\VobStore\vobstorage.vbs

Note: A UNC VOB server access path IS appropriate for VOBs stored on a NAS device. Contact IBM Rational Support if you see these same errors and your VOBs are located on a NAS device.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"VOB","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.0;;;;;;;;;7.0.1;;;;;;;;7.1;;;7.1.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
23 June 2018

