IBM Support

Collecting data for IBM Content Manager Enterprise Edition v8.3 resource manager and resource manager services

Question & Answer


When you experience a problem with IBM Content Manager Enterprise Edition resource manager, collecting this information before calling IBM support will help clarify the problem and save time analyzing the data. Content Manager version is 8.3


Collecting logs of resource manager (icmrm) and resource manager services

There are two ways:

  • With Content Manager system administration client:
    1. In system administration client, go to Resource Managers-> <target rmdb> to make sure that the target resource manager application server is accessible. Resource Manager configuration should show in the right panel without any error message.
    2. Go to Tools-> Log Configuration-> Resource Manager.
    3. Specify directory for the log file in "Log file path" field and log file name in the "Log file name" field.
    4. Select whether the log will stay in one file without size limit (FILE mode) or the log will wrap in multiple limit-sized files (WRAP mode).
    5. Use "Resource manager" drop down list to select the target rmdb; use "Component to log" drop down list to select either resource manager or resource manager service to configure; use "Logging level" drop down list to select logging level.

    • Please use absolute path for the log directory. Use "/" in the path on UNIX systems and "\" on Windows. "\\" is not necessary on Windows.
    • In the "General" panel of Log Configuration, you can also configure resource manager (icmrm only) logging by enabling the checkbox for "Resource manager". Note that the log level drop down list doesn't reflect the current logging level when you open the panel.
  • If system administration client is not available, or resource manager application server is not accessible via system administration client, resource manager logging can also be setup manually.
    1. Assume $IBMCMROOT (%IBMCMROOT% on Windows) is the Content Manager installation directory.
    2. On the server where resource manager is installed, check out $IBMCMROOT/cmgmt/ for the value of $IBMCMWorkingDirectory.
    3. The resource manager log configuration file is $IBMCMWorkingDirectory/cmgmt/rm/<node_name>/icmrm/icmrm_logging.xml.
    4. Log configuration xml files for resource manager services are in the same directory. Their names are self-explanatory.
    5. Check to make sure if appender ref type "FILE" or "WRAP" is defined in the target xml file.
    6. Modify the section <root> </root> near the bottom of the xml file by setting Priority value to "DEBUG" and appender ref to "FILE" or "WRAP."

    • The log location is specified in the definition section of appender ref "FILE" or "WRAP". By default the log(s) goes to $IBMCMWorkingDirectory/log/rm/{node_name}/icmrm/icmrm.logfile. There can be multiple log files if WRAP mode is used. You can modfiy the WRAP appender section to specify how many log files to keep and how large each one is limited to.

Tips for resource manager log collection:
  • Logging setup for resource manager changes dynamically. It takes effect in one minute. Therefore it's not necessary to restart resource manager after the change.
  • Resource manager services need to be restarted to pick up the new logging setup.
  • FILE mode is the preferred way of logging since the resulted log won't wrap, but WRAP mode is useful when disk space is limited or the problem is hard to reproduce. Good initial values for WRAP mode are 10 files and 20MByte each, but keep in mind the speed that the files wrap depends on system load.
  • Set logging level back to ERROR right after the test so that the log will stop growing fast and we will get a clean log.
  • Before problem reproduction, delete the existing logs if they are large. The current log is locked by resource manager so it's only deletable when resource manager application server is stopped. A common method is to change the trace file name so that resource manager will start a new log and the old log will become deletable.
  • Library server monitor process sends an HTTP request to resource manager every minute to detect whether the resource manager is online. This results in a lot of resource manager logs. Based on the nature of the problem, it may be advisable to turn off library server monitor process temporarily to reduce resource manager log size.

What to do next
Once you have collected the preceding information, you can begin analyzing the data or simply submit the diagnostic information to IBM support.

You can submit files using one of following methods to help speed problem diagnosis:
  • IBM Support Assistant (ISA)
  • Electronic Service Request (ESR)
  • FTP to the Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECuRep)

See the Related information article, Exchanging information with IBM Technical Support

[{"Product":{"code":"SSAHQR","label":"IBM Z System Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Resource Manager","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.3","Edition":"Enterprise","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
08 October 2019

