IBM Support

Collecting data: Publishing for IBM SCORE version 6.1.x



This technote addresses data collection techniques for problems with the publishing of a document. For more general IBM Solution for Compliance in a Regulated Environment (SCORE) collecting data information, refer to the "General IBM SCORE Collecting Data" link under "Related Information". When you select an IBM SCORE compound document and perform a Manual Publish or Send for Review or Send for Approval action, the compound document is supposed to be published. That is a PDF rendition should be available to view for the root of the compound document. If you do not get a PDF rendition to view after waiting for a reasonable amount of time then gather the following information.

Resolving The Problem

Publish specific information
In SCORE the publish services can be of two kinds – Aggregate or Structure. Most publishing refers to aggregate publishing that typically affects composed compound documents and clinical study reports. However, assembled compound documents like eCTD undergo a structure publish.
Aggregate publish in IBM SCORE 6.1.x can be performed by Adobe LiveCycle ES or ES2 based overlay server.
Structure publish is performed by the rendition server.
Therefore, when there are problems, it is important to know what type of publishing was intended and attempted. Then the particular overlay or rendition server needs to be located to be able to collect its log files. In this document, you will be asked to provide those logs when there are publish problems.
Collect the following information:
If the problem occurred when tracing was not enabled, which should be the case in a production environment prior to data collection, enable the IBM SCORE trace below. After trace enablement, recreate the problem so that the collected traces contain problem code path and be sure to disable trace once data collection is complete.
Trace Specification to add:*=all
Log files to collect

  • From the Portal and Process servers, collect the following from the %WAS_PROFILE%

  • ..\logs\<servername>\SystemOut*.log,
  • If the overlay server is Adobe LiveCycle ES or ES2,

  • ..\AppServer\profiles\<profileName>\logs\<servername>\SystemOut.log

Check that the individual renditions for the child documents of the compound document are being created successfully. Follow the troubleshooting instructions for renditions.

Check that the URL for the Adobe LiveCycle ES or ES2 overlay server is setup and pointing to the correct system. This URL is specified on the IBM SCORE Administration portlet > Change System Settings page under the Overlay Server tab. The URL should be set to something similar to the following: where is the IP or host name of the server where Adobe LiveCycle ES or ES2 is installed. If the overlay server is clustered, then the host name would be that of the web server (eg: IBM HTTP Server) that handles HTTP requests for the cluster and the port number is not required.

Also make sure that the Overlay server User name and Password fields have the correct value.

Check that the Adobe LiveCycle ES server is active by verifying you can open the following URLs in a web browser:……

If the overlay server is Adobe LiveCycle ES2 ( based, then check these WSDL URLs:
For publish without optimization:……

For publish with optimization:……

If you are having trouble with 'Table Of Contents' (TOC) generation, check that you have the DDX based TOC template defined and imported in the repository. Below is an example configuration snippet from ActionConfig.xml showing where the TOC template path is specified:

<AuxService .......... type="publish">
<Parm encrypt="false" name="tocStyle" value="/DDX Templates/defaultTOCstyle.ddx"/>

Screen shots and other relevant data per component
  • If failure is for a particular compound document, then include the compound document details (doctype, number of children, native content and PDF renditions if available of all child documents of the concerned compound document).
  • If there is UI error code that is displayed during the failure, then include a screen shot of the failure.
  • If the publish was successful but the output is incorrect then include the incorrect PDF document.
  • Include a copy of ActionConfig.xml and screen shot of the IBM SCORE System Settings > Overlay Server tab.
  • Include information of Adobe LiveCycle ES or ES2 server version and patch levels.

Related Information

[{"Product":{"code":"SSZPYC","label":"Solution for Compliance in a Regulated Environment (SCORE)"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"6.1;6.1.1;;;;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

