IBM Support

Collecting data: Documentum Logs for IBM SCORE version 6.1



This technote addresses data collection techniques for problems with IBM Solution for Compliance in a Regulated Environment (SCORE) on the Documentum repository for version 6.1.x. For more general IBM SCORE collecting data information, refer to the "General IBM SCORE Collecting Data" link under "Related Information". Gathering this information before calling IBM support will help you understand the problem and save the time spent on requesting and gathering the information necessary to analyze the data.

Resolving The Problem

Documentum specific information
IBM SCORE uses Documentum as one of the repository providers. Documentum provides the following functions:

    • Repository Function
    • Java Method Server Function
    • Indexing and Search function
    • Rendition Function

Based on the problem, collect the logs from their respective components.
Logs files to collect from Portal Server
    For any problem Portal Server logs are always needed.
    Collect the Portal Server logs.
    Collect the DFC logs from the Portal Server machine.

Logs files to collect from Content Server
    Collect the docbase (repository) logs.
    Collect the docbroker logs.
    Collect java method server logs for CDXML function. These logs are needed only when the problem is related to Compound or eCTD documents.
    Collect the RDBMS logs for the repository database.

Logs files to collect from Rendition Server
    These logs are needed only when rendition related functions are not working.
    Collect the Rendition Server logs (CTS/ADTS/RPTS) for the repository.

Logs files to collect from Index Server
    These logs are needed only when text search is not working.
    Collect the Index Server logs for the repository.

Other Required Information:
  • Documentum CS, and DFC version and SP numbers
  • Operating System information for CS and Portal Server
  • Collect configuration information from content server and DFC clients
    • Server.ini of the docbase from content server
    • dmcl.ini or files from :
      • Content Server
      • Portal Server
      • Process Server
    • Using Documentum Administrator, run these commands and send the results
      • From DQL:
        select * from dm_server_config
        From iAPI:
        dump,c,<r_object_id_from above>
        NOTE: Check the IBM SCORE Problem Determination Guide for log location and tracing procedures.

Screen shots and other relevant data per component
  • If there is a UI error code that is displayed during the failure, then include a screen shot of the failure
  • Send the problem re-creation steps

Related Information

[{"Product":{"code":"SSZPYC","label":"Solution for Compliance in a Regulated Environment (SCORE)"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Repository","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"6.1;6.1.1;;;;;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

