IBM Support

Collecting data: eCTD for IBM SCORE version 6.1.x



This technote addresses data collection techniques for problems with the IBM Solution for Compliance in a Regulated Environment (SCORE) eCTD component for version 6.1.x. For more general IBM SCORE collecting data information, refer to the "General IBM SCORE Collecting Data" link under "Related Information". Gathering this information before calling IBM support will help you understand the problem and save the time spent on requesting and gathering the information necessary to analyze the data.

Resolving The Problem

eCTD-specific information
The eCTD component is responsible for logic surrounding the management and publishing of drug submissions using the ICH eCTD specification. This includes the creation of eCTD original submissions and their updates, linking of content documents into these submissions, publishing these submissions to the file system and promoting them to the Submitted state.

Collect the following information:
If the problem occurred when tracing was not enabled, which is most likely the case in a production environment, enable the IBM SCORE trace below. After the trace has been enabled, recreate the problem so that the collected traces contain problem code path and be sure to disable trace once data collection is complete.
Trace Specification to add:*=all
Ensure the timestamps in the trace file names roughly correspond to the time the problem scenario was executed. Trace data accumulates quickly, so checking the timestamps will reduce the chance of sending incorrect data and the delay of IBM SCORE Support having to request the trace files a second time.

Logs files to collect
On top of the trace data collected above, the following general IBM SCORE information should also be gathered:

1. Interim Fixes: List of all interim fixes installed on the system(s) where the problem is occurring. This should include a list of fixes installed into the SCORE.ear directory as well as the SCOREUI.war directory since the eCTD component exists in both.

2. Config Files: Export of current system configuration files. This should include the latest version of the following documents exported from the failing repository:

1. DocTypeConfig.xml

2. ActionConfig.xml

3. LifeCycleConfig.xml

4. RepositoryConfig.xml

NOTE: Do not use the IBM SCORE Admin action SCORE -> Get Default Configuration -> repository type to gather this list of documents. This action gathers the original default configuration files, not the latest version of those files that are effecting the system today.

Screen shots and other relevant data per component

1. Export Logs: If eCTD Export action was executed, locate the action’s notification message identifying the 3 associated export log documents (type ‘score_log’). Export the content of these 3 score_log documents (using File -> Export -> Native) to send into IBM SCORE Support.

2. Custom Properties: If a custom eCTD properties file has been defined, it should be sent in as well. This file can be located in different places depending on your system configuration, but the following IBM technote describes our suggested location: Customizing eCTD Properties

3. Detailed Scenario: Explicit steps used to recreate the problem and generate the above trace data should be documented and sent to IBM SCORE Support. This will help the support team recreate the scenario locally which will lead to faster problem determination. If the problem is occurring in the UI (ie, attribute picklists are incorrect, etc) then screenshots or movies that visually demonstrate the behavior would also be helpful.

Related Information

[{"Product":{"code":"SSZPYC","label":"Solution for Compliance in a Regulated Environment (SCORE)"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"eCTD","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"6.1;6.1.1;;;;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

