IBM Support

Collect troubleshooting data for CICSPlex SM problems in CICS TS for z/OS



You are having a CICSPlex SM (CPSM) problem in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS (CICS TS). You would like to know what documentation you must collect (MustGather) so that the CICS Support team can diagnose your problem. If you gather this documentation before contacting support it will expedite the troubleshooting process, and save you time.

Resolving The Problem

For the most up-to-date documentation, refer to Collecting CICS troubleshooting data (MustGather) for IBM Support in the CICS TS documentation. You will find the General information you should gather for every type of problem followed by the Component-specific information which includes Troubleshooting data for CICSPlex SM problems.

The following is the original MustGather information:

Collect this MustGather data before contacting IBM Support:  


Collecting general information for all problems

If you have already contacted IBM Support, you can continue on to the component-specific MustGather information. Otherwise, go to Collect troubleshooting data for CICS products - Read first.



Collecting data for CICSPlex SM problems

Required (MustGather) data:
  • The complete CICS job output for the CMAS, and MAS or WUI Server experiencing the problem.

    For problems related to a CMAS, in addition to gathering the output for the CMAS experiencing the problem, you must also gather the output from ALL other CMASs in the CICSplex. The requirement for gathering documentation from all CMASs is due to the way CMAS to CMAS communications works.

    For problems related to a MAS or WUI server region, you should gather this output for the MAS or WUI server as well as the CMAS to which it connects.

    This output must include the job log, JES messages, JCL, MSGUSR DD output, and the EYULOG DD output. Do not attempt to limit the size of the output by excluding anything. CPSM problems are often caused by events that occurred minutes, hours, or even days before you notice anything unusual.
  • The complete MVS System Log from the LPAR where the problem is occurring. Do not attempt to shorten or cut down the size of the log in any way. IBM is used to dealing with millions of lines of output. If you attempt to cut out and send only what you think is relevant, you might inadvertently cut out critical information.
  • MVS system dump taken at the point of failure.

    If your CICS region is hanging or looping, and you are not getting a CICS or CPSM dump or message at the time of the problem, refer to SYS1.SAMPLIB(IEADMCCP) to use an MVS dump command to dump the CPSM environment. See Using the MVS DUMP command for more information about dumping CPSM.

    If you do not automatically get a dump but you are receiving a CICS or CPSM message at the time of the problem, you should set an MVS SLIP trap to let MVS take an SVC dump of the appropriate address spaces and dataspaces.

    For example, if you always get an EYUXL0105E message in your MAS when a certain problem occurs, your SLIP trap should look like the following:

    R y,JL=(cmas,mas,EYUX###),DSPNAME=('EYUX###'.*),
    • y is the reply id that displays on the console
    • cmas is the name of the CMAS that the MAS connects to
    • mas is the jobname for the region you see the problem message in.
    • EYUX### in both the JL and DSPNAME parameters is the ESSS address space and must reflect the release of CICS that you are running:

    • For CICS TS V3.1, use EYUX310 in both parameters
      For CICS TS V3.2, use EYUX320 in both parameters
      For CICS TS V4.1, use EYUX410 in both parameters
      For CICS TS V4.2, use EYUX420 in both parameters
      For CICS TS V5.1, use EYUX510 in both parameters
      For CICS TS V5.2, use EYUX520 in both parameters

      It is critical that you dump the CMAS and EYUX### address spaces even if you only 'see' a problem in a MAS.

  • If you are taking a dump using the MVS console DUMP command, you MUST make sure you take a dump of the ESSS and its dataspaces as well. A sample DUMP command that you can use is:

    DUMP COMM=(DumpTitle)
    R xxx,JOBNAME=(cmas,mas1,mas2,EYUX###),DSPNAME=('EYUX###'.*),CONT

    If you need to add additional MAS names to the JOBNAME parm above, you may.

  • Unformatted (raw) CICS auxiliary trace data sets (DFHAUXT and DFHBUXT) from the CMAS. and MAS or WUI Server.

    For problems related to a CMAS, in addition to gathering the unformatted (raw) AUX trace files for the CMAS, you must also gather the unformatted (raw) AUX trace files from ALL other CMASs in the CICSplex. The requirement for gathering documentation from all CMASs is because of the way CMAS to CMAS communications works.
  • When you have a routing failure and you want to know why, capture CPSM WLM trace generated from the routing region. Also, include the dump and the auxiliary trace from both the CMAS and the routing region as documented in the CPSM WLM trace instructions.


Troubleshooting hints and tips

Diagnostic tips:
  • Review the logs and dumps generated at the point of failure.
  • Search the CICS support site for known problems using symptoms like the message number and error codes.
  • If you find a fixing PTF, see Ordering CICS products and maintenance for the options that are available to order CICS maintenance.
  • Gather the documentation and work with the CICS support team to resolve your problem.
Learn more about CICSPlex SM:

Exchanging data with IBM Support
  1. See Exchanging information with IBM Technical Support for FTP and email instructions using the IBM Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECuRep).
  2. Go to the Service Request page to open or update a problem. If you have a SoftwareXcel enterprise edition for zSeries contract, you can also ask a non-defect installation and usage questions.

    Note: Always update your Service Request (problem record) to indicate that data has been sent.

If you need to speak to an IBM technical support representative call your country representative. If you need to speak to an IBM technical support representative in the US, call 1-800-IBM-SERV.

{"0":{"Product":{"code":"SSGMGV","label":"CICS Transaction Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"problem determination","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"5.4;5.3;5.2;5.1;4.2;4.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}},"184":{"Product":{"code":"SSGMGV","label":"CICS Transaction Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}},"1":null,"2":null,"3":null,"4":null,"5":null,"6":null,"7":null,"8":null,"9":null,"10":null,"11":null,"12":null,"13":null,"14":null,"15":null,"16":null,"17":null,"18":null,"19":null,"20":null,"21":null,"22":null,"23":null,"24":null,"25":null,"26":null,"27":null,"28":null,"29":null,"30":null,"31":null,"32":null,"33":null,"34":null,"35":null,"36":null,"37":null,"38":null,"39":null,"40":null,"41":null,"42":null,"43":null,"44":null,"45":null,"46":null,"47":null,"48":null,"49":null,"50":null,"51":null,"52":null,"53":null,"54":null,"55":null,"56":null,"57":null,"58":null,"59":null,"60":null,"61":null,"62":null,"63":null,"64":null,"65":null,"66":null,"67":null,"68":null,"69":null,"70":null,"71":null,"72":null,"73":null,"74":null,"75":null,"76":null,"77":null,"78":null,"79":null,"80":null,"81":null,"82":null,"83":null,"84":null,"85":null,"86":null,"87":null,"88":null,"89":null,"90":null,"91":null,"92":null,"93":null,"94":null,"95":null,"96":null,"97":null,"98":null,"99":null,"100":null,"101":null,"102":null,"103":null,"104":null,"105":null,"106":null,"107":null,"108":null,"109":null,"110":null,"111":null,"112":null,"113":null,"114":null,"115":null,"116":null,"117":null,"118":null,"119":null,"120":null,"121":null,"122":null,"123":null,"124":null,"125":null,"126":null,"127":null,"128":null,"129":null,"130":null,"131":null,"132":null,"133":null,"134":null,"135":null,"136":null,"137":null,"138":null,"139":null,"140":null,"141":null,"142":null,"143":null,"144":null,"145":null,"146":null,"147":null,"148":null,"149":null,"150":null,"151":null,"152":null,"153":null,"154":null,"155":null,"156":null,"157":null,"158":null,"159":null,"160":null,"161":null,"162":null,"163":null,"164":null,"165":null,"166":null,"167":null,"168":null,"169":null,"170":null,"171":null,"172":null,"173":null,"174":null,"175":null,"176":null,"177":null,"178":null,"179":null,"180":null,"181":null,"182":null,"183":null}

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
22 February 2023

