IBM Support

Collecting Data for IBM FileNet Content Services on Windows with Microsoft SQL Server

Question & Answer


What information should be collected when I experience a problem with Content Services?


Collecting the following information will greatly assist resolving the problem in a timely fashion.

For all Content Services problems:

  • Content Services Library name
  • Database server name (refers to the host name of the server running the database engine)
  • Storage server name (this can be the same as the database server in a 'single server' installation)
  • ODBC DSN name that resolves to the database server (must be the same for all workstations/servers)
For issues accessing documents (Viewing, Checking out, Checking in, etc):
  • Storage Manager log (see below)
  • Exact error displayed
  • Client log showing the problem (see below)
  • Client workstation name
  • Item id of the document that cannot be accessed
For Content Search issues (searching by 'document contains', indexing documents, etc):
  • Details on the search being run, especially if any other properties are included in the search besides 'document contains'
  • Exact error being generated
  • Verity Master Admin server name—the fully qualified domain name of the server where the Verity master administration service is installed
  • Client log showing the problem (see below)
  • The following information from the Content Services Storage Server where the Verity components are installed:
    • The verity.cfg file from the ..\verity\common directory
    • The admin#.xml file from the ..\verity\data\host\admin directory, where '#' is the number listed in the admin.dat file, located in the same directory.
    • System environment variable 'verity_cfg' output.
    • Logfiles from the <csroot>\libraryname\content\index directory. There should be an index###.log and csi###.log for each content search repository, where '###' is the number of the repository.
    • Export of the following registry keys
    • Output of the rcadmin command 'hierarchyview'

    • 1. Open a command prompt
      2. Change to the directory <csroot>\verity\_nti40\bin
      3. Run rcadmin
      4. At the rcadmin prompt, enter 'hierarchyview'
      5. At the next prompt, press the enter key
      6. Copy the resulting output to a text file

How to enable Storage Manager logging
  1. Open the CS Configuration Control Panel
  2. Make sure that the library to be configured is selected in the 'library' drop down menu.
  3. Change to the Storage Manager tab.
  4. Under the heading 'Storage Manager Logging', set the Log File field to a valid path and 8x3 compliant file name. For example: C:\Filenet\smlog.txt
  5. Check the box 'Log SQL statements'. DO NOT check 'Log console'.
  6. Set the 'Max file size (K)' to 512.
  7. Click Ok to close and confirm the settings. Restart the Storage Manager to enable logging.

How to enable IBM FileNet IDM Desktop logging for Content Services
  1. Launch the tool 'Trace' from the Start=>Programs=> FileNet IDM program group.
  2. The first time this tool is launched, a prompt will appear to enable logging. Click 'Yes'. If not an administrative user on this workstation, another prompt will appear to login with an administrative account.
  3. In the IDM Trace Configuration dialog, check the following three checkboxes:
    • Enable Tracing (top of the dialog)
    • Enable System trace logging (bottom of the dialog)
    • Enable SQL trace logging (bottom of the dialog)
  4. Click OK to close the IDM Trace Configuration tool.
  5. Ensure that all Content Services libraries are logged out of, and utilities are closed that access the libraries, such as the IDM Find applet.
  6. Log back in to the Content Services library and reproduce the problem.
  7. Navigate to the directory <drive>:\FileNet\IDM\Temp. The file 'fndslog.txt' should now be present in this directory.

How to enable IBM FileNet IDM Web Services logging for Content Services
  1. Ensure that all users have logged out of all Content Services libraries on this web server. Ensure that no libraries are logged in via the FileNet Neighborhood on the server and that any utilities that access the libraries, such as the Find applet, have been closed.
  2. Launch the tool 'Trace' from the Start=>Programs=> FileNet IDM program group.
  3. The first time this tool is launched, a prompt will appear to enable logging. Click 'Yes'. If not an administrative user on this workstation, another prompt will appear to login with an administrative account.
  4. In the IDM Trace Configuration dialog, check the following three checkboxes:
    • Enable Tracing (top of the dialog)
    • Enable System trace logging (bottom of the dialog)
    • Enable SQL trace logging (bottom of the dialog)
  5. Click OK to close the IDM Trace Configuration tool.
  6. Stop and start the World Wide Web publishing service.
  7. Log back in to the Content Services library and reproduce the problem, either via the FileNet Neighborhood or via a web page connecting to http://localhost/idmws.
  8. Navigate to the directory <drive>:\FileNet\IDM\Temp. The file 'fndslog.txt' should now be present in this directory.

How to enable logging for Content Services client libraries. Note that IBM support normally asks for this type of log only if other types of logging have failed. Note also that as an environment variable, logging will continue until specifically disabled, and may result in the hard drive being filled if not monitored closely.
  1. Right-click on 'My Computer', select Properties, and select the Advanced tab.
  2. Click the 'Environment Variables' button.
  3. At the bottom of the dialog, under the 'System Variables' window, click the 'New' button.
  4. Enter 'IDMDSLOG', all caps, no quotes, in the 'Variable name' field.
  5. Enter the drive, path and file name to the log file to be created in the 'Variable Value' field, and then click OK.
  6. Reboot the workstation.

What to do next Once the preceding information has been collected, simply submit the diagnostic information to IBM support:
  • Electronic Service Request (ESR).
  • FTP to the Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECuRep).
  • E-mail to the SE assigned to your PMR

[{"Product":{"code":"SSNVNV","label":"FileNet Content Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Content Services","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"5.5;5.4;5.3","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
14 July 2021

