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How to diagnose start problems with the Rational Synergy classic client

Question & Answer


How do you diagnose start problems with the IBM Rational Synergy classic client?


When you start an IBM Rational Synergy classic client session it can fail for many reasons. This document takes you though some of the most common errors and how to resolve them.



This document is intended to help in troubleshooting problems in starting a classic Synergy client session. The classic client is also known as the 'Thick' client.

The other client option is known as the Developer Client or Java Client or Thin Client. This is a fundamentally different client, with a different startup process and is not covered by this technical paper. If you are having problems with the Java client see if you can start a classic client first. Once resolved then try the Java client. If you still have problems contact Rational Customer Support.

This document is divided up into two sections.

  1. General introduction discussing what happens when the Synergy session starts.
  2. A list of commonly seen problems (and some not so commonly seen) and possible solutions.

Information about 'ccm start' command

In order to start a Synergy session in a distributed installation, several different Synergy processes need to consistently identify which host they are on, find each other, and successfully communicate.

In order to make the later sections clearer, let’s first introduce the main processes involved in starting a session.

In broad terms the relevant Synergy processes are as follows:

  • UI: a session's user interface process. This can be a Graphical UI or Command Line Interface session
  • Engine: a session's engine process
  • sqlexecd: database server network daemon. (Relevant for release 4.5 Servers on UNIX only, It is obsolete since release 5.0)
  • Objreg: object registrar daemon
  • Router: router daemon/ service
  • ESD: engine startup daemon (optional).(Relevant for release 6.2 and newer)

In addition, we will make reference to certain configuration files:

Synergy Files:

  • <database path>/db/DBINFO  Information about this Synergy database
  • <database path>/db/informixdb  The Informix Database Server for this Synergy database
  • $CCM_HOME/informix/etc/sqlhosts or HKLM\Software\Informix\SQLHOSTS  Information about the Informix Database Server(s) 

System Files:

Name Resolution /etc/hosts or
ypcat hosts for NIS or DNS
%windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts or
lmhosts or DNS or WINS
or ypcat services (NIS)

Each running Synergy session has a UI and an engine. The UI process runs as the user who starts the session while the engine process runs as ccm_root. The IBM Informix database server runs as the user informix. Put simply, the UI communicates with the engine and the engine communicates with the Informix database server.

Since Synergy 6.2, the engine startup daemon (ESD) provides a more secure method of starting UNIX sessions. Use of ESD is optional and this is configurable. See Online Help for further details.

Synergy starts up a session in a specified order. For the Classic client start the gauge bar represents each step in the process. For each of these steps, this paper gives a description of what is happening at that point. Communications between these processes changed somewhat in version 5.1, but the following general overview is still true.

When the session is first run the UI is the first process to start. There are a number of circumstances that can cause the session to fail right at the beginning – some of these are detailed in the second part of this bulletin. Up to when the gauge bar reaches 33%, all the actions are being performed in the UI. If there is an error message it will appear in the ccm_ui.log file in the client’s home directory. However, problems on the Engine machine or the Database Server may cause the session to fail at this point – for example if the Router process is not running.

  • At 33% the UI (or ESD if using Synergy 6.2 or later) attempts to start the Engine process. The Engine handles communication between the Informix database and the UI. When the session fails at this point, it is usually due to permission problems on the Engine machine, as can be seen in the examples in the next section. However, there are other reasons for problems at this stage, some of the more common are also listed below.
  • At 37% the Engine connects to the Objreg process. The Router tells the Engine where Objreg processes are available (run ‘ccm monitor’ to see where these are). In most cases faulty name resolution is the cause of problems at this point.
  • At 43%, the Engine attempts to connect to the Informix database server. If the Informix host machine does not trust the Engine host machine, then the session will fail here. Also, something as simple as the Informix database server being offline will result in the session failing at 43%. Typically, session failure at this point will be accompanied by an Informix error code and ISAM number, which can be very useful to Support in figuring out the cause of the problem.
  • At 70%, the Synergy session is starting. If the session fails at this point, then the user may not be correctly defined in the users table for that database, or perhaps an invalid role is specified in the ccm.ini file or in the start arguments.

Failures at other percentage points in the start process are relatively rare, and if encountered, you should check the messages in your ccm_ui.log and ccm_eng.log – and if these do not help to identify the problem, you should contact Support

Debugging ccm start problems

The Synergy startup process begins with clicking the menu icon or a CLI command such as "ccm start -d <database pathname>"

Synergy will attempt to start a session with interface and engine processes running on the host the user is currently logged into. The engine can be relocated to a different host via a "Engine_host= <hostname>" entry in a user's $HOME/.ccm.ini file, with a -h <hostname> option to the start command, or by specifying a different “Engine Host” in the Startup Info dialog.

A) Failure before 33%

1. Cannot initialize preferences

Synergy preferences are saved in $home/.ccm.ini (UNIX) and %userprofile%\ccm.ini(Windows). If the file is not writable or contains invalid information, then you may see this message. Make sure that the directory is writable and if necessary, delete/rename the file and retry starting the session.

2. Could not find splash screen

Check that CCM_HOME is set correctly in the current environment.

3. Accent execution aborted in module vistartup, file src/vis/

Synergy preferences are saved in $home/.ccm.ini (UNIX) and %windir%\ccm.ini (Windows). If the file contains invalid information, then you may see this message. Delete or rename the file and retry starting the session.

4. Unable to validate the password. Verify that the host name, user name and password are correct. If the engine host is a Windows machine then also check if ccm_ess is running.

This is virtually self-explanatory. If this is a Typical Client on Windows, check that the engine service (e.g. ccm5.1_ess) is running on the current machine. If you are specifying a remote Windows engine host, verify that the service is running there. Check that the username and password entered is correct (both are case sensitive, so ensure that the CAPS LOCK is not set on your keyboard). The engine host name should be entered correctly, so ensure that ping and nslookup will correctly identify this host.

5. <engine machine> is not a valid engine server. Please check that the name is correct and that the engine service is running.

If you have specified a Windows engine host, verify that the engine service is running there and that it appears in the ‘ccm monitor’ list as an engine server (the process is listed as ccm_ess). Name resolution may also be at issue – you should verify that there are no bad hosts file entries on this client, and that the engine host name is being resolved correctly from the client machine.

6. Database <database pathname> does not exist on host <engine machine> or is not a Continuus(CM Synergy) database

Database <database pathname> does not exist on host <engine machine> or is not a Telelogic Synergy database

Database <database pathname> does not exist on host <engine machine> or is not a Rational Synergy database

Verify that the database path is specified correctly and that it is visible from the engine host machine. If the engine host machine is not the database server you must ensure that the database path is identical from both machines. This is especially important in UNIX environments where file systems are cross mounted.
If this is only affecting certain users running engines on UNIX check that the start-up files (.cshrc; .kshrc; .profile; etc.) do not contain interactive commands, ‘stty’ statements or other commands which do not appear in the start-up files for the unaffected users.

For Windows Servers, check that the database path is in the correct UNC format (such as,

If you are running on UNIX and the database path is not visible from the client, only from the engine server, ensure that you are running a copy-based session. This is done by using the -rc option to "ccm start". For a Java client, you must use the "" setting in the $HOME/ file, or $CCM_HOME/etc/ file if you want it to apply to all users.

7. Run-area: <path> does not exist on host <host machine name>

On a Windows client (UNIX server) check your ccm.ini file for a CCM_HOME setting near the end of the file under a section called [Engine environment variables]. This will be set to the invalid <path> specified in the above message and should be modified to point to the correct UNIX installation directory.

8. Warning: Cannot open engine log file '<directory>\ccm_eng.log'.

Ensure that the $HOME directory (UNIX) or the directory which you specify as Home in the Client Information section of the Synergy Startup Info (Windows), exists, is writable and has enough free disk space so that information can be appended to the ccm_eng.log. Typically the <directory> in this error message will be an invalid path.

9. Warning: Client database path (<directory>) must be an absolute path.

Verify that the directory that you specify as the Database Path in the Client Information section of the Startup Info dialog (on the PC client) exists and is an absolute path. You should not specify a relative path in this field.

10. open file failed 2 ccm_init() failed. addlib() failed for <ARG TOOBIG>. Unable to open file /usr/local/ccm/lib/ccmlib.a.

Verify that the CCM_HOME environment variable is set correctly.

11. UISSYS engine daemon not registered with router at host <client name>

ESD is not running on the machine where you have specified that the engine should run. Run ccm_monitor to check that it is running. If not, login as ccm_root on that machine and run ccm_esd to start it.

12. open file failed 2 ccm_init() failed. addlib() failed for <ARG TOOBIG>. Unable to open file /usr/local/ccm/lib/ccmlib.a.

Verify that the CCM_HOME environment variable is set correctly.

13. Error opening X display; Check valid $DISPLAY and xhost permissions.

There may be a problem with where the display for a GUI session is being sent. Typically, you want to ensure that the DISPLAY environment variable is set to your workstation's display. For example, with a workstation named dis, a csh user enters: "setenv DISPLAY dis:0". A sh or ksh user would enter: " DISPLAY=dis:0 ; export DISPLAY"
Enter env to see your environment variable settings: % env
If DISPLAY is set correctly, but you receive X permission problems when starting a session, try this test case:
% xclock
This must both find and execute the xclock program. A clock window should pop up in your display. Most sites have a system administrator who can help resolve problems running xclock on your system. Until xclock runs, it's unlikely you'll be able to start a Synergy session without -nogui.

Ensure your PATH includes the path to xclock, and ensure you have permissions to send a display to DISPLAY. Typically the user who started the X windowing session on the display machine needs to open up X display permissions with the command "% xhost + ". This allows an X application to appear on the host specified by DISPLAY.

In some cases, it's necessary to exit completely from X windows, enter xhost as shown above, then restart X windows.

14. Error: “Serious: Cannot connect to ccm”

The issue can be seen at the 25% startup mark if the IP address mapping in the /etc/hosts file between the client and the server is incorrect. You will need to ensure that both the /etc/hosts files have the entries of the server and the client machines.  

For example,
if the IP address of the server (telelogic) is and Client (topaz) is then the entries should look like the following:

The content of /etc/hosts file on the server machine (telelogic)           telelogic localhost     telelogic       Topaz    ## client machine

 The content of /etc/hosts file on the client machine (topaz)           localhost     telelogic       Topaz

Otherwise, if DHCP is set on the client machine,  this issue can also be caused by the /etc/hosts file on the client machine containing the hostname of the client machine associated with an old DHCP IP address. The DHCP IP address of the client machine should match the IP address mapping in the /etc/hosts file on the server.

15. Warning: "You have another CM Synergy running..."

The full message will be similar to the following

Starting IBM Rational Synergy...

Warning: You have another CM Synergy session running at <server>:<port>:<ip address>

Use -m option to start an additional session.

Warning: IBM Rational Synergy startup failed.

This message indicates that you already have a Synergy client session running on this machine. The address of the client is specified in the error message.

It is possible to have multiple Synergy client sessions active on the one machine but you must specify the -m flag at the command line or select Allow Multiple Sessions in the Startup Info dialogue.

B) Failure at 33% - Initializing Engine (Engine startup failed)

There are several possible causes for the session to stop at this stage – most are related to permissions problems. The first place to look for error messages is in the ccm_eng.log file. Here are some messages which might be seen there :

1 . Permission denied AND / OR remshd: Login incorrect

As the engine process runs as the user ccm_root, these messages mean than ccm_root does not have permission to kick off the engine process on the engine server machine.

In order for a client to start an engine on a UNIX system, depending on how name resolution is set up in your environment, you may need to check that the engine host trusts itself. You can test this as follows:

i) Logon to the engine server machine as ccm_root.

ii) Try to ‘rlogin’ again to the engine server machine itself as ccm_root. You should not be prompted to enter a password.

iii) If you are, create a “.rhosts” file in ~ccm_root on the server and add the server’s own name and fully qualified name to the file.

In order for a UNIX client to run the engine on the database server, or on another engine server machine, each user starting the session must be able to rlogin onto that machine without a password.

There are 2 ways to implement this :
-- a) Add the client machine to the server’s /etc/hosts.equiv file or
-- b) Add the client machine to the $HOME/.rhosts file on the server for each user who will run Synergy.

Depending on how name resolution is set up in your environment, it may be necessary to add both the short and fully qualified domain names to these files.

If you are still seeing ‘Permission denied’ in the ccm_eng.log, proceed with the following tests to narrow down the possible causes:

-- c) Try to start a session as ccm_root.
-- d) If this still fails, place a ‘+ +’ in ~ccm_root/.rhosts and try again.
-- e) If this succeeds, then remove the ‘+ +’ but add 4 lines containing the client and engine server’s short and fully-qualified names respectively, such as

You can then continue to shorten the list until the startup fails, thus identifying the required entry. Once ccm_root can start a session, try as another user. If this fails, proceed as from (b) but make the changes in that user’s .rhosts file.

If you find it necessary to specify the server’s own name in the .rhosts file for all users, it may be more convenient to declare the engine server equivalent to itself. Do this by adding that host’s own name to the /etc/hosts.equiv file.

The hosts.equiv file should never contain an entry consisting of a single ‘+’ sign or ‘+ +’. The former allows any non-root user in the world with the same login name as one in the local password file to log in without a password. The latter allows any non-root user to log in without a password. However, if you are having continuing difficulty, you may need to try this temporarily, as a test only. You should only use this test to verify that trust is the cause of the engine start up problem, and then you can concentrate on identifying the necessary entries.

To verify permissions are setup correctly outside of Synergy, you should be able to run the following command from any UNIX client without a password, to return the correct date.
% rsh <engine host machine> date
% ccm_rsh <engine host machine> date

For UNIX engines, every Synergy user must have a valid home directory. Iif they do not, then this will also produce ‘Permission denied’ error messages when trying to start an engine process.

You should also ensure that the remote shell daemon is started on the engine host, so that the rsh and ccm_rsh commands can connect to that machine.

2. engine: Cannot connect to interface at <IP address:port#>
connect failed (#)

Another cause of engine failure is name resolution. Verify that the engine machine can resolve the client’s machine name consistently and vice versa. Bad entries in a local hosts file or in DNS can cause problems to Synergy when starting sessions. Make sure that ping and nslookup are consistent in identifying machine names and IP addresses from both sides of the Client/Server relationship.

On a Client connecting to a Windows engine host, there are some other trust issues, which need to be addressed. For example, when experiencing a problem in starting an engine on Windows you might find the following error messages in the Application Log of your engine machine’s Event Viewer for the ccm#_ess service (where # is the current version – e.g. ccm5.1_ess) : Could not logon <username> user.

Some common possible causes are:

  • Incorrect password entered by client.
  • The user does not exist on the same domain as ccm_root user.
  • The user does not have local logon rights on this engine server machine.
  • The user’s account has been disabled.
  • Logons have not been restricted to certain times of the day.

3. Cannot connect to router

Both Windows and UNIX clients might see the above message at 33% if the router was not running or the RFC address specified in %CCM_HOME%\etc\_router.adr or $CCM_HOME/etc/.router.adr is incorrect. These files should point to the location of the router process. The ‘ccm monitor’ command will also fail if the router address is not specified correctly or the router is not running.

4. /bin/sh: <path>/bin/util/ccm_seng: not found

This message on Windows clients indicates that there is an incorrect setting for CCM_HOME in the %CCM_HOME%\etc\ccm.ini file:

[Engine environment variables]

This path should be set correctly to the installation path on the UNIX server so that the engine binary can be located. This is usually set automatically during the client installation.

5. Unknown database server “<server name>” in <CCM_HOME>/informix/etc/sqlhosts!

In order to find and communicate with the Database Server, the engine looks in the file <database path>/db/informixdb. This file contains an entry of the form:

//<database server>/<database leaf name>
This tells the engine on which Database Server <database path> runs.
To find where the Database Server is running, the engine next looks in the Informix hosts file. On a UNIX system this is $CCM_HOME/informix/etc/sqlhosts. In CCM 4.x, each server is represented by one separate line. In CCM 5.x and CM Synergy 6.x, there are two lines for each server. (There is further information on the file syntax in the Administration Guide for UNIX (5.x) and the Synergy Administration Guide for UNIX (6.x)). Each Synergy dbserver is represented in this file with an entry of the following form:

  • In CCM 4.x:
    <dbservername> <nettype> <hostname> <servicename>
  • In CCM 5.x and CM Synergy 6.x:
    <dbservername> <nettype> <hostname> <dbservername>
    <dbservername>_net <nettype> <hostname> <servicename> 

    The entry corresponding to the Database Server specified in the informixdb file is located by matching the first column entry. Do not change this entry. Run the command “ccmsrv status” (“ccmdb_server –s” prior to release 5.x) to find out the name of the database server. If there is any inconsistency in the names across these 3 locations, contact your Synergy administrator or IBM Rational Customer Support before proceeding.

6. engine: Time out after 30 seconds waiting for connection from the interface at <host:port#:IP address>

Both Windows and UNIX clients might see the above message at 33% if the RFC address specified in %CCM_HOME%\etc\_router.adr or $CCM_HOME/etc/.router.adr is not that of the correct router process. If there are multiple sets of daemons running on different machines, verify that the correct router daemon for the session is specified.

7. What to do if the ccm_eng.log is empty.

If the log file is empty then you need to trace the startup to get more details on the failure:

Technote 1325790: How do I trace a Synergy Classic Client session startup?

C) Failure at 37% - Initializing Database

1. Cannot connect to object registrar

After the engine has started, it will attempt to find and communicate with the Object Registrar daemon by looking in the file <database path>/db/DBINFO for the HOSTNAME entry. This entry determines on what host the engine will look for an Objreg. Display the file's contents with:

  • % ccmdb info <database path>
    You should run ‘ccm monitor’ to determine if the objreg daemon is running and where it is running.
  • % ccm monitor
    Look for the objreg entry running on the hostname specified by the HOSTNAME field in DBINFO. If the monitor output shows an IP address instead of a machine name for the Objreg host, then this is a sign that name resolution is not correctly set up for this machine.

    If an Objreg is not running on HOSTNAME, consult the Installation and Administration Task Reference (4.x), the Administration Guide (5.x) or the CM Synergy Administration Guide for UNIX (6.x) for instructions on starting one or more of the CCM daemons.

    Some host machines are configured with multiple network cards, and multiple IP addresses. If an Objreg daemon is running on a machine configured this way, then remote client processes may have difficulty connecting with the Objreg daemon. If possible, move the Objreg daemon to a host machine that does not have multiple IP addresses, then update <database pathname>/db/DBINFO to indicate the new host machine:
  • % ccmdb info <database pathname> -k HOSTNAME –v <host name>
    If it is not possible to move the Objreg daemon to another host, and it must run on a host configured with multiple IP addresses, try entering the actual 4 part IP address in lieu of <host name> for the previous command. The primary IP address should be used. The primary IP address can be ascertained by running ccm monitor prior to updating HOSTNAME, extracting the hostname from the output, then looking in the appropriate Name Resolution configuration files/services (listed at the start of this document) to find the IP address corresponding to that hostname. The old Objreg daemon should be killed before starting the new one.

In Synergy 5.1, this error at 37% can also occur if you specify the database path incorrectly with respect to case – for example,
will fail whereas
works fine. You should verify that the database path that you specify in the Startup Info dialog or at the CLI is exactly the same as specified in the DBINFO file DBPATH setting (except you exclude the /db at the end).

D) Failure at 43% - Initializing Database

1. Warning: Failure trying to set INFORMIX authentication parameters Illegal user or role, access denied.

If this message appears at 43% of the start up process on a Windows client, verify that the permissions on the Informix registry keys are correct for the database server and the engine host machine (if these are not the same machine). Check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Informix and HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Informix to ensure that the Informix-Admin group has Full Control of the complete subtree in each case and also check that ccm_root is a member of the Informix-Admin group (but not the Administrators group). If the user ccm_root does not have sufficient permissions on HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Informix, it will be not be able to create the required subkey remote_DBServers on the first attempt to start the client. Similarly, if the user ccm_root does not have sufficient permissions on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Informix to create the required subkey sqlhosts, the error above will result.

If this error is occurring on multiple clients, contact your system administrator to review the Domain Group Policy settings and/or the installing user's rights as these may be insufficient to carry out the client installations correctly.

2. (Function dbs_open, Informix -930, ISAM #). Warning: Illegal user or role, access denied.

This informix error is usually due to a name resolution problem. Check that the client can ping the server by long name, short name, IP address and vice versa. If any of these fail, take the necessary actions to resolve the issue. For example, add the relevant host name to the local "hosts" file, NIS, or DNS, depending on which is being used for name resolution.

3. (Function dbs_open, Informix -956, ISAM #). Warning: Illegal user or role, access denied.

This informix error usually appears when the ccm_root user is not trusted on the database server. Check that the user ccm_root can log from where the engine process is running to the database server and back again without being prompted for a password. You can achieve this by placing the hostname of the engine machine in ~ccm_root/.rhosts on the database server and the server hostname in ~ccm_root/.rhosts on the engine host machine. (On UNIX, the engine host will be the client unless the “-h” option was specified on startup.)

4. Serious cannot open database <database path>. Informix cannot locate <servicename> in /etc/services.

Verify that the service name exists in the services list. On UNIX, the service name is the 4th column of your database server’s sqlhosts file located in $CCM_HOME/informix/etc/sqlhosts, and is set up as follows:

  • In Synergy version 4.x:
    <dbservername> <nettype> <hostname> <servicename>
  • In Synergy version 5.x and later:
    <dbservername> <nettype> <hostname> <dbservername>
    <dbservername>_net <nettype> <hostname> <servicename> 

    The services file is either a local file on the database server in /etc/services or set globally through Yellow Pages and accessible via the ‘ypcat services’ command. Entries are of the form:
    < servicename>  <socket#>/<protocol>
    With this information, the engine tries to connect to the Database Server on host <hostname>, at socket number <socket#>.

    In Windows , the service name is always called ‘turbo’ and the services are listed in %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\services. The reserved port number is 1526, so you should see an entry in both UNIX and Windows services files as follows, unless you have chosen a different port:

    < servicename> 1526/tcp # INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server

5. Serious: Cannot open database <database path>
Serious: Informix: Attempt to connect to database server (<hostname>) failed.
(Function dbs_open, Informix -908, ISAM 61).
Warning: Illegal user or role, access denied.

This Informix error message tells us that the database server is offline, (or on a Windows installation with more than one Informix Server the port numbers for the ‘turbo’ service in the services file are not consistent). In most cases on UNIX or Windows , bringing the database server back online using the ‘ccmsrv online’ command will resolve the problem.

On a windows server it may be necessary to stop the Synergy services and restart them to get the Informix server online again.

6. Serious: Cannot open database <database path>.
Serious: Informix: Attempt to connect to database server failed
(Function dbs_open, Informix -908, ISAM 9).

In version 4.5 on UNIX used a network daemon called ‘sqlexecd’ to handle sessions from remote UNIX clients. This daemon is no longer used in the more recent versions. This message is usually caused by this daemon not being available so as the user root set CCM_HOME appropriately and run ‘ccmdb_start_netd’ on the database server as described on page 64 of the Installation and Administration Task Reference manual.

To confirm that this daemon is running, rlogin to the Database Server host, then run:
% ps  ef | grep sqlexecd
% ps  ax | grep sqlexecd (on SunOS 4.1.X)
You will see a "sqlexecd <servicename>" process running. The <servicename> must match the <servicename> (4th column) in the sqlhosts file.

Also compare the <servicename> entry on the host where the Database Server is running, and on the host where the engine runs.
% cat /etc/services | grep <servicename>


% ypcat services | grep <servicename>

These commands must return the same service name and corresponding <socket#>. If all of this is correct, but you still can not start a session, then please contact IBM Rational Client Support.

7. Serious: Cannot open database <database path>
Warning: Informix: Incorrect password or user ccm_root is not known on the database server.
(Function dbs_open, Informix -951, ISAM 0).
Warning: Illegal user or role, access denied.

Most likely the user id for ccm_root has been changed since the server was last brought online. In most cases on UNIX or Windows , bringing the database server back online using the ‘ccmsrv online’ command will resolve the problem.

8. Serious: Cannot open database <database path>
Warning: Informix: The appl process cannot connect to the database server <name>.
(Function dbs_open, Informix -25588, ISAM 22).
Warning: Illegal user or role, access denied.

Most likely the database server is not online. Bringing it online using the ‘ccmsrv online’ command should resolve the problem.

9. Serious: Cannot open database <database path>

Warning: Informix: Cannot connect to database server (informix_server_name).

(Function dbs_open, Informix -930, ISAM 0).

Warning: Telelogic Synergy startup failed.

Edit the $CCM_HOME/informix/etc/sqlhosts file

Modify the third column of each line, where the servername is defined, and put the server IP address instead.

E) Failure at 70% - Updating Security From Model

1. Warning: '<role>' is an invalid role.
Warning: Illegal user or role, access denied.

Check the ccm.ini file for an initial_role setting that doesn’t correspond to a valid role for this user on this database. It may be that the role was valid for another database (or another user if this is a Windows client shared by more than one user) so you need to make sure that the ccm.ini file is correct.

It is not unusual for the session to stop at 70% for some time that very first time that the session is run. The ownership and permissions of the working files for that user are being updated appropriately at this time, so you should give the session a few more minutes to complete.

2. Syntax errors in attribute 'users' of base/model/base/1.

You may see this message if the users attribute has become corrupt. To repair the attribute, you can always start a session as ccm_root in the ccm_admin role. To do this from the CLI do the following :

ccm start –r ccm_admin –d <database_path>

3. Warning: Unknown function name (Set_callbacks) in function call.

You may see this message if the database has not been upgraded to the same release as the binaries in CCM_HOME. Check the <database_path>/db/MDL_INFO file to verify that the version of the database matches that of the installation. If the database is not up to date, it will need to be upgraded in accordance with the Upgrade Instructions.

F) Failure at 90% - Initializing gui

If a session hangs at 90%, the first place to look for error messages is in the ccm_eng.log file. Here are some messages which might be seen there:

1. <CCM_HOME>/bin/util/ccm_engine: sed: command not found
engine: Time out after 30 seconds waiting for connection from the interface at <Client-Hostname>:56348:<Client-IP-Address>

The problem may be that the local database copy which was previously created has become corrupt. The local database copy can be found on Windows in the directory which was specified under "Client Information - Database Path" in the Startup dialog, or in the /tmp directory on UNIX if no other directory has been specified using the "-u" option.

To resolve this issue, delete the local database copy on the client and attempt to restart the session.


This is not an exhaustive list, but it does cover the great majority of start problems. If you cannot find or resolve your start problem using this document, please contact IBM Rational Customer Support and provide them with the relevant sections of the ccm_ui.log and ccm_eng.log files for your session.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSC6Q5","label":"Rational Synergy"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"General Information","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"}],"Version":"7.1a;;7.1;7.0;6.5;6.4;6.3;6.5a;6.6a","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSYQQ2","label":"Rational Change"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"General Information","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"4.6;4.6.1;4.7;5.0;5.1;5.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 December 2020

