IBM Support

AWSBHT001E and AWSBDW004E errors received submitting jobs on Windows FTA



Adhoc commands or jobs fail when submitted on a Tivoli Workload Scheduler (TWS) Fault Tolerant Agent (FTA).


AWSBHT001E The job "WKSTATN#JOBS.TEST" in file "dir c:\" has failed with the error: AWSBDW004E
Jobman could not run the job because the system call used to launch the job failed. The operating system error is: Invalid argument.


The user name in the "Login" field has been entered incorrectly or does not have the "Log on as a batch job" user right.

Diagnosing The Problem

The following errors can be seen in the TWSMerge log:

16:48:15 03.10.2008|JOBMON:+ AWSBIJ208E An internal error has occurred.
Jobmon was unable to retrieve user information. The error occurred in
the following source code file: username:WKSTATN#maestro,
../../src/jobmon/monlj.c at line: 1819.
16:48:15 03.10.2008|JOBMON:+
16:48:15 03.10.2008|JOBMON:AWSBDW306I Sending command sU for workstation
WKSTATN and run number 957.
16:48:15 03.10.2008|JOBMON:+
16:48:15 03.10.2008|JOBMON:+ AWSBDW057E The job
"WKSTATN#JOBS.TESTAJM5" was not launched for this reason: AWSBDW004E
Jobman could not run the job because the system call used to launch the
job failed. The operating system error is: Invalid argument..
16:48:15 03.10.2008|JOBMON:+

Resolving The Problem

1. Enter the userid exactly as it is defined in the TWS database. For example, if the user is defined as windomain\maestro, then the "Login" field in the job submission panel needs "windomain\maestro", not "Windomain\maestro" or "WINDOMAIN\maestro".

From the TWS Administration and Troubleshooting Guide:

AWSBIJ208EJobmon could not find the user's definition of user in the internal table: error

Jobmon was unable to retrieve information of the user launching the job.

Is the name of the user whose definition jobmon is unable to retrieve.

Is the operating system error number.

Operator Response:
Check that the following items are correct:

The user name in the job definition.
The password entered in the Tivoli Workload Scheduler database.

NOTE: If the streamlogon user is a local Windows user, try submitting a simple "dir" command using both "WORKSTATION_NAME\tws_user_name" and "tws_user_name". Again, ensure that you are entering the streamlogon exactly as it is defined in the TWS User database.

2. Ensure that the streamlogon user has been added to the "Log on as a batch job" Local Security Policy.

Related Information

[{"Product":{"code":"SSGSPN","label":"IBM Workload Scheduler"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.5;8.5.1;8.6;9.1;9.2;9.3","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

