IBM Support

Rational ClearQuest Integration data collectors for IBM Support Assistant Lite

Question & Answer


How do you use the IBM Rational ClearQuest Integration Data collectors that are available as part of IBM Support Assistant Lite for Rational ClearQuest 7.0 and IBM Support Assistant Lite for Rational ClearQuest 7.1?


The collectors provides an automated way for you to provide information for the Rational support team. Included are detailed walk through of the IBM Support Assistant Lite UI.

This is an update to the previous ClearQuest Test Manager data collector that were available throught IBM Support Assistant Lite. The updated version consolidated the 2 CQTM collectors and gather additional product data. This is now available for the following list of products:

  • Rational ClearQuest v7.0
  • Rational ClearQuest v7.1

Details of data collected as well as collector walk through is shown below.

For additional resources about ClearQuest Test Manager, search for "CQTM" in the ClearQuest Information Center.

Prerequisites / Installation
Details: ClearQuest Integration Collector - Data Gathered.
Details: ClearQuest Integration Collector - Collector Walk Thru
Data Collector Completion Options & Uploads

Prerequisites / Installation

IBM Support Assistant Lite
IBM Support Assistant Lite (ISA Lite) is the customized subset of the ISA workbench that provides only the automated data collection capability. If you do not have ISA workbench installed and need to provide information for our support team, you can use this to quickly gather information. For more information, see: Overview of IBM Support Assistant Lite

    • You need an IBM ID and password to download ISA Lite. Register here if you do not already have one.
    • Please use JAVA JRE that is provided with ClearQuest to run ISALite

    Download & Launching ISA Lite:
    1. You can download ISA Lite here: ISA download page.
    2. Extract the .zip file in a folder.
      • If your platform does not have unzip utility, you can use jar to unzip file.
    3. Open a command prompt, or shell. All information below must be run from the command prompt.
      • Change directory: cd <extracted location>/ISALite.
    4. Windows:
      1. If Java is available in your path , simply run: runISALite.bat
      2. If Java is not available on your path, ISA Lite will prompt you for the path. This path should contain a "bin" or a "jre" directory. You can also set JAVA_HOME before running ISA Lite:
        • Example: set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\jre_5.0.4.sr11_20091106a
        • Once this is completed, run: runISALite.bat or runISALite.bat -console to run in console mode.

      Linux / Unix platforms
      1. In ksh: chmod a+x *.sh to ensure .sh files in ISALite folder can be executed.
      2. If Java is available in your path , simply run: ./
      3. If Java is not available on your path, ISA Lite will prompt you for the path. This path should contain a "bin" or a "jre" directory. You can also set JAVA_HOME before running ISA Lite:
        • Example (in ksh) : export JAVA_HOME=/opt/rational/common/java/
        • If you are running in a desktop environment: ./
        • If you are running in a console / terminal environment: ./ -console

Details: ClearQuest Integration Collector - Data Gathered.

Use this collector for general ClearQuest integration issues. For additional resources about ClearQuest Test Manager, search for "CQTM" in the ClearQuest Information Center.

This collector gathers the following information:

    • Basic system and inventory information.
    • Installation Manager information if available.
    • ClearQuest specific information
    • Information on available integrated products - this can include: ClearCase, Rational Functional Tester, Rational Performance Tester, Rational Manual Tester.
    • and optionally, user projects.

System information includes:

  • Windows: Registry information, system Event logs, mem and systeminfo.
  • FolderFile Description
    / export of key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rational Software] of product entries listed under registry key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rational Software]

    regfile.sware.uninstall.export.txtRegistry export of key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall]

    regfile.sware.uninstall.export_ANALYSIS.txtListing of product entries and version in above key that contains "Publisher"="Rational Software"

    win_mem_out.txtOutput of mem

    win_systeminfo_out.txyOutput of systeminfo
    /system_info*.*System event files
  • Linux or Unix system
  • FolderFile Description
    /Linux_UnixSystemInfo.txtGathers output from the following execution:
    • uname -a
    • umask
    • df - m
    • env
    • ps -aef
    • For OS mem information:
      • Linus: free -m
      • AIX: bootinfo –r
      • SunOS/Solaris: /usr/sbin/prtconf | grep "Memory size"

Installation Manager Information

FolderFile Description
/IM/InstallationManager*.*Basic installation information only. Files: installed.xml, installRegistry.xml, installed.xsd, and installed.xsl
If Installation Manager is not found, file: Installation_Manager_NOT_FOUND.txt is create to log this information.

ClearQuest and Product Integration Information:
FolderFile Description
/CQ_Information_Output.txtBasic ClearQuest information about this system. Including version, installation directory, and common directory. Additionally checks for additional files and services to ensure they are available.

CQCC_LAUNCH_TEST_OUT.txtOutput from: cqcc_launch -test
Available only when cqcc_launch can be found
/ClearQuest_RCP*.*Gathers information relating to clearquest rcp product. These includes product configuration information and log, and <product_install>/rcp/clearquest.ini file.
/Migration*.*Gathers CQTM migration log and configuration information.
/**.*Product and workspace information relating to :
  • / = data for Rational Performance Tester
  • / = data for Rational Performance Test Standard Edition
  • / - data for Rational Functional Tester
  • / - data for Rational Manual Tester.

These are only available for Rational 8.0 test products and only if it is installed via Installation Manager.
  • Linux/Unix Specific ClearQuest information
  • FolderFile Description
    /CQDB_registry*.*ClearQuest DB registry information. Collect if available.
  • Windows Specific ClearQuest information
  • FolderFile Description
    /CQ_tools_execution_output.txtInformation on how you responded to the prompts.

    CQ_LOAD_SCHEMA_OUTPUT.txtSchema information. Output of:
    cqload exportschema -dbset <dbset> <uid> <password> <schema name> <output>

    CQ_LOAD_SCHEMA_RUN.txtSchema run information.

    PACKAGEUTIL_OUTPUT.txtPackage information. Output of:
    packageutil showinstalledpackages -dbset <dbset> <uid> <password>

    GET_RECORD_RUN.txtOutput from running extracting test record information.

    export_*.*CQ TM test record export.

    PROJECT_VALIDATION_OUT.txtOutput for ReqPro project validation script

User Projects:
FolderFile Description
/USER_PROJECTS*.*List of user test projects that has been provided for support as part of diagnostics.
If user did not provide test projects, file: USER_PROJECT_SKIPPED.txt is create to log this information.

    Detail : Walk thru for the ClearQuest Integration Collector

    You will be prompted by the collector for information which the collector can not determine automatically. This section goes over prompts within this collector to provides a more detailed explanation. This collection will stop if ClearQuest 7.0.x, or ClearQuest 7.1.x is not found on the system.

    NOTE: The registry export part of the script requires Administrator privilege on certain Windows platforms.

      The collector will first inform you what it is going to collect. Click OK, to proceed

      Supply your CQ connection information

      This panel will show up when collector request additional ClearQuest specific information that requires user authentication - such as ClearQuest schema, configured test case. Once the user have been authenticated, you will not to do so again until next time you run the script. Data is gathered in the context of the database connection you've supplied.

      This information is NOT stored anywhere as part of the collected data and can be skipped.

        User id: User id that you use for your connection.

        Password: Password for that user id.

        Database set name: The database set connection name in which you will be exporting information from.

        Database name: The name of the database belonging to the database set that contains the configured test case.

      This code executes a perl script to check for authentication. If authentication fails, you can select "Skip" to skip this step. If "Skipped" , the data requested will not be gathered.

      Prompt: (Windows only) Would you like to export the list of packages installed on CQ for the support team? Yes / No

      This functionality uses the packageutil utility to export the packages that has been installed on your ClearQuest RCP application. With this information, the support team can tell you whether you have met your requirements in order to use ClearQuest Test Manager or integration. This step requires the ClearQuest connection information has been authenticated. See below at "Supply your CQ connection information".

        This code executes: packageutil showinstalledpackages -dbset <dbset> <uid> <password>

      Prompt: (Windows only) Would you like to provide your schema for the support team? Yes / No

      This functionality uses the cqload utility to export the schema that has been associated with the Database set information provided as part of the authentication process. With this information, the support team can determine whether you have the correct schema applied.

        This code executes: cqload exportschema -dbset <dbset> <uid> <password> <schema name> <output>

        If yes, supply the schema name for export

        Supply the schema name to be exported. An example is : DefectTracking. This value is used as the schema name for the above execution command.

      Prompt: (Windows only) If this is an issue relating to executing a configured test case record, would you like to export the record for the support team? Yes / No

      This functionality executes a CQ Perl script to retrieve a TMConfiguredTestCase that resides in the database specified as part of the authentication process. Additionally, this traverses, the record to extract the latest TestLogs, and the script associated with the test record, if available and can be accessed.

        If yes, supply the configured test case record id for export.

        Supply the configured test case record to be exported. An example is SAMPL00000043 (if this was the SAMPL database). This value is used to feed into the perl script that will retrieve the record.

      Prompt: (Optional, Windows only) Would you like to run a project validation check for CQ Reqpro integration for the support team? Yes / No

      This function is only available when your system has Rational ReqPro or Rational Test installed. This function executes a CQ Perl script to verify information in ReqPro project against ClearQuest record. You'll need to provide user information for your ReqPro project.

        If yes, supply the ReqPro project information to be validated.

        Name of your Rational Administrator Project : The name of your Rational Administrator Project to be verified with ClearQuest record.
        Your ReqPro user name: The user name to be used with the project.
        Your ReqPro password: The password to be used with the project

      Prompt: (Windows only) Provide test project information.

      This panel allows you to provide test projects to our support engineers as part of the diagnostic information to be submitted as part of data collection. The collector will gather all the contents under the folder specified.

      Select 'OK' if you provided folder to be collected, 'Skip' if you want to skip this step.

    The data collector will continue to run to gather additional information.

    Please continue to Data Collector Completion Options & Uploads for additional information.

    Data Collector Completion Options & Uploads

    When the collector is completed, it will request feedback about ISA. Select Yes, to provide feedback. Select No to continue.

    You'll also be provided with data upload options. This will allow you to send the collected data to IBM or another location via FTP or HTTPS.

    IMPORTANT: To upload information to IBM, you'll need to have a PMR number. This is obtained when you work with our support team. If you do not have a PMR number, but do have support contract, you can leverage the Software Support page to open a service request and included the collected data with the service request.
    The upload options are:
    • Send the Logs to IBM using secure transfer (HTTPS). You'll need an PMR number to transfer the data to IBM. This sends the collected data to IBM Support team through the HTTPS protocol.
    • FTP the Logs to IBM Support (unencrypted). You'll need an PMR number to transfer the data to IBM. This sends the collected data to IBM Support team through the FTP protocol. This is a less secure option.
    • FTP the Logs to a Different Location (unencrypted) This allows you to send the collected data to another location via FTP. You'll need to provide the target FTP location and appropriate authentication to access it.
    • Do Not FTP the Logs. Do nothing.
    Click OK to continue. If you choose options other than 4 above, you will need to fill in additional information required to complete the upload.

    When the collector completes, the .zip file is created at the location specified in Output File name. You can use any unzip tool to extract the files to examine the content of collected data.

    [{"Product":{"code":"SSSH5A","label":"Rational ClearQuest"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"IBM Support Assistant","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.0;7.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

    Document Information

    Modified date:
    16 June 2018

