IBM Support

How to track users creating and deleting documents using IBM/FileNet Image Services (IS)

Question & Answer


Is there a function in Image Services (IS) to track usage of documents?


There is a tool called QLG (Quick Logging) that provides limited usage information.
It is typically used to count document statistics per day.
It cannot track document reads or index updates.

The following data and structures are internal and not supported. They could change at any time. This data is for informational use only and there is no guarantee this format will be the same for other IS releases.

QLG - Quick Logging. Optional usage to gather statistics in qlogs.
See the System Tools Manual for QLG_flush & QLG_start usage.

You need to enable the Quick Logging function in order to capture the data.
The steps to enable:

  1. Run fn_edit (or the Configuration Editor for Windows),
  2. Select the "System Appl. Services" tab,
  3. Select the "Others" tab
  4. Check the "Collect Statistics" box.
  5. Exit and Save your changes.
Output logs for Quick Logging can be found in the /fnsw/local/logs/qlogs directory.

When enabled, QLG_start and QLG_flush are run when starting and stopping the IS software.
  • The QLG_start command is run when the IS software is started.
  • The QLG_flush command is run when the IS software is stopped, when the in memory buffer fills, or every 15 minutes, whichever occurs first,
  • The data is flushed to the current QLG log file (for example: QLG20000718). The log is named using the date the log file was created. In this case, July 18, 2000.

To Display the log file: QLG_dump QLG20000718
Example output:
10 7 00 00 00 0b 00 01 9d 19 02 Tue Jul 18 10:51:41 2000
11 7 00 00 00 0b 00 01 a5 76 02 Tue Jul 18 10:52:03 2000
  1. To see the count for the day, run Xapex
  2. Select "Storage Library Control".
  3. Select "Statistics"
  4. Enter the date of the data you wish to see.

Access types (Last byte of the 9 bytes)
  • QLG_ds_commit 1
  • QLG_ds_retrieve 2
  • QLG_ds_delete 3
  • QLG_ds_modify_attr 4 (not used)

Definition of the log file structure, QLG_entry (16 bytes):
  • unsigned short record_number
  • unsigned long time_stamp
  • unsigned char recorded_by
  • unsigned char data[9]
  • First column is a sequence number.
  • Second column is the subsystem (Not important: 7 for Doc services and 1 for another service).
  • Third column is a set of 9 bytes decoded as:
    • Bytes 0-3 = user id - Convert to decimal and run SEC_tool>idtoname xx
    • Bytes 4-7 = doc_id (in hex)
    • Byte 8 = access type (see definitions above)
  • The date and time is included only when it has changed since the previous entry.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSNVUD","label":"FileNet Image Services"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"4.1;4.0;3.6","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Historical Number


Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

