IBM Support

Remove checked out elements from lost+found



This technote details how to remove elements from the lost+found directory when there are outstanding checkouts in an IBM Rational ClearCase view.


When working in a ClearCase VOB, if a directory element is removed that still contains elements with checked out versions, then those checkouts are moved to the lost+found directory:

  • Removing a directory that contains at least one checked out element:

    %>cleartool rmelem dir2
    cleartool: Warning: Object "film.txt" no longer referenced.
    cleartool: Warning: Moving object to vob lost+found directory as
    cleartool: Warning: Object "mydoc2.txt" no longer referenced.
    cleartool: Warning: Moving object to vob lost+found directory as "mydoc2.txt.bff49e6f10c548b088465a966715e0df".
    Removed element "dir2".

  • Listing the contents of lost+found shows:

    view\vob\lost+found>cleartool ls
    film.txt.d541d0371cb24d37ad741c7fa9b7e83a@@\main\3       Rule: \main\LATEST
    mydoc2.txt.bff49e6f10c548b088465a966715e0df@@\main\1     Rule: \main\LATEST

  • Attempting to remove the element with checkedout versions fails with:

    view\vob\lost+found>cleartool rmelem film.txt.d541d0371cb24d37ad741c7fa9b7e83a
    cleartool: Error: Can't delete element with checked out versions.
    cleartool: Error: Unable to remove element "film.txt.d541d0371cb24d37ad741c7fa9b7e83a".

  • Listing checkouts in the lost+found shows:

    view\vob\lost+found>cleartool lsco
    --04-26T19:43  admin checkout version "film.txt.d541d0371cb24d37ad741c7fa9b7e83a" from \main\3 (reserved)


This is expected behavior.

In ClearCase, elements with checkedout versions cannot be removed; hence; the checkouts must be cancelled or checked in before the element can be removed.

The checkout can be cancelled successfully from the view that it originated in using cleartool unco, but if that view is no longer accessible, then the attempt to undo the checkout will fail with:

view\vob\lost+found>cleartool unco film.txt.d541d0371cb24d37ad741c7fa9b7e83a
cleartool: Error: No branch of element is checked out to view
cleartool: Error: Unable to find checked out version for

Resolving The Problem

The checkout must be cancelled before the element can be removed from the lost+found directory.

Note: If the view the checkout originated in still exist, then use that and run cleartool unco.

To cancel the checkout when the original view is not available:

  1. Describe the VOB to get the view's uuid where the checkout originated in:

    view\vob\lost+found>cleartool describe -long vob:\1vob
    versioned object base "\1vob"
     created 2007-04-09T18:06:35-04 by jdoe.grp1@HOST1
     VOB family feature level: 5
     VOB storage host:pathname "HOST1:C:\ClearCase_Storage\vobs\1vob.vbs"
     VOB storage global pathname "\\HOST1\share\vobs\1vob.vbs"
     database schema version: 54
     modification by remote privileged user: allowed
     VOB ownership:
       owner DOM1\jdoe
       group DOM1\grp1
     VOB holds objects from the following views:
       HOST2:C:\ClearCase_Storage\views\admin_vu [uuid 89d34640.f6e54e03.9c16.d3:3c:23:ce:2b:5b]
       FeatureLevel = 5

  2. Remove the checkout reference:

    view\vob\lost+found>cleartool rmview -uuid 89d34640.f6e54e03.9c16.d3:3c:23:ce:2b:5b
    Removed references to view "HOST2:C:\ClearCase_Storage\views\admin_vu" from VOB "\1vob".

  3. Listing the checkouts in the lost+found will no longer return any output.

  4. Remove the element from the lost+found directory:

    view\vob\lost+found>cleartool rmelem film.txt.d541d0371cb24d37ad741c7fa9b7e83a
    Removed element "film.txt.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"VOB","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"2003.06.00;7.0;7.0.1;7.1;7.1.1;7.1.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"VOB","Platform":[{"code":"","label":""}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
29 September 2018

