IBM Support

Collect troubleshooting data for File Manager for z/OS



This document lists the documentation the File Manager support team will need to diagnose your problem. If you gather this documentation before calling support, it will expedite the troubleshooting process and save you time.

Resolving The Problem

Collect Troubleshooting Data - Table of Contents:

Gathering general information Gathering general information
Gathering component specific information Gathering problem specific information
Submitting information to IBM Support Submitting information to IBM Support

What are troubleshooting documents and how do they help me?

Gathering general information

General information is information that is needed for any reported problem, and this information includes the following:
  1. The results of entering VER or LVL from any File Manager screen's command line.
  2. Your z/OS operating system, version and release.
  3. The subsystem, if related to the problem, e.g. CICS, DB2, IMS, WAS, and the version, release, and modification numbers. If you do not know the subsystems used in your environment, please contact your system administrator.
  4. Any OEM (non-IBM) tools, such as source code management tools that are related to this problem.
  5. Was any software or hardware maintenance applied just before the problem began?
  6. A complete description of the problem, including the following:
    • When did the problem first occur?
    • Is the problem a one time or a recurring situation?
    • Can it be recreated at will?
    • COMPLETE information about the problem, including all commands, screens, keystrokes, outputs, etc.
  7. If a dump was involved, please save it in case we ask for it later (SYSMDUMP is preferred).
  8. A valid contact phone number and email address

Gathering problem specific information

Provide this information ONLY when directed by IBM. Click on the problem type or component that best describes your File Manager problem. This provides you with a list of documentation that the support team requires to diagnose your problem.

File Manager problems
SMPE Errors
Options Setup or Processing
Copybook or Template
Utility Functions
Product Documentation, Web Links or Content
Top of page

SMP/E Errors

Gather the following documentation for SMP/E problems before calling IBM support:
  • The JCL submitted for your SMP/E run.
  • The complete job listing from your SMP/E run for RECEIVE/APPLY/ACCEPT issues.
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Options Setup or Processing

Gather the following documentation for problems with File Manager options before calling IBM support:
  • A copy of your FMNxPOPT macro(s), where x =

  • 0 for FM/Base options
    1 for FM/IMS options
    2 for FM/DB2 options
    3 for FM/CICS
  • If the issue is related to FM/DB2, a copy of your FMN2SSDM and FMN2POPI macros.
  • If the issue is related to FM/IMS, a copy of your FMN1POPI and FMN1AGNT macros.
  • If the issue is related to FM/CICS, a copy of your FMN3POPI macro.
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Gather the following documentation for any Edit/browse problems that IBM can recreate:
  • Step-by-step instructions or screen captures to help us recreate the situation.
  • Any messages displayed.
  • A copy of the data file(s) involved.
  • A copy of the copybook/templates if involved in the situation.
  • If this is a batch run, the submitted JCL member and a complete joblog.
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Copybook or Template

Gather the following documentation for problems involving Copybooks or Templates before calling IBM support:
  • Step-by-step instructions or screen captures to help us recreate the situation.
  • A copy of the copybook/templates involved in the situation
  • A copy of the data file(s) involved.
  • If this is a batch run, the submitted JCL member and a complete joblog.
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Gather the following documentation for problems with File Manager reports before calling IBM support:
  • Copy of the report(s) in question along with screen captures or JCL showing how the report(s) were generated.
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Utility Functions

Gather the following documentation for any utility functions problems:
  • Step-by-step instructions or screen captures to help us recreate the situation.
  • Any messages displayed.
  • A copy of any copybook/templates if involved in the situation.
  • A copy of the data file(s) involved.
  • If this is a batch run, the submitted JCL member and a complete joblog.
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Gather the following documentation for performance problems before calling IBM support:
  • Step-by-step instructions or screen captures to help us recreate the situation.
  • Any messages displayed.
  • A copy of any copybook/templates if involved in the situation.
  • A copy of the data file(s) involved.
  • If this is a batch run, the submitted JCL member and a complete joblog.
  • The output from any performance monitoring tools such as Application Performance Analyzer for z/OS if available.
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Product Documentation, Web Links or Content

Gather the following documentation for any product documentation, web information, or content issues before calling IBM support:
  • A copy of or reference to, the product documentation in question, or a reference to where information should be added if the issue is missing documentation.
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Submitting information to IBM Support

After a PMR is open, you can submit troubleshooting data to IBM using one of the following methods:

FTP diagnostic data to IBM

If FTP is not possible, email diagnostic data to You must have 'PMR xxxxx bbb ccc' (without the quotes) in the subject line of your email, where xxxxx is your pmr number; bbb is your branch office; and, ccc is your IBM country code (e.g. 'PMR 12345 678 000' for PMR 12345 from Branch 678 in the United States).

Always update your PMR to indicate that data has been sent. You can update your PMR, or open a new PMR, in one of two ways: Top of page

What are troubleshooting documents and how do they help me?

Troubleshooting documents aid in problem determination and save time resolving Problem Management Records (PMRs). These documents are located on the product support sites and contain specific instructions about what documentation to gather for specific problems. You can find Troubleshooting documents by searching on the word Troubleshooting on the eSupport Web page:

Collecting troubleshooting data early, even before opening the PMR, helps IBM® Support quickly determine if:

  1. Symptoms match known problems (rediscovery).

  2. There is a non-defect problem that can be identified and resolved.

  3. There is a defect that identifies a workaround to reduce severity.

  4. Locating root cause can speed development of a code fix.

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Related Information

[{"Product":{"code":"SSXJAV","label":"File Manager for z\/OS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"13.1;14.1.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
02 August 2018

