IBM Support

Troubleshooting the JText Adapter



This document lists some of the reported JText error messages, along with explanations and tips for resolving them.

Resolving The Problem

MsgID: 101002

Type: Error *** ERROR :: Exception while initialization of ConnectorAgent :: Reason :: Exception 'java.lang.NullPointerException'
ExplanationThe error is caused by not setting the supported BO.
TipsPlease specify the supported BO in JTextConnector.cfg to solve the problem.

MsgID: 102005**** Warning :: Unable to update recovery log. Encountered Exception ‘’ Reason: null
ExplanationThe problem was found due to the recovery log being shared by multiple instances of the JText agent. The problem was found ONLY with the following conditions -
1. On UNIX platforms, where the multiple instances are all started from the Adapters' bin directory
2. Multiple connector instance configuration and the event log's default value not being modified on any of the connector configuration files
TipsSeparate the event logs for different adapter instances should fix the problem.

MsgID: 106005**** Warning :: Internal error. Exception ::
ExplanationThis is due to an error with the datahandler. The problem occurs when the first character of the EndBODelim is present within the content of the event file.
TipsFixed in the data handler 2.6.1 IF with Jtext 5.6

MsgID:107029Mesg: ****ERROR :: For the MO 'MO_JTextConnector_Default', 'StagingDir' has some value, FileSeqEnabled' is set to 'false' and 'OutFileName' is not 'Native'. This combination is not allowed. Please change the configuration and try again. Terminating Connector.
ExplanationThe above combination has been avoided in JText due to several technical design considerations, the most significant of them being the output file content integrity
TipsJText does not support the configuration where StagingDir is set and FileSeqEnabled=false and OutputFileName is not Native

MsgID: 110007**** WARNING :: Invalid filename ''SEC1.YOPB1SAM.S1'' . Specify a valid value.
ExplanationJText is multi-threaded but the FTP Package is not. Due to non-synchronization of multiple JText threads with one FTP client, we face the problem of the output stream being null, which leads to the error - "[MsgID: 110007] [Mesg: **** WARNING :: Invalid filename ''SEC1.YOPB1SAM.S1'' . Specify a valid value.]"
  • JText v5.3 does not support multithreading of the FTP package, the workaround is to use two separate instances of JText, one for polling and the other for request response.
  • JText v5.4 onwards: the multithreaded problem of the FTP package has been handled for FTPKeepConnectionOpen=true for the JText versions of, 5.5.2 and 5.6.1

MsgID: 105002/110016[Type: Error] [MsgID: 105002] [Mesg: **** WARNING :: JTextBOHandler.doVerbFor FAILED for BO 'ASBOJTextWrapper'. Reason :: **** ERROR : [Type: Error] [MsgID: 110016] [Mesg: **** ERROR :: Unable to access the directory
'ftp://trgedi:t rgedi@'. Please Check its access privileges.]
ExplanationConfiguration error with JText/FTP to/from Mainframe
TipsAssume that the MVS user name is 'mvsuser' and the password is 'pwd4ftp' and an SDS system is used.(The event/output directory should contain the full path from the root.)

For Polling Operations:
If the file AAADYN.SAND needs to be polled from "MVSUSER" then refer to the below sample configuration.

Sample Configuration:

EventExt sand
FTPEventFileMask AAA*

JText Adapter can not start and getting FileParser: run() error
ExplanationThe NullPointerException error in log file is caused by wrong MO naming.
TipsWhile the JText connector instance name is SCNCJTextConnector, its MO name should be MO_SCNCJTextConnector_default.

Mesg: **** WARNING :: Formatting failed. Reason ::Already reached end of BO while expecting more token Mesg: **** WARNING :: Formatting failed. Reason :: Unable to find version "*.*.*" of business object definition "Customer
ExplanationIt means that the format of input file is not what the JText adapter expects.
  • Check EndBODelimiter, PadCharacter
  • Follow "Generating sample files for testing" in "Adapter for JText User Guide" to generate a file that looks like the input file that the JText connector expects.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSMKUK","label":"WebSphere Adapters Family"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Adapter for JText","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"2.6;2.5;2.4","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

