IBM Support

Installation Verification Procedures (IVP) Problems,

Question & Answer


Installation Verification Procedures (IVP)


Problems encountered when running the DB2® Installation Verification Programs (IVPs) are typically caused by sources outside of DB2 and so are not considered program errors.

ABEND30A is one of the many errors if the following is not adhered to:

    1. DSNTEJ1L, DSNTEP1P, DSNTEP2, DSNTEP4: When running the DB2 sample programs DSNTEP2 or DSNTEP4, standard return codes such as 4, 8, and 12 indicate respectively that one or more warnings, errors, or severe errors occurred during dynamic SQL processing. User abends such as ABENDU4093, ABENDU4038 are generated by IBM Language Environment. Check the PL/I manuals for why the user abend was issued.

    2. DSNTEJ2C: If you are using OS/VS COBOL, ensure that all occurrences of PARM.COB specify NORES and that all occurrences of PARM.LKED specify RENT. The DSNTEJ2 joblog should indicate that DSN8MSG has been compiled NORES and that it has been linked RES NO and RENT YES.

    Attention: OS/VS COBOL is unsupported by IBM. As of DB2 V8, all DB2 sample COBOL jobs are customized for IBM Enterprise COBOL only, and use the DSNHICOB language procedure. If you have DB2 COBOL applications that use OS/VS COBOL, you need to convert them and all jobs for preparing them to use IBM Enterprise COBOL.

    If you are using COBOL II, ensure that all occurrences of PARM.COB specify NORES and NORENT and that all occurrences of PARM.LKED specify NORENT. The DSNTEJ2 joblog should indicate that DSN8MSG has been compiled NORENT and NORES and that it has been linked RES NO and RENT NO.

    Attention: VS COBOL II is unsupported by IBM. As of DB2 V8, all DB2 sample COBOL jobs are customized for IBM Enterprise COBOL only, and use the DSNHICOB language procedure. If you have DB2 COBOL applications that use VS COBOL II, you need to convert them and all jobs for preparing them to use IBM Enterprise COBOL.

    If you are using COBOL 370, ensure that all occurrences of PARM.COB specify RES and RENT and that all occurrences of PARM.LKED specify RENT. The DSNTEJ2 joblog should indicate that DSN8MSG has been compiled RENT and RES and that it has been linked RES NO and RENT YES.

    Attention: COBOL 370 is unsupported by IBM. As of DB2 V8, all DB2 sample COBOL jobs are customized for IBM Enterprise COBOL only, and use the DSNHICOB language procedure. If you have DB2 COBOL applications that use COBOL 370, you need to convert them and all jobs for preparing them to use IBM Enterprise COBOL.

    If you are using IBM Enterprise COBOL, ensure that all occurrences of PARM.COB specify RENT and that all occurrences of PARM.LKED specify RENT. The DSNTEJ2 joblog should indicate that DSN8MSG has been compiled RENT and that it has been linked RES NO and RENT YES.

    Miscellaneous DSNTEJ2C problems:
    • ABEND0C1 IN DSN8BC4 + X'06'. This abend occurs when COBOL has been installed with the default options of 'BATCH AND NAME'. This option causes the output from the compiler to be LINKEDITED into a LOAD MODULE by itself. The job then LINKEDITS a LOAD MODULE by the same name with includes for DSNELI and DSN8MCG but the COMPILED CSECT DSN8BC4 is not included.

      This second LINKEDIT OVERLAYS the original module and has no executable code. MSGIEW0132 can also occur for CSECT DSN8MCG during the first LINKEDIT. Circumvention: Specify the COBOL options 'NOBATCH AND NONAME' in the parm.COB STATEMENT for each of the four COMPILER JOB STEPS.
    • ABEND0C1 in DSN8MCG + X'7C' branching to address ZERO when using COBOL II with the DYNAM option, MSGIEW046I occurs for IGZEBST IN STEP PH02CS02. This causes the address of IGZEBST to be unresolved in DSN8MCG. During the program initialization, COBOL loads the VCON into REGISTER 15 and attempts to branch to it.Circumvention:

      If you are using the DYNAM option of COBOL II, you must add the following LINKEDIT OVERRIDE to PH02CS02:
      //LKED.SYSIN DD *
    • ABEND0C4 or loop in DSN8BC4 when using COBOL 2.4 with COMPILER options DYNAM and RES. COBOL Version 2.4 does not support the DYNAM OPTION. Specify options NODYNAM and NORES for both steps PH02CS02 and PH02CS03. See APARs PP29812 and PP53133 for more information.
    • ABENDU4093 RC=1C (RC1C) if using LE/370 for the DB2 IVPs.The JES2 default region size might not be large enough. Enlarge the region size to run the IVPs if the abend occurs.
    • RC=12 and msgIEW2606S in LKED step after compiling with Enterprise COBOL because SYSLMOD for LKED is not a PDSE. Take one of next circumventions.

    1. Change the SYSLMOD to a PDSE from a PDS.
    2. Change COBOL compiler option 'PGMNAME(LONGUPPER)' to 'PGMNAME(COMPAT)'
    3. Remove COBOL compiler option 'PGMNAME(LONGUPPER)' . PDSE supports LONGNAME.

    See the z/OS MVS System Messages manual for more information about the IEW2606S message.

    3. DSNTEJ3C:

    If you are using OS/VS COBOL, ensure both of the following are true:
    • You have run DSNTEJ2C, specifying NORES for all occurrences of PARM.COB and RENT for all occurrences of PARM.LKED. This is required because DSNTEJ3C uses module DSN8MCG, which is prepared by DSNTEJ2C.
    • All occurrences of PARM.COB in DSNTEJ3C specify NORES.
      The DSNTEJ3C joblog should indicate that DSN8CC, DSN8SCM, DSN8SC3, and DSN8HC3 have been compiled NORES and linked RES NO and RENT NO.
    • Attention: OS/VS COBOL is unsupported by IBM. As of DB2 V8, all DB2 sample COBOL jobs are customized for IBM Enterprise COBOL only, and use the DSNHICOB language procedure. If you have DB2 COBOL applications that use OS/VS COBOL, you need to convert them and all jobs for preparing them to use IBM Enterprise COBOL.

      If you are using COBOL II, ensure both of the following are true:
    • You have run DSNTEJ2C, specifying NORES and NORENT for all occurrences of PARM.COB and NORENT for all occurrences of PARM.LKED. This is required because DSNTEJ3C uses module DSN8MCG, which is prepared by DSNTEJ2C.
    • All occurrences of PARM.COB in DSNTEJ3C specify NORES and NORENT. You can also use the DSNTEJ3C joblog to verify that DSN8CC, DSN8SCM, DSN8SC3, and DSN8HC3 have been compiled NORENT and NORES and linked RES NO and RENT NO.
    • Attention: VS COBOL II is unsupported by IBM. As of DB2 V8, all DB2 sample COBOL jobs are customized for IBM Enterprise COBOL only, and use the DSNHICOB language procedure. If you have DB2 COBOL applications that use VS COBOL II, you need to convert them and all jobs for preparing them to use IBM Enterprise COBOL.

      If you are using COBOL 370, ensure both of the following are true:
    • You have run DSNTEJ2C, specifying RES and RENT for all occurrences of PARM.COB and RENT for all occurrences of PARM.LKED. This is required because DSNTEJ3C uses module DSN8MCG, which is prepared by DSNTEJ2C.
    • All occurrences of PARM.COB in DSNTEJ3C specify RES and RENT. The DSNTEJ3C joblog should indicate that DSN8CC, DSN8SCM, DSN8SC3, and DSN8HC3 have been compiled RENT and RES and linked RES NO and RENT NO.
    • Attention: COBOL 370 is unsupported by IBM. As of DB2 V8, all DB2 sample COBOL jobs are customized for IBM Enterprise COBOL only, and use the DSNHICOB language procedure. If you have DB2 COBOL applications that use COBOL 370, you need to convert them and all jobs for preparing them to use IBM Enterprise COBOL.

      If you are using IBM Enterprise COBOL, ensure both of the following are true:
    • You have run DSNTEJ2C, specifying RENT for all occurrences of PARM.COB and RENT for all occurrences of PARM.LKED. This is required because DSNTEJ3C uses module DSN8MCG, which is prepared by DSNTEJ2C.
    • All occurrences of PARM.COB in DSNTEJ3C specify RENT. DSN8SC3, and DSN8HC3 have been compiled RENT and linked DSNTEJ2U : To resolve return code 0008 in steps PH02US08 and PH02US09, either unnumber the source decks for programs DSN8EUDN and DSN8EUMN or change the NOMAR parm of Compiler options to MAR.
      Symptoms: CBC1260 or CBC1090 or msgcbc1260 msgcbc1090

    4. DSNTEJ3P:
    msgIEW2648e entry PLICALLA is not a CSECT or external name in the module. This error is caused by using OS PL/I Compiler/Library Version 2.3 during CLIST processing and then modifying the DSNHPLI PROC to use the new PL/I for MVS and VM Version 1.1. These two PL/I products have different entry point names as listed in step 1 SYSIN DD card of job DSNTEJ3P. OS PL/I uses entry point PLICALLA. PL/I for MVS and VM uses entry point CEESTART. Depending on what PL/I libraries were entered on panel DSNTIPG, a different entry point name is used in DSNTEJ3P.

    Attention: OS PL/I is unsupported by IBM. As of DB2 V8, all DB2 sample PL/I jobs are customized for IBM Enterprise PL/I only. If you have DB2 PL/I applications that use OS PL/I, you need to convert them and all jobs for preparing them to use IBM Enterprise PL/I.

    5. DSNTEJ5C:
    If you are using OS/VS COBOL, ensure both of the following are true:
    • You have run DSNTEJ2C, specifying NORES for all occurrences of PARM.COB and RENT for all occurrences of PARM.LKED. This is required because DSNTEJ5C uses module DSN8MCG, which is prepared by DSNTEJ2C.
    • All occurrences of the COPTION parmlist in DSNTEJ5C specify NORES and all occurrences of the LOPTION parmlist specify RENT. The DSNTEJ5C joblog should indicate that DSN8CC0, DSN8CC1, and DSN8CC2 have all been compiled NORES and linked RES NO and RENT YES.
    Attention: OS/VS COBOL is unsupported by IBM. As of DB2 V8, all DB2 sample COBOL jobs are customized for IBM Enterprise COBOL only. If you have DB2 COBOL applications that use OS/VS COBOL, you need to convert them and all jobs for preparing them to use IBM Enterprise COBOL.

    If you are using COBOL II:
    • You will need to rerun DSNTEJ2C after you have run DSNTEJ3C but before you run DSNTEJ5C.
      This is required because programs prepared by DSNTEJ5C use the DSN8MCG module prepared by DSNTEJ2C and DSN8MCG must be recompiled and relinked as re-entrant for CICS.
      When you rerun DSNTEJ2C, first change NORES and NORENT in all occurrences of PARM.COB to RES and RENT and change NORENT in all occurrences of PARM.LKED to RENT.
      Then, run DSNTEJ5C after ensuring that all occurrences of the COPTION parmlist specify RENT and that all occurrences of the LOPTION parmlist specify RENT.

      The DSNTEJ5C joblog should indicate that DSN8CC0, DSN8CC1, and DSN8CC2 have been compiled RENT and RES and linked RES NO and RENT YES; the DSNTEJ2C joblog should indicate that DSN8MCG has been compiled RENT and RES and linked RES NO and RENT YES
    • Attention: VS COBOL II is unsupported by IBM. As of DB2 V8, all DB2 sample COBOL jobs are customized for IBM Enterprise COBOL only. If you have DB2 COBOL applications that use VS COBOL II, you need to convert them and all jobs for preparing them to use IBM Enterprise COBOL.
    • If you are using COBOL 370, ensure both of the following are true:
    • You have run DSNTEJ2C, specifying RES and RENT for all occurrences of PARM.COB
    • RENT for all occurrences of PARM.LKED. This is required because DSNTEJ5C uses module DSN8MCG, which is prepared by DSNTEJ2C.
    • Attention: COBOL 370 is unsupported by IBM. As of DB2 V8, all DB2 sample COBOL jobs are customized for IBM Enterprise COBOL only, and use the DSNHICOB language procedure. If you have DB2 COBOL applications that use COBOL 370, you need to convert them and all jobs for preparing them to use IBM Enterprise COBOL.

      After you have run DSNTEJ3C but before you run DSNTEJ5C is required because programs prepared by DSNTEJ5C use the DSN8MCG module prepared by DSNTEJ2C and DSN8MCG must be recompiled and relinked as re-entrant for CICS.
      When you rerun DSNTEJ2C, first change NORES and NORENT in all occurrences of PARM.COB to RES and RENT and change NORENT in all occurrences of PARM.LKED to RENT.

      Then, run DSNTEJ5C after ensuring that all occurrences of the COPTION parmlist specify RENT and that all occurrences of the LOPTION parmlist specify RENT.

      The DSNTEJ5C joblog should indicate that DSN8CC0, DSN8CC1, and DSN8CC2 have been compiled RENT and RES and linked RES NO and RENT YES; the DSNTEJ2C joblog should indicate that DSN8MCG has been compiled RENT and RES and linked RES NO and RENT YES.

      If you are using COBOL 370, ensure both of the following are true:
    • You have run DSNTEJ2C, specifying RES and RENT for all occurrences of PARM.COB and RENT for all occurrences of PARM.LKED. This is required because DSNTEJ5C uses module DSN8MCG, which is prepared by DSNTEJ2C.
    • All occurrences of the COPTION parmlist in DSNTEJ5C specify RENT and all occurrences of the LOPTION parmlist specify RENT. The DSNTEJ5C joblog should indicate that DSN8CC0, DSN8CC1, and DSN8CC2 have all been compiled RENT and linked RES NO and RENT YES.
    6. DSNTEJ5P
    • MSGDSNH007I and MSGDSNH105I when installation option of MIXED DATA = YES.
      These PRECOMPILER errors occur for various steps of DSNTEJ5P.

      Step 6 (PH05CS06) executes the CICS TRANSLATOR.
      The TRANSLATOR generates PL/I CALL STATEMENTS for each of the EXEC CICS
      STATEMENTS. The generated code includes X'0E' CHARACTERS
      Step 7 (PH05PS07) then executes the DB2 PRECOMPILER.
      When the installation option MIXED=YES is specified, the DB2 PRECOMPILER assumes this X'0E' TO BE A SHIFT-OUT CHARACTER which does not have a PAIRED SHIFT-IN CHARACTER, resulting in the error messages.
      Execute the CICS TRANSLATOR after the DB2 PRECOMPILER.
      This is one possible method of changing the job:

      • Make a copy of DSNHPLI under a new name.
      • Change the PROC and PEND statements to the name of your new procedure
      • Add the following statements after the PC (PRECOMPILE)
        //*  Translate the CICS PROGRAM if the PRECOMPILE
        //*  RETURN CODE is 4 OR LESS
        //TRN   EXEC PGM=DFHEPP1$,COND=(4,LT,PC)
        //            DCB=BLKSIZE=400,SPACE=(400,(&WSPC,&WSPC))
      • Delete all CICS translate job steps, STEPS 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20.
      • Change all occurrences of PROC NAME DSNHPLI to your new procedure name. STEPS 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21.
      • Change all occurrences of //PPLI.SYSIN TO:
        where XXXXXXX is the MEMBER NAME and is the same as that of the STEP EXEC STATEMENT.
      • Change all occurrences of //PC.SYSCIN to:
    7. DSNTEJ6D
    • Return code 0012 from step PH06DS03 and message "*** DSN8ED1 completed; highest return code was xxxxxxxx" where 'xxxxxxxx' is a large number.
    • Ensure that DSN8ED1 has been compiled as NORENT.

      You may need to add NORENT to the PARM.C list in step PH06DS01. The stored procedure program, DSN8ED2 (prepared by job DSNTEJ6T) should be compiled as RENT.


    If receiving the IEW2606S messages. The DSNHICOB proc created by the V8
    DSNTIJMV job includes a pre-link step. Most existing cobol programs do not contain the prelink step and will encounter this error. Use this proc to resolve the error.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEPEK","label":"Db2 for z\/OS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Install\/Migration","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"7.0;8.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Historical Number

APAR: II03403

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

