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You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description


Local fix

  • n/a

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: 01.All RDz users                             *
    *                 02.All RDz users                             *
    *                 03.All RDz users                             *
    *                 04.All RDz users                             *
    *                 05.RDz SSL/TLS users                         *
    *                 06.All RDz users                             *
    *                 07.All RDz users                             *
    *                 08.All RDz users                             *
    *                 09.All RDz users                             *
    *                 10.All RDz users                             *
    *                 11.All RDz users                             *
    *                 12.All RDz users                             *
    *                 13.All RDz users                             *
    *                 14.All RDz users                             *
    *                 15.All RDz users                             *
    *                 16.All RDz users                             *
    *                 17.All RDz users                             *
    *                 18.All users using RTCz user build           *
    *                 19.All RDz users using integrated RTC user   *
    *                    build                                     *
    *                 20.All RDz users                             *
    *                 21.All RDz users                             *
    *                 22.All RDz users                             *
    *                 23.All RDz users                             *
    *                 24.All RDz users                             *
    *                 25.All RDz users                             *
    *                 26.All RDz users                             *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 01.Long running search causes high      *
    *                         CPU consumption                      *
    *                      02.UserId permissions are not checked   *
    *                         normally against RACF resource.      *
    *                      03.The SAF/LDAP permissions of the      *
    *                         first logon user is retained for     *
    *                         any subsequent user when multiple    *
    *                         userids are used in the same         *
    *                         workspace.                           *
    *                      04.The current RDz server logs have     *
    *                         several problems in analyzing a      *
    *                         problem                              *
    *                      05.RDz daemon does not support          *
    *                         Transport Layer Security (TLS)       *
    *                         Protocol Version 1.2.                *
    *                      06.When RDz client disconnects and      *
    *                         then connects, the previous user     *
    *                         logs are deleted and there is no     *
    *                         information useful for analyzing a   *
    *                         problem                              *
    *                      07.S378-14 abend occurs when starting   *
    *                         RDz daemon with DIAGxx tool options  *
    *                         enabled                              *
    *                      08.Too much traces in debug_level=2     *
    *                      09.When enable.standard.log=true is     *
    *                         specified in rsed.envvars, RSE       *
    *                         Daemon logger thread consumed the    *
    *                         CPU much.                            *
    *                      10.Remote search results were           *
    *                         partially shown in the client when   *
    *                         the update frequency of the search   *
    *                         results was set to the lowest.       *
    *                      11.RDz client goes into the hung        *
    *                         status when RDz command reaches the  *
    *                         server before OPEN RSE valiate the   *
    *                         client.                              *
    *                      12.After PM80961 is applied, abend      *
    *                         213-30 occurrs more frequently.      *
    *                      13.RDz "RDL 1" & "RSL 1" commands       *
    *                         result in FEK202E Invalid Command    *
    *                         entered                              *
    *                      14.Daemon IVP does not issue any        *
    *                         output.                              *
    *                      15.When the daemon IVP is invoked, the  *
    *                         server port is consumed until the    *
    *                         time out occurs.                     *
    *                      16.Lock remained active even if the     *
    *                         download failed owing to             *
    *                         unsupported code page.               *
    *                      17.RDz does not recognize "PL/I         *
    *                         logical NOT symbol" defined as a     *
    *                         caret () in the file mapping using   *
    *                         Host Code page = IBM-1141 and Local  *
    *                         code page = Cp1252.                  *
    *                      18.Enhancement to allow RDz client      *
    *                         to trigger a RTCz user build         *
    *                      19.Enhancement to support TSO/ISPF      *
    *                         commands in RTC user builds          *
    *                      20.The RDz client and server didn't     *
    *                         support a single wild card for the   *
    *                         dataset and member name while the    *
    *                         RDz 7.6 supported it.                *
    *                      21.Auth failure msg not following new   *
    *                         log format                           *
    *                      22.NullPointerException occurred in MVS *
    *                         miner when a client attempts to      *
    *                         expand home directory.               *
    *                      23.NPE when ISPF Gateway cannot start   *
    *                      24.RSE start looping when log HFS is    *
    *                         full.                                *
    *                      25.Check remotely managed action        *
    *                         status' pop-up results a few         *
    *                         minutes after a connection           *
    *                      26.All rsecomm.logs and ffs*.logs are   *
    *                         deleted when HFS is full             *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    01.Long running search causes high CPU consumption
    02.When invoking RACF API, the userid must be padded with
       blanks, but the padding logic has a bug.
    03.The SAF/LDAP permissions of the first logon user are cached
       in the workspace and the cached information is used for
       subsequent user.
    04.The current RDz server logs have the following problems in
       analyzing a problem: - The server log is kept for 2 sessions
       only. Whenever a user suffered any problem and does 2 logon
       actions afterward, then the important logs are lost. - The
       server logs are so huge as to make the performance bad and
       as to make the disk full.
    05.To enable TLS V1.2, RDz daemon has to issue System SSL API
       with a option of TLS V1.2.
    06.Each log has the only name unless keep.last.log variable is
       not specified
    07.RDz server receives abend s378-14 following start-up when
       DIAG tool "dirty storage" is enabled. The abend is occurring
       in fekfomvs following a freemain of storage in key 0,
       although the storage was gotten in key 8.
    08.The following traces are too much in debug_level=2.
       findBadHex() Entered: findBadHex() Exited:
    09.When an error occurred in C select API, the logger thread
       did not process it correctly.
    10.The RDz server started the cleanup process of the remote
       search before all search results were sent to the client.
    11.ThreadPool server will activate ZosSystemMiner but this
       action may break the synchronization between Open RSE client
       and server programs.
    12.In PM80961, all of the zOS RESERVE invocations are removed.
    13.RDz "RDL 1" & "RSL 1" commands result in FEK202E Invalid
       Command entered.
    14.TCP/IP connection between RDz Daemon and IVP program is not
       closed. The RDz daemon just invoke C close API to close the
       TCP/IP session, but it's not enough to close the session.
    15.When the daemon IVP is invoked, it returns the port number
       and token required to connect to the server that is waiting
       for this user. But the daemon IVP does not attempt to
       connect to the server port. This means that the the port
       will be locked until the server times out.
    16.Lock remained active even if the download failed owing to
       the exception in getting PL/I logical NOT symbol at host.
       After that, the code page was changed to supported one but
       the dataset could not be opened in write-mode.
    17.The RDz sever treated data sets which include logical Not
       symbols set to the property explicitly as read only files,
       even when the set symbol was the same as the default
       character of a host encoding.
    18.Enhancement to allow RDz client to trigger a RTCz user
       build. To enable the enhancement, rsed.envvars variable
       BLZGTWY must be uncommented and customized.
    19.Enhancement to support TSO/ISPF commands in Rational Team
       Concert builds run as user build (batch job outside of RTC
       build engine). By default, DD definitions in ISPF.conf and
       the rsed.envvars STEPLIB are used. But this can be
       customized with new rsed.envvars variables RSE_UBLD_DD and
    20.A single wild card for the dataset and member name was
       disabled in the RDz client and server.
    21.Auth failure msg not following new log format
    22.RSE Client sends C_NOTIFICATION command to MVS Miner before
       the MVS Miner completes its initialization.
    23.NPE when ISPF Gateway cannot start
    24.RSE Threadppol start looping when log HFS is full.
    25.Check remotely managed action status' pop-up results a few
       minutes after a connection and caused StackOverFlow.
    26.Currently, when we notice we're running low on space using
       statvfs(), we delete the oldest log file. As statvfs() will
       not report that the space is available until HFS has
       completed a SYNC cycle, oldest rsecomm.logs and ffs*.logs are
       deleted continuously and the current log file is also deleted

Problem conclusion

  • 01.Support cancel the search at a designated time limit with
       _RSE_JAVAOPTS -Dsearch.server.limit.timeout in rsed.envvars.
    02.Now, padding userid with blanks works normally and the RACF
       API can check the userid permissions correctly.
    03.Now, the SAF/LDAP permissions are not cached in the
    04.Now, Each server log has unique id including time stamp and
       the user can set his/her own log level for the log file.
    05.Now, RDz Daemon supports TLS V1.2.
    06.Now, each log has a name with procname, date, and timestamp.
       And each log is not deleted even after the client
       disconnects and then connects again.
    07.Now RDz gets and releases storage in the same key.
    08.Now, the following traces are written in debug_level=3.
       findBadHex() Entered: findBadHex() Exited:
    09.Now, the Daemon logger thread (writeServerStandardLog) will
       process an error in select API correctly.
    10.The server was fixed to wait the cleanup process for sending
       all search results to the client.
    11.Now, ZosSystemMiner will be activated not by
       ThreadPoolServer but by RDz client command.
    12.The zOS RESERVE invocations are recovered and the RESERVE
       invocation have RET=USE parameter so that the thread could
       not wait for the control of the data set infinitely. The
       maximum time to retry the invocation of the RESERVE API can
       be defined in "ffs.retry.time" property in rsed.envvars. The
       "ffs.retry.time" value is defined in seconds.
    13.Now,RDz "RDL 1" & "RSL 1" commands works normally
    14.Now RDz daemon will invoke C shutdown API before invoking
       the close API.
    15.Now, the daemon IVP connects to the server port and close
       the connection. The is logged in
       the rseserver.log, and this means that the daemon IVP ends
    16.Now the exception in getting PL/I logical NOT symbol at host
       is caught and the download will not fail for this exception.
    17.The RDz server was fixed not to mark data sets which
       contained the default not Symbol character as read-only when
       the set logical Not symbol was the same as the default.
    18.Enhancement to allow RDz client to trigger a RTCz user
       build. To enable the enhancement, rsed.envvars variable
       BLZGTWY must be uncommented and customized.
    19.Enhancement to support TSO/ISPF commands in Rational Team
       Concert builds run as user build (batch job outside of RTC
       build engine). By default, DD definitions in ISPF.conf and
       the rsed.envvars STEPLIB are used. But this can be
       customized with new rsed.envvars variables RSE_UBLD_DD and
    20.The RDz client and server were fixed to enable a single wild
       card character '?' for the dataset and member name in a
       search query.
    21.Some log methods are changed for following new log format
    22.Now, MVS miner can handle C_NOTIFICATION command even if its
       initialization is not completed.
    23.Show error message in TSO command server
    24.Check number of free blocks for user log location/ server
       log location.
       When number of free blocks is 2, show FEK103E.
       When number of free blocks is 1,
       - show FEK107E
       - delete oldest log files
       As for audit.log, when number of free blocks is 1,
       FEK103E is shown.
    25.StackOverFlow was caused by NullPointerExceptin and error
       handling. Add Null check and fix error handling in server log
    26.The current log files(user and server log) are not deleted:
       - If the oldest ffs*.log is a current log file,contents will
         be kept and new log text are added to the file.
       - If the oldest rsecomm*.log is a current log file, contents
         of it will be removed and new texts are added to the file.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




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  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:



Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R900 PSY UI13095

       UP13/12/12 I 1000

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSJK49","label":"IBM Developer for z Systems"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"9.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"9.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 December 2013