IBM Support

PM63951: [Light] 'the copies of all process of a plug-in' does not show the Workflow after closing RMC and reopen it


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APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • 'the copies of all process of a plug-in' does not show the
    Workflow after closing RMC and reopen it, here an instance
    'the copies of all process of the process.standard_RUP.base-ibm'
    does not show the Workflow
    Steps to reproduce the issue:
    1. Steps using the customer library called
    '45441.800.624.lib.'and attached:
    - create a new plug-in in a package example
    - select the process.standard_rup package and right click and
    select the 'New Method plug-in' item, it opens the window.
    - select the 'Create from existing method plug-in or package'
    - next as default, the name of the plug-in is showed without the
    name of the package in front, like process.standard_rup_2 (as in
    point 2) but there is the plug-in name only that a rename in
    'XXX' for example
    - the new plug-in 'XXX' will be created on the tree root becasue
    not specified any path by defaul as I said
    - a new configuration called 'standard_rup_ibm_2' is created
    - In this new plug-in XXX I open any process and select the
    'Open Activity Diagram' function in the workbreak down
    structure, no problem I can see the diagram.
    - close RMC
    - open again RMC and select any process in the new plug-in 'XXX'
    - Select the 'Open Activity Diagram' function in the 'workbreak
    down structure' of a process and the diagram does not exist
    anymore and the message  'No diagram file exist for this
    process. Do you want to create one?' is showed.
    If RMC crashes when publishing the site or RMC is closed then
    next time you open it and select the 'Open Activity Diagram'
    function in the 'workbreak down structure' of a process the
    diagram does not exist anymore and the message  'No diagram file
    exist for this process. Do you want to create one?'  is showed.
    This after any copy in the process.
    After the publishing the site does not have anymore the workflow
    in the 'Delivery processes-?Standard RUP' because it is
    connected with the missing diagram.
    see picture called 'standard RUP published default site' the one
    from the default site of RUP provided with RMC
    see picture called 'standard RUP published by customer library'
    to see what the customer does not see in the published site as
    result of the missing diagram
    Note: If I check the new configuration created
    'standard_rup_ibm_2' in 'plug-in and package selection' tab I do
    not see checked the plug-in  'base-ibm' I used as copy but I
    have the plug-in created 'XXX' checked
    If I check the configuration 'standard_rup_ibm' in plug-in and
    package selection I do see checked the plug-in  'base-ibm' I
    used as copy
    Customer used this library we provided with he fixed issue in
    the plug-in unlocked(he exported all his plugins and imported
    them into this provided library with locked plugin.)
    2.  I did the same steps using the prac7.5.2.1 default library.
    -selecting the process/standard_rup package I create a new
    plug-in from 'base-ibm' with the same option 'Create from
    existing method plug-in or package' (the package name shows by
    default process.standard_rup_2). The new plug-in created is
    called process.standard_rup_2.base_ibm.  A new package called
    'standard_rup_2' is created
    - In this new plug-in base_ibm I open any process and select the
    'Open Activity Diagram' function in the workbreak down
    structure, no problem I can see the diagram.
    - close RMC
    - open again RMC and select any process in the new plug-in
    - Select the 'Open Activity Diagram' function in the 'workbreak
    down structure' of a process and the diagram does not exist
    anymore and the message  'No diagram file exist for this
    process. Do you want to create one?' is showed.
    After the publishing the site does not have anymore the workflow
    in the 'Delivery processes-?Standard RUP' because it is
    connected with the missing diagram.

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    see note

Problem conclusion

  • RMC 7.5.2 provides a fix for this issue in standard single
    location libraries which are the most  common cases. For
    workspace library cases, we created a work item
    "RATLC00434318: Handle process diagram copy for new plugin
    based on old plugin of a ws lib",  and will fix it in the
    future release.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R751 PSN


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSBSK5","label":"Rational Method Composer"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.5.1","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB02","label":"AI Applications"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
28 October 2021