IBM Support

PM35968: Receives crash when adding anything to diagram.


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • They have just started using Rhapsody again and they are
    receiving a large number of crashes. They are stating that it
    tends to occur once they add something to a diagram.
    The crashes have occurred during user interaction with various
    diagram types while using Rhapsody for Developer as well as well
    as Rhapsody for System Designer (developer components were
    installed on the machine).
    The Windows XP have 4GB of RAM and this is occurring for most
    users with this environment.
    There is another team that has 2GB that is not receiving any
    As for differences between the machines, our machines are
    installed from a common image with unique hardware
    configurations.  The crashes have occurred across multiple types
    of hardware.  The largest significant difference, as I had
    previously pointed out, was location on the network.  I have not
    heard a response from you on whether network communications can
    be a possible factor.
    The greatest software configuration differences on these
    machines is the presence of software development tools.  The
    machines that have crashed have slight uniquenesses across their
    configurations but really only differ from the stable machines
    in the presence of software development tools.  These tools are
    tools such as Eclipse and Visual Studio.  They are also unique
    in that they have other modeling tools installed including
    Artisan Studio and Enterprise Architect.
    Windows XP will support 4GB physical memory.  Each application
    also gets a 4GB virtual address space.  However, as MSDN points
    'Devices have to map their memory below 4 GB for compatibility
    with non-PAE-aware Windows releases. Therefore, if the system
    has 4GB of RAM, some of it is either disabled or is remapped
    above 4GB by the BIOS. If the memory is remapped, X64 Windows
    can use this memory. X86 client versions of Windows don't
    support physical memory above the 4GB mark, so they can't access
    these remapped regions.
    Page file is 4092 MB.  DEP is enabled only for essential Windows
    programs and services.  Memory usage is set to favor Programs vs
    System Cache.

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    Receives crash when adding anything to diagram.

Problem conclusion

  • Fixed in

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R752 PSN


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS7P9W","label":"Rational Rhapsody"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.5.2","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 October 2021