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APAR status

  • Closed as documentation error.

Error description

  • 1. TWSz behaves exactly the opposite as documented in the
    manual: Customization and Tuning in regard to the keyword
       DYNAMICDEL and its values: YES or NO.
       In Customization and Tuning you will find in: section 1.1.6
       BATCHOPT in the explanation text of DYNAMICDEL(YES NO) the
       DYNAMICDEL: determines if a special resource that has been
       dynamically added to the current plan can be deleted if the
       current plan is changed, without checking the normal
    conditions listed in the section "setting the global values"
    of the Managing the Workload manual.
    Specify **NO** if dynamically added changes can be deleted
    when the current plan is changed without further checking.
    Specify **YES** if dynamically added changes can be deleted
    when the current plan is changed.
    But this is not true and tests show that the TWSz behavior
    is the opposite. Therefor the sentence:
    Specify **NO** if dynamically added changes can be deleted
    when the current plan is changed without further checking.
    Specify **YES** if dynamically added changes can be deleted
    when the current plan is changed.
    in the manual Customization and Tuning should be changed to:
    Specify **NO** if dynamically added changes can be deleted
    when the current plan is changed.
    Specify **YES** if dynamically added changes can be deleted
    when the current plan is changed without further checking.
    2. The TWSz MANAGING THE WORKLOAD manual, SC32-1263, Chapter
       SURE THAT EVENTS ARE NOT LOST, lists three techniques for
       ensuring that events are not lost between the time TWSz is
       taken down and JES is taken down.
       The technique listed first is the LEAST DESIRABLE, and is
       incompletely documented.  This section of the manual should
       be revised as follows.
       A) The method currently listed as #2 -- Removing the system
          being stopped from the JES2 MAS (placing it into
          INDEPENDENT MODE) should be listed as #1.  This is the
          best option when a single system is being restarted.
       B) The method currently listed as #3 -- Leaving the TRACKER
          run until JES itself is stopped should be listed as #2.
       C) The method currently listed as #1 -- Restarting the
          TRACKER SUB=MSTR should be listed as #3.  This is the
          LEAST desirable option, and has severe limitations which
          need to be more thoroughly documented. To that end, step
          #2 in this method should be changed to read as follows:
          2. Bring it up again under the master scheduler
                  (S OPCx,SUB=MSTR).
             Remember that a tracker cannot use JES services
             (SYSOUT DATA SETS, INTERNAL READER, JCC) if it runs
             under the master scheduler.  Thus, this technique is
             not suitable if the TRACKER is a destination for any
             workstation, if the JCC is active, or if EQQMLOG is
             allocated to SYSOUT.
    Change 3
    The 'Managing the Workload' Guide needs to be updated
    in order to clarify that if a dataset, present in a
    job undergoing Restart and Cleanup, is deleted or renamed,
    this can impact the results of the restarted job.
    Note that a batch job run outside of TWSz or a
    TSO USERID can update, delete, or rename a
    GDG instance which is being used by a TWSz
    restart job.  This can result in abend
    S737  ( ABENDS737  ABEND737 737 ) for the
    batch job case.
    Change 4
    In the 'Managing the Workload' Guide the description for
    EXT records needs to be updated
    Change 5
    In the 'Messages and Codes' manual the EQQE210I message
    needs to be modified
    Change 6
    In the 'Managing the Workload' manual the behaviour
    of the period ETTRCY1 needs to be better explained.

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: 1. TWS for z/OS users.                       *
    *                    FUNCTION=DP                               *
    *                 2. TWS for z/OS users.                       *
    *                    FUNCTION=EM.                              *
    *                 3. All TWS for zOS Restart & Cleanup users.  *
    *                    FUNCTION=R&C                              *
    *                 4. TWS for z/OS users.                       *
    *                    FUNCTION=EXIT.                            *
    *                 5. TWS for z/OS users.                       *
    *                    FUNCTION=EXIT.                            *
    *                 6. TWS for z/OS users.                       *
    *                    FUNCTION=ETT.                             *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 1. TWSz behaves the opposite of what    *
    *                         documented in regard to the keyword  *
    *                         DYNAMICDEL and its values:Yes or No. *
    *                      2. Tracker running SUB=MSTR cannot use  *
    *                         internal reader, JCC, or sysout.     *
    *                      3. A GDG data set deletion may impact   *
    *                         Restart and Cleanup results.         *
    *                      4. EXT records needs to be correctly    *
    *                         documented                           *
    *                      5. Description of EQQE210I message      *
    *                         needs to be changed                  *
    *                      6. Description of the behaviour of      *
    *                         ETTRCY1 period                       *
    1. According to the section "setting the global values" of the
       Managing the Workload manual the DYNAMICDEL description in
       the Customization and Tuning manual must be inverted, the
       description related to No must be Yes and vice versa.
    2. The order of the methods to how to make sure that events are
       not lost must be changed and in the method that is currently
       listed as 1 must be partially rewritten.
    3. The 'Managing the Workload' Guide needs to be updated
       in order to clarify that if a dataset, present in a
       job undergoing Restart and Cleanup, is deleted or renamed
       this can impact the results of the restarted job.
    4. The 'Managing the Workload' Guide needs to be updated
       in order to change the description for the EXT records.
    5. The 'Messages and Codes' manual needs to be updated
       in order to change the description for EQQE210I message.
    6. The 'Managing the Workload' manual needs to be updated
       in order to change the description for ETTRCY1 behaviour.

Problem conclusion

                             - - -
    Change 1:
    |                                                              |
    |TITLE:  IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS,               |
    |                Customization and Tuning        SC32-1265-02  |
    |                                                SC32-1265-03  |
    |                                                SC32-1265-04  |
    |                                                SC32-1265-05  |
    |                                                              |
    |Chapter 1. Initialization Statements-Reference                |
    |                                                              |
    | Paragraph : Specifying the Statements                        |
    |                                                              |
    |  Section  : Selecting Statements                             |
    |                                                              |
    |   TOPIC   : BATCHOPT                                         |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    | Error in the DYNAMICDEL statemet, change the value           |
    | description from:                                            |
    |                                                              |
    | Specify NO if dynamically added changes can be deleted when  |
    | the curren plan is changed without further checking.         |
    |                                                              |
    | Specify YES if dynamically added changes can be deleted when |
    | the current plan is changed.                                 |
    |                                                              |
    | to:                                                          |
    |                                                              |
    | Specify NO if dynamically added changes can be deleted when  |
    | the current plan is changed.                                 |
    |                                                              |
    | Specify YES if dynamically added changes can be deleted when |
    | the curren plan is changed without further checking.         |
    |                                                              |
                             - - -
    Change 2:
    |                                                              |
    |TITLE:  IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS,               |
    |                Managing the Workload           SC32-1263-02  |
    |                                                SC32-1263-03  |
    |                                                SC32-1263-04  |
    |                                                              |
    |CHAPTER   : 17. Overview of job tracking on z/OS              |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                SC32-1263-05  |
    |                                                              |
    |CHAPTER   : 14. Overview of job tracking on z/OS              |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    |   TOPIC  : How to make sure that events are not lost         |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    | Change the order of the bullets and ant semtences from:      |
    |                                                              |
    |  Method 1                                                    |
    |  1. Take the tracker down (P OPCx).                          |
    |  2. Bring it up again under the master scheduler             |
    |     (S OPCx,SUB=MSTR). Remember that a tracker cannot use    |
    |     JES services (SYSOUT data sets, JCC) if it runs under    |
    |     the master scheduler.                                    |
    |  3. Bring down JES.                                          |
    |  4. Take the tracker down (P OPCx).                          |
    |                                                              |
    |  Method 2                                                    |
    |  1. Remove the system being stopped from the JES2 MAS by     |
    |     placing it into independent mode (issue $T MEM,IND=Y).   |
    |  2. Allow the jobs currently running on this system to       |
    |     complete.                                                |
    |  3. Stop the tracker (POPCx).                                |
    |  4. Stop JES.                                                |
    |  5. Re-IPL.                                                  |
    |  6. Restart JES.                                             |
    |  7. Restart the tracker                                      |
    |  8. Resume normal work (issue $T MEM,IND=N).                 |
    |                                                              |
    |  Method 3                                                    |
    |  1. Abend JES2 ($PJES2,ABEND).                               |
    |  2. Stop the tracker (P OPCx).                               |
    |  3. Re-IPL                                                   |
    |  4. Restart JES. This will be a hot start.                   |
    |  5. Restart the tracker.                                     |
    |                                                              |
    | to:                                                          |
    |                                                              |
    |  Method 1                                                    |
    |  1. Remove the system being stopped from the JES2 MAS by     |
    |     placing it into independent mode (issue $T MEM,IND=Y).   |
    |  2. Allow the jobs currently running on this system to       |
    |     complete.                                                |
    |  3. Stop the tracker (POPCx).                                |
    |  4. Stop JES.                                                |
    |  5. Re-IPL.                                                  |
    |  6. Restart JES.                                             |
    |  7. Restart the tracker                                      |
    |  8. Resume normal work (issue $T MEM,IND=N).                 |
    |                                                              |
    |  Method 2                                                    |
    |  1. Abend JES2 ($PJES2,ABEND).                               |
    |  2. Stop the tracker (P OPCx).                               |
    |  3. Re-IPL                                                   |
    |  4. Restart JES. This will be a hot start.                   |
    |  5. Restart the tracker.                                     |
    |                                                              |
    |  Method 3                                                    |
    |  1. Take the tracker down (P OPCx).                          |
    |  2. Bring it up again under the master scheduler             |
    |          (S OPCx,SUB=MSTR).                                  |
    |     Remember that a tracker cannot use JES services (SYSOUT  |
    |     DATA SETS, INTERNAL READER, JCC) if it runs under the    |
    |     master scheduler.  Thus, this technique is not suitable  |
    |     if the TRACKER is a destination for any workstation, if  |
    |     the JCC is active, or if EQQMLOG is allocated to SYSOUT. |
    |  3. Bring down JES.                                          |
    |  4. Take the tracker down (P OPCx).                          |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
                             - - -
    Change 3:
    |                                                              |
    |TITLE:  TWS for z/OS Managing the Workload      SC32-1263-02  |
    |        Guide                                   SC32-1263-03  |
    |                                                SC32-1263-04  |
    |                                                SC32-1263-05  |
    |                                                              |
    |CHAPTER: 17          TOPIC: "Restart and cleanup"             |
    |                                                              |
    |PARAGRAPH: "JCL changes considerations"                       |
    |Change FROM:                                                  |
    | "As a consequence, if the JCL structure is changed (via      |
    |  exit01, ISPF, directives like FETCH, BEGIN, or END) in      |
    |  a way that makes the list passed....."                      |
    |TO:                                                           |
    | "As a consequence, if the JCL structure is changed (via      |
    |  exit01, ISPF, directives like FETCH, BEGIN, or END) or      |
    |  any data sets obtained from the previous run is renamed     |
    |  or deleted in a way that makes the list passed.....         |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    |TITLE:  TWS for z/OS Managing the Workload      SC32-1263-02  |
    |        Guide                                   SC32-1263-03  |
    |                                                SC32-1263-04  |
    |                                                SC32-1263-05  |
    |                                                              |
    |CHAPTER: 17          TOPIC: "Restart and cleanup"             |
    |                                                              |
    |PARAGRAPH: "JCL changes considerations"                       |
    |FROM:                                                         |
    | "In general you should not:                                  |
    |  ...                                                         |
    |  - Delete a DD that is not a DUMMY DD (unless done via       |
    |    EQQUX001 at each call, so that the submitted JCL will     |
    |    never contain that DD).                                   |
    |  ... "                                                       |
    |TO:                                                           |
    | "In general you should not:                                  |
    |  ...                                                         |
    |  - Delete a DD that is not a DUMMY DD (unless done via       |
    |    EQQUX001 at each call, so that the submitted JCL will     |
    |    never contain that DD).                                   |
    |  - Delete or rename a dataset obtained from a previous run   |
    |    that is needed to perform step restart actions            |
    |    ... "                                                     |
    |                                                              |
    Change 4:
    |                                                              |
    |TITLE:  IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS,               |
    |                Managing the Workload           SC32-1263-02  |
    |                                                SC32-1263-03  |
    |CHAPTER   : 5. Data areas                                     |
    |                                                              |
    | All description for EXT record is wrong.                     |
    | Change it in:                                                |
    |                                                              |
    |        EXT - Set Time Event                                  |
    |                                                              |
    |  Name: DCLEXT                                                |
    |                                                              |
    |  Function:                                                   |
    |  This segment declares a SET TIME (GMTOFFSET) event record.  |
    |  These event records are built by the EQQEVPGM and EQQEVCMD  |
    |  programs and then are passed to the Event Writer by using   |
    |  CSA buffers. The Event Writer writes them in the event      |
    |  datasets managing them as a part of an event record.        |
    |                                                              |
    |   Offsets                                                    |
    |  Dec Hex Type Len Name (Dim) Description                     |
    |  0   (0) STRUCTURE 80 EXT READY TO RECEIVE EVENT             |
    |  0   (0) CHARACTER 1 EXTETYPE EVENT TYPE = T                 |
    |  1   (1) CHARACTER 3 * RESERVED                              |
    |  8   (8) SIGNED 4 EXTGMTOF GMT OFFSET IN MINUTES             |
    |  12  (C) SIGNED 4 EXTCDAT CREATION DATE FORMAT               |
    |  (00YYDDDF)                                                  |
    |  16  (10) SIGNED 4 EXTCTIM CREATION TIME FORMAT (SEC*100)    |
    |  20  (14) SIGNED 4 EXTEDAT EVENT DATE FORMAT (00YYDDDF)      |
    |  24  (18) SIGNED 4 EXTETIM EVENT TIME FORMAT (SEC*100)       |
    |  28  (1C) SIGNED 4 EXTGMTSEC GMT OFFSET                      |
    |  32  (20) CHARACTER 4 EXTENF  T type ENF                     |
    |  36  (24) UNSIGNED 1 EXTENFB1 ENF 53 Byte1                   |
    |  37  (25) UNSIGNED 1 EXTENFB2 ENF 53 Byte2                   |
    |  38  (26) UNSIGNED 1 EXTENFB3 ENF 53 Byte3                   |
    |  39  (27) CHARACTER 1 EXTRCHA  REAL CHANGE Y/M               |
    |  40  (28) CHARACTER 48 * RESERVED                            |
    |  76  (4C) CHARACTER 4 EXTOPCID EVENT ID 'EQQX'               |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    Change 5:
    |                                                              |
    |TITLE:  TIVOLI WORKLOAD SCHEDULER FOR z/OS,                   |
    |             Messages and Codes                  SC32-1267-02 |
    |                                                 SC32-1267-03 |
    |CHAPTER: 10 EQQEnnn Messages                                  |
    |                                                              |
    | Modify the System action of EQQE210I message FROM:           |
    |                                                              |
    | System action: The tracker generates the event and           |
    | modifies the GMT offset, on the controller site, if the      |
    | event was created in the same system the controller          |
    | will manage it and signal the change in its MLOG. If         |
    | the event was created in another system the controller       |
    | signals the message on its MLOG.                             |
    |                                                              |
    | IN:                                                          |
    |                                                              |
    | System Action:  The tracker generates the event and, if the  |
    | difference of GMT offset value is at least one minute long,  |
    | modifies its GMT offset. Processing that event, the          |
    | controller will:                                             |
    |                                                              |
    | - Issue the EQQE210I message in its MLOG and, if the event   |
    |   was created on its system, update its GMT offset (but only |
    |   if the difference is at least one minute long).            |
    | - Issue the EQQE210I message but it will not revise its GMT  |
    |   offset value, if the event was created on a different      |
    |   system.                                                    |
    |                                                              |
    Change 6:
    |                                                              |
    |TITLE:  TWS for z/OS Managing the Workload                    |
    |        Version 8.3                        SC32-1263-03       |
    |        Version 8.5                        SC32-1263-04       |
    |        Version 8.5.1                      SC32-1263-05       |
    |                                                              |
    |Section     Automatically adding an occurrence to             |
    |            the current plan                                  |
    |                                                              |
    |The sentence:                                                 |
    |"If an ETT-added occurrence contains a run cycle that uses    |
    | the period ETTRCY1, Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS uses  |
    | the input arrival time defined on that run cycle to          |
    | establish successor dependencies instead of using the        |
    | occurrence input arrival time, which by default is the       |
    | triggering-event time."                                      |
    |                                                              |
    |has to be changed with:                                       |
    |"If an ETT-added occurrence contains a run cycle that uses    |
    | the period ETTRCY1, Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS adds  |
    | the occurrence into the CP with an input arrival time        |
    | matching with the current time, but it uses the time         |
    | supplied by the not cyclic runcycle ETTRCY1 to establish     |
    | successor dependencies instead of using the occurrence input |
    | arrival time"                                                |
    |                                                              |

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

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  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Publications Referenced

Fix information

Applicable component levels

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSRULV","label":"IBM Workload Scheduler for z\/OS"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"302","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"302","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 April 2016