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APAR status

  • Closed as documentation error.

Error description

  • RADv6 ejb2.0 backend DB2UDBOS390_V8_1 not migrated to RAD v7.0.0
    When importing this RAD v6 Project Interchnage (PI), conatining
    his ejb 2.0 project trageting WAS 5.0, he has the error

Local fix

Problem summary

  • The problem is the Targetted Runtime which is WAS V5.0 which
    is not supported in RAD V7.
    Documentation has been added to clarify the migration

Problem conclusion

  • The following topics were modified:
    Added the following paragraph:
    The IBM Rational Software Development Platform V7.0.x no
    longer supports WebSphere Application Server V5.0. As a
    result, in WebSphere Studio V5.1.2 you need to upgrade the
    WebSphere Application Server V5.0 target runtime settings to
    a higher version level of the server supported by IBM
    Rational Software Development Platform V7.0.x, such as
    WebSphere Application Server V5.1. Otherwise, the migrated
    project is going to have problems compiling the migrated
    project in the V7.0.x workbench. An additional problem that
    can occur when importing a project set to the unsupported
    WebSphere Application Server V5.0 target runtime is if the
    migrated project contains a container-managed persistence
    (CMP) EJB project, the mappings to a database backend is not
    going to be migrated. In this case, the workbench displays a
    misleading error message, for example:
    The mapping for backend DB2UDBOS390_V8_1 is not valid.
    The database vendor may not be supported. See the
    file for details.
    The database backend, DB2UDBOS390_V8_1, specified in the
    example error message changes depending on the backend
    specified in the migrated CMP EJB project. This error
    message is misleading and is a known limitation because in
    this example the DB2 Universal Database for z/OS, V8
    (DB2UDBOS390_V8) is a supported database backend for the
    targeted runtimes, WebSphere Application Server V5.1, V6.0,
    and V6.1 supported in the IBM Rational Software Development
    Platform V7.0.x workbench. In addition, although the error
    message displays, the workbench does not create the
    SQLModelMigration.log file. To avoid these problems,
    complete the below migration steps available in this topic
    to change the target runtime settings of the projects you
    want to migrate from the unsupported WebSphere Application
    Server V5.0 to a supported version level of WebSphere
    Application Server V5.1.
    The specification level of your project resources targeting
    a WebSphere Application Server V5.0 should be compatible in
    higher levels of the WebSphere Application Server. For
    details on the WebSphere Application Server and the
    specification level it supports, see the Specifications and
    API documentation topic in the WebSphere Application Server
    Information Center.
    Backward compatibility restrictions
    Prior to completing the migration steps, review the backward
    compatibility restrictions in the following Technote:
    Migration steps
    To migrate a J2EE project targeted to a WebSphere
    Application Server v5.0 from an IBM Rational Software
    Development Platform V6.0.x to V7.0.x, complete the
    following steps:
    1.  There is a known limitation to initialize the server
    tooling in an IBM Rational Software Development Platform
    V7.0.x workspace, complete the following steps to work
    around this problem:
       a.  Open the IBM Rational Software Development Platform
    V7.0.x workspace, that you want to contain the migrated
       b.  Open the Servers view to initialize the server
    tooling to load in the workspace, by selecting Window --
    Show View -- Others. The Show View dialog box opens. In the
    Show view dialog box, select Servers -- Servers and click
    2.   Verify your workspace contains a WebSphere Application
    Server V5.1 or V6.0 entry in the installed runtime
    environment by completing the following steps:
       a. In the IBM Rational Software Development Platform
    V7.0.x workspace, select Window -- Preferences -- Server --
    Installed Runtimes.
       b.  On the right-pane of the Installed Server Runtime
    Environments page and under the Installed server runtimes
    list, verify there is a WebSphere Application Server V5.1 or
    V6.0 entry. If there is no WebSphere Application Server V5.1
    or V6.0 entry, see the Defining the installed server runtime
    environments topic for adding an installed runtime
    3.   Upgrade the WebSphere Application Server V5.0 target
    runtime settings to a higher and supported version level of
    the server. Repeat this step for each module projects and
    the containing enterprise application project.
       a. In the IBM Rational Software Development Platform
    V6.0.x workspace, in the Project Explorer view right-click
    the project and select Properties -- Server.
       b. On the right-pane of the Server page, in the Target
    server drop-down list, select either WebSphere Application
    Server v5.1 or WebSphere Application Server v6.0 depending
    on which upgraded server you want to target the project
    against in the V7.0 workbench, then click OK. If there is no
    WebSphere Application Server V5.1 or V6.0 entry, add the
    runtime entry and its location by selecting Window --
    Preferences -- Servers -- Installed Runtimes.
       Remember: Repeat this step for the enterprise application
    (EAR) containing the module projects. Otherwise, the target
    server of the module projects does not match the target
    server of the containing enterprise application project.
    4.  Select one of the following options to migrate your J2EE
    projects from V6.0.x to V7.0:
       -Migrating projects imported using Project Interchange:
    Export projects from V6.0.x and import into V7.0 using the
    Project Interchange feature.
       -Migrating projects loaded from a SCM (source code
    management) system: You can migrate projects from V6.0.x
    that exist in a SCM system into V7.0 when they are loaded
    into a V7.0 workspace.
       -Migrating a workspace on the same computer: When you are
    ready to permanently migrate your V6.0 to a V7.0 workspace
    on the same computer, start the V7.0 product with your old
    workspace. In this case, the settings in your Installed
    Runtimes (Window -- Preferences -- Installed Runtimes) are
    also preserved during the migration. See Migrating
    workspaces and projects from V6.0.x topic for details.
    Modifying artifact levels in the migrated project
    If you want to continue developing your migrated project in
    the V7.0.x workbench and do not want to use the migrated
    project in the older workbench, you can further upgrade the
    artifact levels in the migrated project. These artifact
    levels include the J2EE specification level or the target
    runtime settings. However, once you upgrade the artifact
    levels to a version that is specific to the V7.0.x workbench
    or make use of the v7.0.x specific features in your project
    that are not supported in the previous workbench, then your
    migrated project breaks backward compatibility, see the
    Backward compatibility restrictions section for more
    Information to modify the artifact levels in the migrated
    -If you want to modify the target runtime setting to a
    higher version-level of the server in the V7.0.x workbench,
    see the Modifying the target runtime settings of a project
    to a WebSphere Application Server topic for details.
    -If you want to migrate your project resources to a higher
    specification level, in the V7.0.x workbench refer to the
    Migrating the specification level of J2EE projects topic.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

Applicable component levels

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSRTLW","label":"Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 September 2007