IBM Support


A fix is available


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • IDz Host Utilities: internal defects and enhancements

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: 01.Users of headless code review             *
    *                    application for z/OS.                     *
    *                 02.Users of headless code review             *
    *                    application for z/OS.                     *
    *                 03.Users of headless code review             *
    *                    application for z/OS.                     *
    *                 04.Users of headless code review             *
    *                    application for z/OS.                     *
    *                 05.Users of headless code review             *
    *                    application for z/OS.                     *
    *                 06.Users of headless code review             *
    *                    application for z/OS.                     *
    *                 07.Users of headless code review             *
    *                    application for z/OS.                     *
    *                 08.Users of headless code review             *
    *                    application for z/OS.                     *
    *                 09.Users of headless code review             *
    *                    application for z/OS.                     *
    *                 10.Users of headless code review             *
    *                    application for z/OS.                     *
    *                 11.Users of headless code review             *
    *                    application for z/OS.                     *
    *                 12.Users of headless code review             *
    *                    application for z/OS.                     *
    *                 13.Users of headless code review             *
    *                    application for z/OS.                     *
    *                 14.Users of headless code review             *
    *                    application for z/OS.                     *
    *                 15.Users of headless code review             *
    *                    application for z/OS.                     *
    *                 16.Users of headless code review             *
    *                    application for z/OS.                     *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 01.Symbolics are not recognized as      *
    *                         integer literals.                    *
    *                      02.COBOL parser fails to recognized     *
    *                         LENGTH without IN/OF.                *
    *                      03.When analyzing a program with        *
    *                         multiple nested programs using a     *
    *                         custom COBOL code rule, reference    *
    *                         resolution error messages may be     *
    *                         issued.                              *
    *                      04.When an extension map does not       *
    *                         correctly identify the language of   *
    *                         specified PDS members, it is         *
    *                         difficult for a customer to tell     *
    *                         whether a scan succeeded with no     *
    *                         results or if there were no PDS      *
    *                         members scanned.                     *
    *                      05.The COBOL parser failed to           *
    *                         recognize CYCLE as a variable name.  *
    *                      06.INSPECT statements were not          *
    *                         handling multiple phrases following  *
    *                         FOR. In particular, ALL was causing  *
    *                         problems. The language               *
    *                         specifications do not allow use of   *
    *                         ALL in literals for this very        *
    *                         reason.                              *
    *                      07.The IDz COBOL parser does not        *
    *                         tolerate ENTER statements.           *
    *                      08.The COBOL parser does not correctly  *
    *                         handle the IS NUMERIC clause.        *
    *                      09.'' was not being treated as a valid  *
    *                         token in COBOL.                      *
    *                      10.DEFAULT was set to be a reserved     *
    *                         keyword                              *
    *                      11.Custom COBOL code review rules       *
    *                         reports insufficient error           *
    *                         information when populating the      *
    *                         COBOL Application Model.             *
    *                      12.The RDz PL/I parser is unable to     *
    *                         handle certain macro language        *
    *                         features such as empty macro         *
    *                         procedure call arguments.            *
    *                      13.Headless batch code review ignores   *
    *                         syntax errors.                       *
    *                      14.If the left margin is set to column  *
    *                         1 by a compiler option or *PROCESS   *
    *                         statement, the IDz PL/I parser       *
    *                         ignores subsequent *PROCESS          *
    *                         statements.                          *
    *                      15.The PL/I parser incorrectly formed   *
    *                         symbols for handles to complex       *
    *                         structures.                          *
    *                      16.The RDz PL/I parser did not          *
    *                         automatically resolve the built-in   *
    *                         CICS data declarations.              *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    01.Symbolics are not recognized as integer literals.
    02.COBOL parser fails to recognized LENGTH without IN/OF.
    03.When analyzing a program with multiple nested programs using
       a custom COBOL code rule, reference resolution error
       messages may be issued.
    04.When an extension map does not correctly identify the
       language of specified PDS members, it is difficult for a
       customer to tell whether a scan succeeded with no results or
       if there were no PDS members scanned.
    05.The COBOL parser failed to recognize CYCLE as a variable
    06.INSPECT statements were not handling multiple phrases
       following FOR.
    07.The IDz COBOL parser does not tolerate ENTER statements.
    08.The COBOL parser does not correctly handle the IS NUMERIC
    09.'' was not being treated as a valid token in COBOL.
    10.DEFAULT was set to be a reserved keyword
    11.Custom COBOL code review rules reports insufficient error
       information when populating the COBOL Application Model.
    12.The RDz PL/I parser is unable to handle certain macro
       language features such as empty macro procedure call
    13.Headless batch code review ignores syntax errors.
    14.If the left margin is set to column 1 by a compiler option
       or *PROCESS statement, the IDz PL/I parser ignores
       subsequent *PROCESS statements.
    15.The PL/I parser incorrectly formed symbols for handles to
       complex structures.
    16.The RDz PL/I parser did not automatically resolve the
       built-in CICS data declarations.

Problem conclusion

  • 01.Modified COBOL parser so that symbolics are recognized as
       integer literals.
    02.Modified COBOL parser to recognize LENGTH without IN/OF.
    03.Modified the code that populates the CAM API model to
       properly handle global symbol references in nested programs.
    04.Added a message to alert a customer when no PDS members have
       been scanned.
    05.Modified COBOL parser to recognized CYCLE as a variable
    06.INSPECT statements now properly handle multiple phrases.
       Literals in INSPECT statements now do not allow use of the
       word ALL, removing ambiguity.
    07.Modified the COBOL parser to tolerate ENTER statements.
    08.Modified the COBOL parser to correctly handle the IS NUMERIC
    09.Added '' to the list of valid tokens.
    10.Update DEFAULT to be a soft keyword.
    11.Modified the error reporting for population of the COBOL
       Application Model to supply file and line information for
    12.Modified the PL/I parser to support missing macro language
    13.Modified headless batch code review to return RC 8 when a
       syntax error is encountered.
    14.Modified the PL/I parser to correctly handle *PROCESS
       statements, regardless of MARGINS values.
    15.Modified the PL/I parser to correctly form symbols for
       handles to complex structures.
    16.Modified the PL/I parser to automatically resolve the
       built-in CICS data declarations.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:




Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • RE00 PSY UI53360

       UP18/01/27 P F801

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSJK49","label":"IBM Developer for z Systems"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"E00","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"E00","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 October 2020