IBM Support



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APAR status

  • Closed as documentation error.

Error description

  • This APAR describes the issues that customers encountered with
    IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 9.0.  These issues were
    resolved as knowledge center updates in July, 2017.

Local fix

  • N/A

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED:  This APAR provides a cumulative list of     *
    *                  the documentation issues for month_year     *
    *                  that affect users of IBM WebSphere          *
    *                  Application Server Version 9.0.             *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The Knowledge Centers for WebSphere     *
    *                      Application Server Version 9.0 need     *
    *                      to reflect customer enhancement         *
    *                      requests received in problem            *
    *                      management records (PMRs). These        *
    *                      enhancements can include fixing         *
    *                      technical inaccuracies or clarifying    *
    *                      vague information.                      *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    See the Problem conclusion section for a description of the
    issues, which are described in customer PMRs, and the
    documentation change or changes that will address these issues.

Problem conclusion

  • Note: We update our knowledge centers monthly. The following
    Version 9.0 modifications will be available in the
    July, 2017 update to the Knowledge Centers. To access the
    latest on-line documentation, go to the product library page at and
    select the version and product that is appropriate for your
    WebSphere Application Server environment.
    The following Version 9.0 issues will be addressed:
    ID: PI83886 and 784823
    Problem: The directive SSLSNIMap in topic, SSL directives, is
    only available in HTTP Server V9.0 and with using Apache 2.4.
    HTTP Server V8.5 uses Apache 2.2, but the V8.5 level of this
    topic documents the ability to use this directive. The
    customer on HTTP Server V8.5 tried to use SSLSNIMap and got an
    error and wondered why.....after reading the knowledge center
    topic. The V8.5 level of the topic is in error in documenting
    SSLSNIMap and the description needs to be removed (V8.5 only
    Resolution: V8.5 Topic, SSL directives, is update to remove
    the description of SSLSNIMap.  The V9.0 level of the topic
    remains unchanged.
    ID: 244243 (RTC)
    Problem: Two problems arise for users in WebSphere Application
    Server traditional who are using Liberty.
    1)In configuring data base session persistence, users want to
    apply the server.xml to some EAR/WAR files and not to others.
    This is not possible for Liberty and should be documented as a
    2) WebSphere Application Server traditional locally
    transacted JMS sessions are do not operate properly in
    Liberty.  Porting these applications in hopes of operating
    them as locally transacted JMS sessions is not allowed in
    Liberty.  This restriction needs to be documented.
    1) Topic, Liberty:Runtime environment known issues and
    restrictions, is update for problem (1).  A new restriction is
    added to read as follows:
    Configuring session persistence
    There is only one server.xml file per server (NOT a server.xml
    for each EAR/WAR file). You set
    session persistence in a database by adding
    the following:
    <httpSessionDatabase id="SessionDB" dataSourceRef="SessionDS"
    ... />
    In Liberty, this setting for the database applies to ALL
    EAR/WAR files. It is not possible to set up some databases
    with session persistence and others without.
    (2) Topic, Liberty:Runtime environment known issues and
    restrictions, is update for problem (2).  A new restriction is
    added to read as follows:
    Ported locally transacted JMS sessions do not work in Liberty
    In WebSphere Application Server traditional, you could develop
    applications to take advantage of locally transacted JMS
    sessions. When you port these applications to Liberty, these
    application will no longer work (or at least, will behave
    Even though WebSphere Application Server traditional allows
    locally transacted JMS sessions, porting a WebSphere
    Application Server traditional locally transacted JMS session
    to Liberty is not allowed.
    These updates also apply to V8.5 of the knowledge center.
    ID: 244244 (RTC)
    Problem: Two topics in the knowledge center refer to using the
    v8.5.0.jar file when they should indicate the ... v9.0.jar file.
    This would confuse the user and mislead.   These topics need
    Topic, Running an unmanaged web services JAX-RPC client,
    Topic, Running an unmanaged web services JAX-WS client
    are updated
    References to the ......V8.5.0.jar are replaced with
    references to the .....v9.0.jar
    ID: 244245 (RTC)
    Problem: There is need to clarify the reason of the difference
    between tWAS and Liberty with respect to this condition:
    If there are many servlet login users and they use a same JMS
    connection pool, frequent connection destroy and creation
    happens because login user A can't re-use the connection
    generated by user B because of the subject missmatch. The
    customer is thinking this behavior is not so good from
    performance perspective.
    Resolution: Topic, Liberty:Runtime environment known issues
    and restrictions, is updated by adding the following general
    Liberty's use of WebSphere MQ messaging
    When Liberty is using WebSphere MQ as a messaging
    provider, the reuse criteria in free connection of JMS
    connection pool is different from the reuse criteria in
    WebSphere Application Server traditional. If a JMS application
    uses container authentication for a connection factory and
    several authenticated users use the same connection pool,
    the reuse rate of WebSphere Liberty is much less than the
    reuse rate of WebSphere Application Server traditional.
    Liberty reuse rate is less because the free connection created
    by an authenticated user cannot be reused by other
    authenticated users in the Liberty and can result in
    frequent connection regeneration.   Should this Liberty
    behavior be unacceptable as a strict performance requirement,
    you can use  application authentication with username and
    password properties of properties.wmqJms.
    This update also applies to the V8.5 knowledge center.
    ID: 244302 (RTC)
    Problem: Topic, Configuring relational database connectivity
    in Liberty, is missing configuration information for the data
    source that is associated with the Oracle Call Interface
    (OCI) JDBC provider.
    Resolution: Topic, Configuring relational database connectivity
    in Liberty, is updated with the Oracle Call Interface
    (OCI) JDBC provider connectivity information.  The connection
    information is updated in the topic as follows:
    For Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
        <dataSource id="DefaultDataSource"
          <jdbcDriver libraryRef="OracleOciLib"/>
        <library id="OracleOciLib">
          <fileset dir="C:/Oracle/OCI/instantclient"/>
    Configure the Liberty environment to recognize the OCI
    native client libraries by setting the path to the libraries -
    in the Liberty server.env file on the path environment
    variable for your operating system.
    ID: 245988 (RTC)
    Problem: Topic, JSP engine, indicates that WebSphere
    Application Server Version 9.0 supports the JSP 2.1
    specification, but this is inaccurate.  Version 9.0 supports
    JSP 2.3 specification.  This is causing confusion to users.
    Resolution: Topic, JSP engine, is update.  The second sentence
    in the topic now reads:
    WebSphere Application Server Version 9.0 supports the JSP 2.3
    ID: 244075 (RTC)
    Problem: Topic, [ or later]
    Discovering REST API documentation, has an example (step 1.a)
    that is in error.  The example has singe quotes, but you must
    use double quotes and a step 4, second bullet, a. in the
    procedure is containing a typo.  Users can produce system
    errors because of this.
    Resolution: Topic, [ or later]
    Discovering REST API documentation, is updated as follows:
    (1) Step 1.a  is updated to read as follows:
    Run the deploySwaggerUI script to install Swagger applications
    onto a target.
    wsadmin -user user_name -password user_password -f
    install "WebSphere:cell=cell01,node=node01,server=server1"
    (2) Step 4, second bullet, part a. now reads:
    Open your browser and navigate to
    ID: 244245 (RTC)
    Problem: Topic,
    Liberty:Runtime environment known issues and restrictions,
    needs another new issue item about  Liberty's use of WebSphere
    MQ messaging.  There is confusion between how WebSphere
    Application Server traditional and Liberty performs MQ
    Resolution: Topic,
    Liberty:Runtime environment known issues and restrictions,
    is updated to read:
    Title: Liberty's use of WebSphere MQ messaging
    When Liberty is using WebSphere MQ as a messaging
    provider, the reuse criteria in free connection of JMS
    connection pool is different from the reuse criteria in
    WebSphere Application Server traditional. If a JMS application
    uses container authentication for a connection factory and
    several authenticated users use the same connection pool, the
    reuse rate of WebSphere Liberty is much less than the reuse
    rate of WebSphere Application Server traditional. Liberty reuse
    rate is less because the free connection created by an
    authenticated user cannot be reused by other authenticated
    users in the Liberty and can result in frequent connection
    regeneration.   Should this Liberty behavior be unacceptable
    as a strict performance requirement, you can use application
    authentication with username and password properties of

Temporary fix


APAR Information

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    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

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Fix information

Applicable component levels

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"9.0","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
02 November 2021