IBM Support



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APAR status

  • Closed as documentation error.

Error description

  • This APAR describes the issues that customers encountered with
    IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 8.5.  These issues were
    resolved as knowledge center updates in April, 2017.

Local fix

  • N/A

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED:  This APAR provides a cumulative list of     *
    *                  the documentation issues for April 2017     *
    *                  that affect users of IBM WebSphere          *
    *                  Application Server Version 8.5.             *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The Knowledge Centers for WebSphere     *
    *                      Application Server Version 8.5 need     *
    *                      to reflect customer enhancement         *
    *                      requests received in problem            *
    *                      management records (PMRs). These        *
    *                      enhancements can include fixing         *
    *                      technical inaccuracies or clarifying    *
    *                      vague information.                      *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    See the Problem conclusion section for a description of the
    issues, which are described in customer PMRs, and the
    documentation change or changes that will address these issues.

Problem conclusion

  • Note: We update our knowledge centers monthly. The following
    Version 8.5 modifications will be available in the April 2017
    update to the Knowledge Centers. To access the latest on-line
    documentation, go to the product library page at and
    select the version and product that is appropriate for your
    WebSphere Application Server environment.
    The following Version 8.5 issues will be addressed:
    ID: 779984
    Problem: Topic, Java Servlet considerations, is missing
    important information in the last bullet of the topic.  The -
    You must start.... part of the following sentence:
    You must start the application, generate the
    plug-in configuration, propagate the configuration to the
    plug-in, and  then reload the configuration for the plug-in to
    obtain the cookie.
    Must read as:
    You must start the application server....
    Add the word, server, to that sentence; otherwise, errors are
    Resolution: Topic, Java Servlet considerations, is
    updated to add the word, server, to that critical
    This update also applies to V8.0 and V9.0
    ID: 780058
    Problem: The description of the Certificate pre-notification
    threshold is missing in an important topic of the knowledge
    center and needs to be explained in a clear and understandable
    way to the reader.  You can then use this threshold with errors.
    Resolution: Topic, Manage certificate expiration settings, is
    updated as follows:
    Add after the description of, Expiration notification
    threshold, the following:
    Certificate pre-notification threshold
    The Certificate pre-notification threshold permits you to be
    warned when the certificate monitor will replace a
    certificate. Set the Certificate pre-notification threshold in
    the box labeled, <b>Certificate pre-notification
    The Certificate pre-notification threshold is the number of
    days before the start of the expiration notification threshold
    where the certificate monitor reports the date that a
    certificate can start getting replaced.
    If the certificate pre-notification is set to 90 days,
    and the expiration notification threshold is 30 days, your
    certificate does not expire for another 60 days.
    Information                   Value
    Data type                     Integer
    Default                       90 days
    This update also applies to V7.0, V8.0, and V9.0 levels of
    the knowledge center.
    ID: 780170
    Problem: Topic, Editing web server configuration files, is
    missing information about support for Apache HTTP server 2.4
    as well as information about version 2.4 being compatible with
    version 8.5.5 remove a compatibility statement and content
    that is not relevant to  v8.5 and v9.0 must be removed. These
    corrections will help customers not make configuration errors.
    Resolution: Topic, Editing web server configuration files, is
    updated to reflect information for Apache HTTP Server 2.4. The
    8.5.5 version of the topic is updated to reflect Apahce HTTP
    Server compatibility for version and higher.
    This update also applies to the V9.0 level of the knowledge
    ID: 780431
    Problem: The customer was in the process of generating
    response files using IBM products that they use (ODM 8.8.1)
    which allows them to create the response file using imcl
    command line option. They do not have GUI installed in their
    environment, and they are looking for a command line solution
    without having to manually edit the existing sample response
    files from our knowledge center. The WebSphere Application
    Server Version 8.5 knowledge center had no information about a
    command line option.
    Resolution: Topic, Installing the product on distributed
    operating systems using response files, is updated with
    information about using the generateResponseFile imcl option
    in the WebSphere Application Server environment.  The About
    this Task section reads as follows:
    Using Installation Manager, you can work with response files
    to install the product in a variety of ways. You can record a
    response file using the GUI as described in the following
    You can also generate a response file by hand; by modifying an
    example response file; or for a full production server, by
    using the generateResponseFile option on an Installation
    Manager imcl command. The generateResponseFile option cannot
    be used when you are updating from one version of the product
    to another or when you are installing a fix pack. For more
    information about the generateResponseFile option, see IBM
    Installation Manager documentation.
    Note: Installation on the K-UX 2.1 operating system is
    supported in silent mode only. You must have IBM ? ? Installatio
    Manager Version to install the product on the K-UX 2.1
    operating system.
    The update also applies to the Version 9.0 level of the topic
    in the knowledge center.
    ID: 780736
    Problem: Customer is having trouble knowing what value to set
    for the custom property, Topic, HTTP
    transport custom properties for web services applications,
    needs to be updated to clarify this setting.
    Resolution: Topic, HTTP
    transport custom properties for web services applications, is
    updated for
    The FIRST Best Practice note will read:
    Best Practice
    For performance reasons, ensure that the custom
    property is equal to or greater than the size of the maximum
    number of threads in the web container thread pool. The
    default size of this property is set to 25 and 50 for
    JAX-RPC and JAX-WS, respectively. You can adjust the setting
    for this property upwards from this initial value, as
    required, to better use the threads.
    Also, the Range description in Table 5 is updated to read:
    Range     5 to the maximum integer
    This update also applies to V9.0 level of the topic in the
    knowledge center.
    ID: 241700 (RTC)
    Problem: Missing information in the knowledge center is
    causing confusion to customer. Specifically, Topic, Optimized
    local adapters APIs on Liberty for z/OS. As part of the
    diagnosis, the customer for BBOA1RCA, if waittime expires on
    the BBOA1CNG portion of the call, a return code of 8 and
    reason code of 10 is received.  BBOA1RCA does not document a
    reason code of 10 for the return code of 8.  The topic needs
    an update.
    Resolution: Topic, Optimized local adapters APIs on Liberty
    for z/OS is updated.  Table 15 for BBOA1RCA is update to add
    the following reason code 10 information for a return code of 8.
    Return code     Reason code
         8               10
    Description: The connection is unavailable. The wait time
    expired before the connection request could be obtained.
    Action: The application behavior varies. Wait and try again,
    or issue the abend macro to terminate the task that called the
    Connection Get API. You can also increase the maximum
    connections setting on the Register API call.
    This update also applies to the V9.0 level of this topic in
    the knowledge center.
    ID: 780666
    Problem: Customer is experiencing a CORBA.NO_PERMISSION
    problem for the ISIM batch user and resolved the problem by
    diabling the cache with the JVM system property:
    and noted that this property is not documented in the knowlege
    center.  The property should be documented to aid future
    customers who experience similar conditions.
    Resolution: Topic, Security custom properties, is updated to
    include a description of
    as folows:
    This property specifies whether to enable, disable, or
    partially disable authentication cache. Disabling AuthCache
    might impact performance. The property works as a security
    custom property and a JVM property.
    If specified as a security custom property, this property is
    propagated from NodeSync. If specified as JVM property, it
    works from JVM. Only one server requires different AuthCache
    A setting of True, which is the default setting, enables
    A setting of False disables AuthCache.
    Disable AuthCache for userid/password lookup.
    Information  Value
    Default  true
    This update also applies to the V9.0 topic version of the
    knowledge center.
    ID: PI78034
    <******* Might need a Continuation DOC APAR ****** >
    <******* for PI78034 *******************************>

Temporary fix


APAR Information

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    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

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Fix information

Applicable component levels

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.5","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 November 2021