IBM Support

PI14716: [wi 105037]RAM CLI interface doesn't create new versions of existing assets


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APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • Headline:
    RAM CLI interface doesn't create new versions of existing assets
    Attempts to create new version of existing Asset with RAM CLI
    Error Description:
    User is attempting the following:
    1. Use the Web GUI to create a new asset, say version 1.0.
    2. Use the RAM CLI to create new versions of the same asset.
    Note: I am creating the assets using either component or
    implementation asset type.
    When I perform step 1, it works fine, and creates the new
    implementation asset with a generated UID of
    FEFB99F4-D24D-BB59-A4F3-DC80A301A451 and a name of
    Using the RAM CLI, I want to publish a new version of the same
    asset.So I set up my RAM configuration flie as:
    [root@jsoc80 WLP_Config]# cat
    #Wed Jan 22 12:01:40 PST 2014
    Set up the package.json as:
    [root@jsoc80 WLP_Config]# cat package.json
      'id': 'FEFB99F4-D24D-BB59-A4F3-DC80A301A451',
      'version': '1.1',
      'description': 'Some description',
      'type' : 'implementation'
    and then run the publish command from the directory of the
    package.json and the associated artifacts to be uploaded, using
    the command:
    publish -config /home/chrisr/.ram/
    This results in the output:
    Packages found:
    The asset
    FEFB99F4-D24D-BB59-A4F3-DC80A301A451[1.1-20140305_175254] was
    created successfully.
    The command completed successfully.
    Unfortunately, instead of creating a new version of my asset, it
    seems to have created a new asset altogether, with both the name
    and id set to FEFB99F4-D24D-BB59-A4F3-DC80A301A451.  If I bring
    up the new asset in the GUI, the Versions list doesn't show any
    sort of linkage to the original Test_RAMCLI asset I created.
    Additionally, in the Test_RAMCLI asset, its version list doesn't
    include the new one either.  Even more strangely, the UIDs for
    the two assets seem to be exactly the same, which makes no sense
    unless they actually are the same asset, but just two different
    versions.  But if they are the same asset, how can the names be
    different, and why don't they show linkages to each other in
    their version trees?
    We asked the following questions:
    1. What happens if you create an Asset from the GUI then try to
    create a new version from GUI.
    2. What happens if you create a new Asset from CLI and if you
    try to create a new version from GUI.
    3. What happens if you create a new Asset from CLI then you try
    to create a new version from CLI.
    Client response:
    All of those scenarios work fine.  The problem only seems to
    happen when the asset is created in the GUI, and it is given a
    UID that is not the same as the name. e.g.
    (FEFB99F4-D24D-BB59-A4F3-DC80A301A451 ) .
    Note now that I am seeing something a bit different.  The
    version linkages do seem to be created properly, though the
    other day I swore they weren't. (Could there be an issue where
    the version linkages are added slowly?)
    So really, it looks like the only real problem is that the new
    versions are being created with an incorrect name.  For example,
    if I create a new version in the GUI called Testing_RAMCLI, with
    version 1.0, and it is given a uid of
    FEFB99F4-D24D-BB59-A4F3-DC80A301A451, and I then use the RAM CLI
    to create new versions, they show up linked to the original ok,
    but the name is not the original name, but instead the UID.
    On the other hand, if I create the asset from the CLI in the
    first place,and the name and UID match, then problem doesn't

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
    * RAM                                                          *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
    * 1. Create an Asset in RAM called "TestAsset".                *
    * 2. Create a Component Process in RAM which uses the Upload   *
    * Asset Step.                                                  *
    * 3. Specify, in the configuration, the GUID of the asset      *
    * created in RAM ¶ with the step 1 and specify version 2.0 for *
    * the version                                                  *
    * 4. Run the process                                           *
    * Result:                                                      *
    * The asset is being updated with the new version but its name *
    * is now using the GUID instead of the original name           *
    * "TestAsset".                                                 *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *

Problem conclusion

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




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  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R752 PSY


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSUS84","label":"Rational Asset Manager"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"752","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 April 2022