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APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • RDz v9013 internal defects and enhancements - RSE

Local fix

  • n/a

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: 01.RDz users who use integrated PICL         *
    *                    debugger.                                 *
    *                 02.RDz administrators diagnosing integrated  *
    *                    PICL debugger.                            *
    *                 03.RDz users who use integrated PICL         *
    *                    debugger.                                 *
    *                 04.RDz users.                                *
    *                 05.System administrators who check the       *
    *                    server log                                *
    *                 06.All RDz users                             *
    *                 07.All RDz users                             *
    *                 08.All RDz users                             *
    *                 09.All RDz users                             *
    *                 10.All RDz users                             *
    *                 11.All RDz users                             *
    *                 12.All RDz users                             *
    *                 13.All RDz users                             *
    *                 14.All RDz users                             *
    *                 15.All RDz users                             *
    *                 16.All RDz users                             *
    *                 17.All RDz users                             *
    *                 18.All RDz users                             *
    *                 19.All RDz users to run Daemon IVP           *
    *                 20.All RDz users with 64-bit JVM             *
    *                 21.z/OS system admin                         *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 01.Debug miner can't connect to         *
    *                         localhost in some environments       *
    *                      02.Debug Miner doesn't trace the        *
    *                         localhost used.                      *
    *                      03.The DebugSessionHandler can take up  *
    *                         to a minute to shutdown after RSE    *
    *                         server disconnect.                   *
    *                      04.The DebugSessionHandler logs error   *
    *                         messages whenever there is a failed  *
    *                         attempt to connect to DBM.           *
    *                      05.NullPointerException is logged       *
    *                         without the privilege on the user    *
    *                         log directory                        *
    *                      06.In RDz, Copy member in PDS doesn't   *
    *                         preserve attributes (ISPF            *
    *                         statistics) of the original source   *
    *                         member as copy works in ISPF.        *
    *                      07.There is a case where user 's        *
    *                         subtask remains running after the    *
    *                         user disconnects.                    *
    *                      08.RSECOMMLOG (RCL) operator command    *
    *                         values do not work.                  *
    *                      09.When the number of "IEC150I 913-38"  *
    *                         errors exceeds the LE ERRCOUNT       *
    *                         value, LE will kill the process      *
    *                         which brings about the RACF error.   *
    *                      10.Audit-log cleanup facility does not  *
    *                         work normally.                       *
    *                      11.Some of the server traces do not     *
    *                         have correct message header. -       *
    *                         "logged off" message in              *
    *                         rseserver.log does not have a        *
    *                         timestamp. - The stack trace in      *
    *                         rseserver.log shows that there's a   *
    *                         blank missing between the userid     *
    *                         tag and the stack trace message.     *
    *                         There's also a blank missing after   *
    *                         the ERROR: keyword.                  *
    *                      12.In Rational Developer for System z   *
    *                         (RDz), attempts to edit a program    *
    *                         fail with ABEND 231-30.              *
    *                      13.The F RSED,APPL=D C still shows it   *
    *                         as connected after a user has        *
    *                         disconnect from RSE Server.          *
    *                      14.RSE always creates a null-sized      *
    *                         fekfivpd.log file in the daemon.log  *
    *                         directory on startup, even if the    *
    *                         daemon IVP is not executed.          *
    *                      15.audit.log.mode=RW.R.R caused a       *
    *                         wrong message, ERROR LogHandler:     *
    *                         audit.log.mode has an invalid mode   *
    *                         specified: input=RW.R.R.             *
    *                      16.Some file descriptors are still      *
    *                         open after users have disconnected   *
    *                         from Rational Developer for System   *
    *                         z. This behaviour results in a much  *
    *                         higher MAXFILEPROC value that would  *
    *                         not decrease over time.              *
    *                      17.NullPointerException occurred in     *
    *                         MVSfileSystemMiner when the session  *
    *                         was shut-downed during startup.      *
    *                      18.There is no way for RDz client to    *
    *                         know the actual server version.      *
    *                         This can be a problem under some     *
    *                         conditions.                          *
    *                      19.Daemon IVP fails owing to invalid    *
    *                         password                             *
    *                      20.RDz remembers the datasets which     *
    *                         caused IEC150I 913-38 error and      *
    *                         next time RDz will show the error    *
    *                         to the client user without actual    *
    *                         access to the datasets. But this     *
    *                         capability does not work in JVM      *
    *                         64-bit mode.                         *
    *                      21.DSTORE_SPIRIT_ON=false specifeid in  *
    *                         sample rsed.envvars                  *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    01.For some reason, the debug miner is unable to create a
       socket to "localhost". When is used instead, the
       problem goes away.
    02.The debug miner doesn't trace the localhost used so it is
       harder to determine socket connect problems.
    03.The DebugSessionHandler can take up to a minute to shutdown
       after RSE server disconnect.
    04.The DebugSessionHandler logs error messages whenever there
       is a failed attempt to connect to DBM. In some cases, DBM
       will not be running and, as a result, there can be several
       error messages logged.
    05.NullPointerException is output to the server log file, when
       a user does not have enough privilege to get the directory
       information of each user's log directory. Except that the
       exception is output, the program works as designed without
       any other problems.
    06.In RDz, Copy member in PDS doesn't preserve attributes (ISPF
       statistics) of the original source member as copy works in
    07.RDz server program has a module of the fekfomvs which is
       used to perform APF functions. The session between RDz
       server program and the fekfomvs is started on the user's
    08.A new TRACE command violates the process of RSECOMMLOG (RCL)
       operator command.
    09.When the number of "IEC150I 913-38" errors exceeds the LE
       ERRCOUNT value, LE will kill the process which brings about
       the RACF error.
    10.There are two date formats in the content of the audit log
       file. The daemon program cannot process both formats.
    11.Some of the server traces do not have correct message
    12.In MVS Miner, OpenCloseThread is not always terminated when
       the client disconnects. OpenCloseThread does a dynamic
       allocation for the output data set.
    13.Daemon utilizes ZosSystemMiner finish() method to know the
       client's disconnect. But RDz 7.6.x client does not issue
       activate-miner command for ZosSystemMiner.
    14.RSE always creates a null-sized fekfivpd.log file in the
       daemon.log directory on startup, even if the daemon IVP is
       not executed.
    15.audit.log.mode=RW.R.R caused a wrong message, ERROR
       LogHandler: audit.log.mode has an invalid mode specified:
    16.The rsecomm.log is not closed after a client user logs off.
    17.NullPointerException occurred in MVSfileSystemMiner finish()
       when the session was shut-downed during startup.
    18.There is no way for RDz client to know the actual server
       version. This can be a problem under some conditions.
    19.Daemon IVP uses RACF passticket as password but Daemon
       authentication routine did not handle it correctly.
       console for every client action to access the dataset.
    21.documentation says DSTORE_SPIRIT_ON=true, but sample
       rsed.envvars has DSTORE_SPIRIT_ON=false

Problem conclusion

  • 01.The problem seems indicative of a tcp configuration problem
       but in any event it would be useful to allow an admin to
       override localhost with an actual IP to circumvent the
       problem. To do so, use the following:
    02.The debug miner now traces the localhost and port via both
       .dstoreTrace and rsecomm.log.
    03.On finish, the debug miner will set the _finished flag up
       front and interrupt any wait() calls to ensure prompt
       closing of the thread.
    04.Instead of logging these messages as errors, they should be
       logged as informationals.
    05.Program is updated not to show NullPointerException when the
       privilege on the directory is not enough.
    06.Now, ISPF statistics is preserved when copying members
       inside the same system. A new property,
       "keep.stats.copy.local=true", is introduced to enable this
       new capability.
    07.Now, each server program starts a session with the fekfomvs
       as soon as the server program is kicked, and maintained it
       for all of the connected users.
    08.Now, RSECOMMLOG (RCL) operator command values works
    09.Now, RDz server program keeps in mind the cases where the
       913-38 errors occurs. This causes a client not to bring
       about the same RACF error but the client can see the same
       913-38 dialog. This mechanism can decrease the number of
       913-38 errors. RDz server program introduces a new property
       of "enable.saf.check". If this property has true, then the
       913-38 errors are logged in safWarning file. Each line of
       the log has a userid and dataset name where 913-38 occurred.
    10.Now, the daemon program can process both formats correctly.
    11.Now each server trace have correct message header.
    12.Now, OpenCloseThread is always terminated when the client
    13.Now, the connect information will be cleared even when the
       user connects via RDz 7.6.x.
    14.Now, fekfivpd.log file is created only when a IVP is
    15.Now, audit.log.mode=RW.R.R is accepted.
    16.Now, the rsecomm.log will be closed when the client logs
    17.Now, MVSfileSystemMiner finish() will check the status so
       that it could not bring about NPE.
    18.There is a mechanism that DataStore client and server
       exchange their versions during the connection establishment
       phase. The DataStore server version is controlled by the
       property of DSTORE_VERSION. Now, RDz daemon picks up the
       server version from SMP information and sets the server
       version forcibly to the DSTORE_VERSION property.
    19.Now, Daemon authentication routine will handle RACF
       passticket correctly.
    20.Now, the same RACF protection message is shown only once in
       zOS console even when the client tries to access the dataset
       to which the client does not have appropriate access
    21.corrected sample rsed.envvars

Temporary fix


APAR Information

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  • Status


  • PE




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Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R900 PSY UI20613

       UP14/08/25 I 1000

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSJK49","label":"IBM Developer for z Systems"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"9.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"9.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
25 August 2014