IBM Support


Fixes are available

Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 4 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 4 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 5 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 5 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 6 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 6 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 7 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 7 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 8 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 8 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 9 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 9 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 10 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 10 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 11 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 11 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 12 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 12 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 13 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 13 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 14 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 14 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 15 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 15 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 16 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 16 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 17 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 17 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 18 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 18 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 19 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 19 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 20 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 20 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 21 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 21 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 22 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 22 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer for System z Fix Pack 23 ( for 6.1
Rational Asset Analyzer Fix Pack 23 ( for 6.1


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • For utility program IKJEFT*, when selecting Batch job's "Run
    Unit" diagram (corresponding to the "Job Step" in most
    instances), the Run Unit diagram will either take a very long
    time to render -- or else it does not "render" at all and
    client has to "cancel" the attempt to render the diagram.

Local fix

  • Do not choose to render Run unit diagram for Utility programs,
    since the the Batch jobs and Transactions tabs already will
    show the jobs/transactions invoking the utility (and the
    diagram for a utility program would not show any more detail
    than that).

Problem summary

  • Run unit was taking very long to render because 10's of
    thousands of batch jobs called the utility in question.  The
    run unit diagram for a utility will only ever show the
    jobs/transactions invoking the utility -- which are already
    listed on the Batch jobs and Transactions tabs, and no other
    detail would be shown.

Problem conclusion

  • RAA will no longer show an action for displaying a utility run
    unit's diagram.
    The run units that will be considered utilities will be those
    that have a single DMH_RUN_UNIT_CNTNT row with level=0,  no
    target or caller CU, and a resolve_type_id=1.   Files added
    manually (or present by default) to the DMHUTIL file
    ( file on non-z/OS platforms, or
    &hlq.CONFIG.DATA(UTILS) or &hlq.SDMHDATA(DMHUTILS) on z/OS, per
    analyze.doc/MVShelp/tdefutil.html ) control what gets a
    resolve_type_id=1.   Those run units will never have any
    additional detail other than a name because RAA does not scan
    any artifact that defines them.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:


  • None

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R610 PSY


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS3JHP","label":"Rational Asset Analyzer"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"6.1","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
14 October 2021