IBM Support



You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as new function.

Error description

Local fix

Problem summary

  • This APAR addresses the following problems:
    325343: The Q Apply program can't detect the foreign key
    if the target table is in MSSQL server
    User Affected: LUW
    Problem Description: The Q Apply program was unable to
    detect and retry foreign key violations reported by MSSQL
    Problem Summary: The Q Apply program now looks for
    specific return codes from MSSQL server to detect foreign
    key violations.
    327500: Capture starts failed in warmns mode after
    altering src table's structure
    User Affected: Users altering source table while Capture
    is running.
    Problem Description: Capture terminated after source table
    was altered.
    Problem Summary: Capture should handle alter source table
    Problem Conclusion: Capture had been fixed to handle alter
    table log records correctly.
    326047: ASN0569E  "Q Capture" : "ASN2" : "WorkerThread" :
    The program encountered an internal error "SIGSEGV".
    User Affected: Q Capture
    Problem Description: Q Capture might receive SIGSEGV with
    debug option while replicating LOB data
    Problem Summary: The debug printing routine should be
    fixed to prevent memory allocation error
    Problem Conclusion: Q Capture does not receive SIGSEGV
    with debug option while replicating LOB data
    156746: asnmon: remove ref to asnqmsg.h and include
    defines locally for ASN_MQ95
    User Affected: V95
    Problem Description: include check for arch level
    Problem Summary: arch level was not checked prior
    Problem Conclusion: check arch level
    156765: Use subID and subVersion to disable subscription
    User Affected: ALL
    Problem Description: Avoid using the subscription object
    for intra-thread communication when disabling a
    subscription.  Use internal subID and subVersion instead,
    for correctness.
    Problem Summary: Use subID and subVersion to disable
    156686: asnmon check LAST_EOL_TIME col for QCapture
    User Affected: users of asnmon QCAPTURE_LATENCY conditon
    who hit end of log then latency calculation will use this
    Problem Description: never used this column before
    Problem Summary: use last_eol_time for qcapture_latency
    Problem Conclusion: latency will be calculated correctly
    even if end of log is reached.
    156563: Use IGNTRANS feature to prevent recapture of
    changes in BIDI
    User Affected: ALL
    Problem Description: Apply will rely on the user to
    provide AUTHID or PLANNAME (z/OS) in the IGNTRANS table
    and not insert the P2PNORECAPTURE signal if
    INS_BIDI_SIGNAL is set to 'N'.
    Problem Summary: Use IGNTRANS feature to prevent
    recapture of changes in BIDI.
    Problem Conclusion: This feature will help boost
    Bi-directional performance.
    323609: Capture fails trying to access LOB values with
    delimited format
    User Affected: Users with delimited format and the
    Problem Description: Capture will 0C4 when trying to send
    LOB values in the delimited format.
    Problem Summary: The delimited message format does not
    support sending lobs in separate messages.  It only
    supports inlined lobs
    Problem Conclusion: Capture will not allow the user to
    activate a delimited publication if LOB_SEND_OPTIONS=I.
    It will give the error message ASN7172.
    324661: Prune Donemsg Deltomb slows, Recvq fills due to
    bad timing calculation
    User Affected: Q Apply
    Problem Description: Timing problem causes pruning of
    Donemsg Deltomb table to slow down causing receive queue
    to fillup.
    Problem Summary: A timing problem causes the Admin thread
    to calculate wrong return times from the prune DoneMsg
    and Deltomb loops that causes the pruning to slow down or
    Problem Conclusion: Fixed the calculations of the timing
    variables to ensure that they never get stale and have
    same values.
    155537: Missing table name in error message
    User Affected: No major impact - Q Apply users using
    Load_Type = 1, 2 or in IBMQREP_TARGETS table
    Problem Description: String "Source Table" and string
    "Target Table" were getting printed instead of the actual
    table names.
    Problem Summary: Replace the hardcoded strings with actual
    table names
    Problem Conclusion: Fixed an error message where the
    Source table and Target table name was not getting
    156334: Support LOAD_TYPE = 104 on LUW.
    User Affected: LUW
    Problem Description: The Q Apply program did not allow
    LOAD with INSERT option when loading from classic sources
    on LUW platform (only LOAD with REPLACE was supported).
    Problem Summary: A new LOAD_TYPE = 104, allows LOAD with
    INSERT option when loading from classic sources on LUW
    156203: Q Apply does not delete the intermediate exported
    .xml files created by the db2Export utility after the load
    User Affected: none
    Problem Description: Q Apply should clean up the
    Intermediate files generated during automatic load
    (load_type 2 or 3 only) involving XML data.
    Problem Summary: asnqapp*xml files were being left around
    after the Q Apply automatic load completed.
    Problem Conclusion: This has been fixed and intermediate
    files generated by Q Apply during automatic load should
    not exist if load was successful.
    316066: asntdiff RANGECOL option fix for FROM clause
    User Affected: users who only provided FROM value in
    rangecol option
    Problem Description: when only 'FROM' was specified where
    clause was built incorrectly with >= and <=
    Problem Summary: incorrect where clause
    Problem Conclusion: fixed to say >= ex: TIMECOL >=
    156128: chgOnly feature in SQL replication is broken with
    "chg_upd_to_del_ins" option.
    User Affected: SQL Capture
    Problem Description: too many rows are inserted into cd
    tables when chgonly and chg_upd_to_del_ins are specified.
    Problem Summary: chgOnly checking is not being down for
    updates split into delete/insert pairs.
    Problem Conclusion: Updates to unregsitered columns will
    not be inserted into the cd tables.
    324657: Delete non-QREP messages or messages with an older
    sequence time.
    User Affected: ALL
    Problem Description: Q Apply stops when it detects
    non-QREP messages or messages with an older sequence time,
    making it difficult for the user to selectively delete
    such messages.
    Problem Summary:  Q Apply stops when it detects non-QREP
    messages or messages with an older sequence time.
    Problem Conclusion: Q Apply will delete such messages
    from the queue and continue normal processing.
    155905: full refresh is not triggered when CCD is source
    User Affected: SQL Apply
    Problem Description: full refresh is not triggered when
    CCD is source
    Problem Summary: Apply does not start full refresh when
    set.sp > ccd_old
    Problem Conclusion: full refresh will be triggered when
    ccd_old_synchpoint > set.sp
    155905: Apply fails with -452 when LOB is described for
    type 9 source
    User Affected: SQL Apply
    Problem Description: Apply fails with -452 when LOB is
    described for type 9 source
    Problem Summary: sqlda is not set correctly for lob column
    Problem Conclusion: correct fetching sqlda for lob column
    155905: Apply does not report error to applytrail table
    User Affected: SQL Apply
    Problem Description: Apply does not report error to
    applytrail table
    Problem Conclusion: report error to applytrail table
    155905: Apply does not issue "sql commit" before execute
    'A' statement
    User Affected: SQL Apply
    Problem Description: Apply does not issue "sql commit"
    before execute 'A' statement
    Problem Conclusion: issues "sql commit" before execute
    'A' statement
    155905: Apply trace file right shift 1 byte for each cycle
    User Affected: SQL Apply
    Problem Description: Apply trace file right shift 1 byte
    for each cycle incorrectly
    Problem Summary: Apply does not exit certain functions
    Problem Conclusion: trace line won't shift after exit
    from function
    155905: support TKC from ccd source
    User Affected: SQL Apply
    Problem Description: support TKC from ccd source
    155905: Apply abends with 0c4 when previous malloc()
    User Affected: SQL Apply
    Problem Description: Apply abends with 0c4 when previous
    malloc() failed
    Problem Summary: Apply tries to refer to a NULL pointer
    Problem Conclusion: correct Apply so that it won't use the
    NULL pointer
    190669: number of rows should be limited to control table
    User Affected: qcapture users
    Problem Description: If there were too many rows to prune
    each interval, the pruning thread could block too long to
    detect a stop signal for that thread.
    Problem Summary: A limit of 15000 rowd deleted per
    interval was put in place so  the prune thread would not
    become unresponsive
    Problem Conclusion: As long as the prune thread interval
    is adjusted according to the number of prunable rows
    generated by qcapture, the prune thread should be able to
    delete any required rows, while being responsive to any
    stop signals
    308538: new message to reflect the time slice that was
    monitored on each server ; ie time between x and y
    User Affected: users using asnmon will see message in
    monitor log file
    Problem Description: new message added
    Problem Summary: reflects the time slice that was used in
    Problem Conclusion: new message
    310660: REPL95: LOB_SEND_OPTION is I ---> target LOB
    values bad
    User Affected: Q Capture
    Problem Description: Q Capture was not fetching ASCII or
    UNICODE LOB data correctly
    Problem Summary: CCSID needed to be specified for
    fetching LOBs in those codepages
    Problem Conclusion: Q Capture is now fetching LOBs
    316678: QApply program failed after manual full refresh on
    sun platform on db2 v91fp3
    User Affected: only SUN platform customers using load i.e.
    for subscriptions having HAS_LOAD_PHASE set to 'E' or 'I'.
    Problem Description: Q Apply program was not applying
    messages from the spill queue generated during the load
    Problem Summary: Changes happening during the duration of
    load (internal or external) were not getting applied from
    the spill queue to target table.
    317627: XML pub  decimal UPDATE is not published correctly
    User Affected: EP XML Q Capture
    Problem Description: Decimal columns are not displayed
    Problem Summary: Decimal values were garbage characters.
    Problem Conclusion: Decimal values are properly displayed.
    321200  Unrecognized notification message
    User Affected: SQL Capture and Q Capture
    Problem Description: Internal notification message type
    TRANS_QUEUE_TERM_MSG was unrecognized
    Problem Summary: Capture should recognize
    TRANS_QUEUE_TERM_MSG instead of putting out an error
    Problem Conclusion: Capture now recognizes
    314964: DBCLOB data corrupted after 16k chars
    User Affected: Q Capture
    Problem Description: DBCLOB data >16K was corrupted
    Problem Summary: Q Capture did not allocate a big enough
    buffer to fetch the dbclob data of that size
    Problem Conclusion: Q Capture now sends >16k DBCLOB data
    155618: Fixes: chgOnly feature in SQLrep
    User Affected: SQL Capture
    Problem Description: Capture was inserting rows into the
    CD table for changes to unregistered columns.
    Problem Summary: the chgOnly option was not filtering out
    rows correctly
    Problem Conclusion: SQL Capture will correctly abide by
    the chgOnly option and will only insert rows into the CD
    table if registered columns are changed.

Problem conclusion

  • The problems listed in this APAR have been
    fixed in DB2 LUW V9.5 FP1.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R950 PSY


[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSDP5R","label":"InfoSphere Replication Server"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"9.5"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
07 October 2021