IBM Support

IZ80010: CICS Interdependency Analyzer plug-in for CICS Explorer v3.1.0.7

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APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • This APAR has been raised to track an update to the CICS
    Interdependency Analyzer plug-in for the CICS Explorer, version

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All CICS Interdependency Analyzer plug-in    *
    *                 users                                        *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Release of CICS Interdependency         *
    *                      Analyzer Plug-in v3.1.0.7               *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    This APAR tracks the release of update of the IBM CICS
    Interdependency Analyzer plug-in for the CICS Explorer.
    This update provides the following new functionality:
    * The user ID field is removed from the Connections view. You
    now enter your user IDs and passwords in the new Credentials
    view and choose your Credentials in the Connections view.
    * Program LOADs have been removed from the execution tree of
    transactions. They still appear in the usage tree, but no longer
    appear in the execution tree since LOADing does not execute a
    program like a LINK or XCTL does.
    APAR IZ77714 has also been fixed by this update. A summary of
    the problem is below, but see that APAR for more detailed
    IZ77714 fixed an issue with browsing large execution trees of
    particular transactions which led the CICS Explorer to become
    This update provides the following defects fixes:
    16148: Execution tree for resources used by prog/tran incorrect
    13094: Logging not picking up the finer setting when set in
    debug options
    13723: Incorrect use of IA "Resources to be included"  options
    in Preferences.
    14018: The New menu in query explorer is inconsistent with the
    Explorer->New menu
    12288: Properties View menu option in wrong place
    8882: IA: Edit query dialog can't be resized
    2162: Default Command Time Local filter expression in Command
    Flow Query has an equals option after the radio button is

Problem conclusion

  • Version has been released for IBM CICS Interdependency
    Analyzer plug-in for CICS Explorer. This is available via two
    1. Update from within the CICS Explorer using the IBM-hosted
    2. Download the update from Fix Central to be installed locally
    into the CICS Explorer.
    This update requires the CICS Explorer to be at least at Before installing this CICS Interdependency Analyzer
    plug-in update the CICS Explorer should be updated to at least
    this level.
    Updating using the Update-Site
    To update the CICS Explorer using the Update-Site follow the
    instructions below:
    1. Launch the CICS Explorer.
    2. Click Help on the CICS Explorer menu bar and click Software
    Updates in the drop-down menu. The Software Updates and Add-ons
    window is displayed.
    3. Click the Available Software tab.
    4. The first time an update or install of the CICS
    Interdependency Analyzer plug-in is done the update-site needs
    to be added to the CICS Explorer. On subsequent updates the
    following step can be skipped.
       * Click the Add Site button and in the Add Site dialog type
    in the following update-site into the Location text box:
        /ibmdl/pub/software/htp/cics/updates/ia/ (concatenate URL).
    Click OK.
    5. On an initial install of the CICS Interdependency Analyzer
    plug-in only: Select the check-box alongside the tool name, and
    click Install...
    6. Alternatively to update an existing CICS Interdependency
    Analyzer plug-in installation select the Installed Software tab,
    and then click Update...
       * The update-site will be checked and a dialog will appear
    indicating if an update is available. If no update is currently
    available then your version of the CICS Interdependency Analyzer
    plug-in is up-to-date, and no update is necessary.
    7. If an update is available for the CICS Interdependency
    Analyzer plug-in, an Update dialog box will appear (for a new
    install an Install dialog will appear). Confirm the installation
    by clicking Finish.
    8. The CICS Interdependency Analyzer plug-in is then
    installed/updated, and you'll be asked to restart to apply the
    changes. Click Yes to restart the CICS Explorer with the CICS
    Interdependency Analyzer plug-in now installed and up-to-date.
    Optionally, verify that the CICS Interdependency Analyzer
    plug-in version has been updated:
      * Select Help -> Software Updates from the main menu, click on
    the Installed Software tab, and note the version of the CICS
    Interdependency Analyzer plug-in; it should be or higher
    Note: The version of the CICS Interdependency Analyzer plug-in
    may now be higher than as the update updates to the
    latest version. All updates are cumulative so the latest version
    contains this update as well as any later updates.
    The CICS Interdependency Analyzer plug-in is now up-to-date with
    this update installed, and no further action is necessary.
    Updating using the IBM Fix Central
    To update the CICS Interdependency Analyzer plug-in using the
    Fix Central follow the instructions below:
    * Open a browser and go to the Fix Central website:
    * Select WebSphere from the Product Group drop-down menu.
    * Select CICS Interdependency Analyzer for z/OS from the Product
    drop-down menu.
    * Select All from the Installed Version drop-down menu.
    * Select All (or your platform) from the Platform drop-down menu
    * Click Continue.
    * Select the "APAR or SPR" option and enter IZ80010 into the
    text box next to it.
    * Click Continue.
    * Select the corresponding Fix Pack's checkbox and click
    * Select the desired download mechanism and click Continue.
    * Optionally, click on the readme to view it.
    * Download the Update Site zip.
    Once the download has completed:
    * Start CICS Explorer.
    * Select Help -> Software Updates... from the main menu.
    * Click the Available Software tab.
    * Click Add Site...
    * Click the Archive... button.
    * Find the update-site zip just downloaded, and click Open.
    * Click OK to add that update-zip as an available update.
    * Click the Installed Software tab and click Update...
    * The update should be found for the Interdependency Analyzer
    plug-in, verify that the update version is
    * Click Finish to install the update.
    * Once the update has completed you'll be prompted to restart
    the CICS Explorer for the update to take effect. Click Yes.
    * Optionally, verify that the CICS Interdependency Analyzer
    plug-in version has been updated:
      * Select Help -> Software Updates from the main menu, click on
    the Installed Software tab, and note the version of the CICS
    Interdependency Analyzer plug-in; it should now be

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R310 PSY


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSCSKXW","label":"IA Explorer"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"3.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 July 2010