IBM Support

IZ70464: Release of CICS Explorer v1.0.0.5


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • This APAR was raised to track an update to the CICS Explorer,
    Additional Symptom(s) Search Keyword(s): WUI Data Interface API
    CNX0220E "A connection error has occurred: MAXWIN
    EYUXC0021S auxiliary storage limit has been reached
    EYUXC0023S Maximum data cache limit has been reached
    In these cases, dataspace storage or storage limit was reached
    before the MAXWIN condition due to a delay caused by the number
    of records being returned.

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All CICS Explorer Users                      *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Release of CICS Explorer v1.0.0.5       *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    This APAR tracks the release of CICS Explorer version
    This update provides the following new functionality:
    * Additional support for CICSPlex SM Workload Management.
    * Search for related tasks that have been started under the same
    network Unit of Work or Transaction Group ID.
    * New Task Associations (TASKASSC) view.
    * Additional general documentation topics.
    For more information on all these, search for "What's new in
    version" section in the CICS Explorer Help.
    The following defects have also been fixed as part of this
     6978 - Lack of Clarity on Action Confirm panel - targeted
     6980 - N/A indicates both N/A code & not valid for release
    which is confusing
     7958 - Messages not appearing in status bar
     8229 - Copy and Paste Transaction into an existing CSD Group
    tells me that the group does not exist
     8233 - Perform Operation->Perform Copy Operation typo in messag
     9338 - Event Binding Editor export specification produces
    incorrect namespace with cbe format
     9415 - CMAS Name attribute missing from Managed Region
     9466 - Managed Region attributes unsupported on older releases
    show as "?"
     9519 - CICS Explorer connects multiple times with incorrect
    password causing user ID to become revoked
     9521 - Validation error creating a TSQ backed DocTemplate
    10236 - Trace menu item not available in Resource perspective
    11043 - MAXWIN condition on Data Interface when MASes are slow

Problem conclusion

  • Version has been released for IBM CICS Explorer. This is
    available via two options:
    1. Update the CICS Explorer from within the CICS Explorer using
    the IBM-hosted Update-Site.
    2. Download the update from Fix Central to be installed locally
    into the CICS Explorer.
    Updating using the Update-Site
    To update the CICS Explorer using the Update-Site follow the
    instructions below:
    * Start CICS Explorer.
    * Select Help -> Software Updates... from the main menu.
    * Click the Installed Software tab and click Update...
    * An update should be found for the CICS Explorer, verify that
    the update version is or higher.
    * Click Finish to install the update.
    * Once the update has completed you'll be prompted to restart
    the CICS Explorer for the update to take effect. Click Yes.
    * Optionally, verify that the CICS Explorer version has been
      * Select Help -> About IBM CICS Explorer from the main menu
    and note the version, it should be or higher.
    Note: The version of the CICS Explorer may now be higher than as the update updates to the latest version of the CICS
    Explorer. All updates are cumulative so the latest version
    contains this update as well as any later updates.
    The CICS Explorer is now up-to-date with this update installed,
    and no further action is necessary.
    If no update was found using the above steps, verify that the
    version of the CICS Explorer is prior to
    To do this select Help -> About IBM CICS Explorer from the main
    menu and note the version currently installed.
    If the version is lower than and no update was found,
    then make sure that the IBM-hosted Update Site is installed (it
    is by default):
    * Select Help -> Software Updates...
    * Click the Available Software tab.
    * Click the Manage Sites... button.
    * Make sure there is an entry with name "CICS Explorer" and a
    location of:
      (concatenate the URL above).
    * If the entry is not there, or incorrect, delete the existing
    entry, and click Add Site... and add the url above into the text
    box and click OK.
    * Retry updating the CICS Explorer as already described further
    Updating using the IBM Fix Central
    To update the CICS Explorer using the Fix Central follow the
    instructions below:
    * Open a browser and go to the Fix Central website:
    * Select WebSphere from the Product Group drop-down menu.
    * Select CICS Explorer from the Product drop-down menu.
    * Select All from the Installed Version drop-down menu.
    * Select All (or your platform) from the Platform drop-down menu
    * Click Continue.
    * Select the "APAR or SPR" option and enter IZ70464 into the
    text box next to it.
    * Click Continue.
    * Select the corresponding Fix Pack's checkbox and click
    * Select the desired download mechanism and click Continue.
    * Optionally, click on the readme to view it.
    * Download the Update Site zip.
    Once the download has completed:
    * Start CICS Explorer.
    * Select Help -> Software Updates... from the main menu.
    * Click the Available Software tab.
    * Click Add Site...
    * Click the Archive... button.
    * Find the update-site zip just downloaded, and click Open.
    * Click OK to add that update-zip as an available update.
    * Click the Installed Software tab and click Update...
    * The update should be found for the CICS Explorer, verify that
    the update version is
    * Click Finish to install the update.
    * Once the update has completed you'll be prompted to restart
    the CICS Explorer for the update to take effect. Click Yes.
    * Optionally, verify that the CICS Explorer version has been
      * Select Help -> About IBM CICS Explorer from the main menu
    and note the version, it should be now

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R100 PSY


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSC8GK3","label":"Explorer"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"4.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
04 May 2010