IBM Support



You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • A table may become corrupted and unusable after loading data
    when the table is a multidimensional clustering (MDC) table
    with row compression enabled.
    You will only encounter this problem is all of the following are
    1. The table is an MDC table.
    2. The table has a row compression dictionary.
    3. The load action is INSERT and the INDEXING MODE is REBUILD or
    4. The table space PAGESIZE * EXTENSIZE for this table is less
    than approximately 150KB, and the table's compression dictionary
    spans more than one table space extent.
    You can determine if a table's compression dictionary spans more
    than one table space extent by dividing its size by the size of
    the extent.  For example :
    page_size_in_bytes = "db2 select PAGESIZE from
    syscat.tablespaces where TBSPACE='<tablespace>' ".
    extent_size_in_pages = "db2 select EXTENTSIZE from
    syscat.tablespaces where TBSPACE='<tablespace>' ".
    extent_size_in_bytes = page_size_in_bytes *
    dictionary_size_in_bytes = "db2 select dictionary_size from
    table(sysproc.admin_get_tab_info('<schema>','<tabname>')) as t".
    num_extents_spanned = dictionary_size_in_bytes /
    The DB2 instance will ultimately crash (trap, end abormally,
    ABEND) with function SPExpandRec or
    sqldLoadTCB at the top of the stack. Other eye catcher functions
    in the stack could be: sqldFetchDictionary.
    The call stack will contain functions similar to this:
    You will also see db2diag.log entries similar to the following:
    008-05-15- I1220A417          LEVEL: Severe
    PID     : 529192               TID  : 1           PROC :
    db2agent (FOO)
    INSTANCE: db2inst1             NODE : 000         DB   : FOO
    APPHDL  : 0-7                  APPID:  ...
    AUTHID  : ...
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, data management, sqldLoadTCB, probe:5681
    RETCODE : ZRC=0x8704007A=-2029780870=SQLD_REC_DELETED "DELETED

Local fix

  • It is possible that this problem will prevent you from accessing
    and restarting the database if the INDEXREC database
    configuration parameter is set to RESTART. This is because at
    the end of crash recovery the database will check if indexes
    need to be rebuilt and this could result in accessing the
    corrupted table, leading to the database being marked as bad.
    To circumvent this and allow crash recovery to complete so you
    can access other tables, set the database configuration
    parameter INDEXREC to ACCESS instead.
    There is no known way of recovering the data from the corrupted
    table apart from performing a point in time restore operation to
    just prior to the load that corrupted the table.  A DROP TABLE
    statement will also fail on this table. The table can be
    dropped if it is marked as bad by the db2dart /MT command,
    however DB2 service needs to be engaged prior to executing this.
    An alternative to dropping the table is to drop the table space
    that contains the corrupted table.
    To reactively determine if a load operation has already marked
    SYSTEM extent as FREE, and overwritten them, perform the
    following steps.
    Only perform this if your database has already been deactivated.
    For each MDC table with compression enabled, whose compression
    dictionary spans more than one tablespace extent (see note
    above), do this:
    Run db2dart inspection on the table (/T) [or entire table space
    (/TS) or entire database (/DB)], this will report an error like
    "DartFetchDictionary: could not read/allocate dictionary or
    expansion buffer".  If this is the case, the only recourse is
    to restore the tablespace or database from a previous backup
    image, or to manually recreate and repopulate the table.  Be
    sure to change INDEXREC cfg parameter to ACCESS before next
    database activation.
    To proactively determine if a load operation has already marked
    any SYSTEM extents FREE and/or overwritten them, perform the
    following steps:
    [Special note, for compression dictionaries built using the
    INSPECT utility, those table^space extents that were flaged as
    SYSTEM for the compression dictionary may not start from extent
    0, so it is not possible to determine if a load operation marked
    these extents FREE and/or overwrote them].
    1. For each MDC table with compression enabled, whose
    compression dictionary spans more than one table space extent
    (see note above), do this:
    i)Determine the table_OI using "db2 select TABLEID from
    SYSCAT.TABLES where TABNAME='<tabname>' AND
    TABSCHEMA='<tabschema>' ".
    ii)Determine the table_TSI using "db2 select TBSPACEID from
    SYSCAT.TABLES where TABNAME='<tabname>' AND
    TABSCHEMA='<tabschema>' ".
    iii)Perform the command: db2dart <database name> /dm /tsi
    <table_TSI> /oi <table_OI> /ps 0 /np 100 /v y /scr n /rptn
    iv)Examine the MYREPORT.txt file, and search for the "Block Map
    Entries".  For example:
             Block Map Entries:
                     blockNum  bits
                     00000000  IN_USE SYSTEM
                     00000001 FREE
    Each blockNum 00000000 through 0000000m (where m equals the
    number of extents spanned by the table's dictionary minus 1)
    should say "IN_USE SYSTEM" since you already determined that
    this table's compression dictionary spans more than one
    table space extent. If it says FREE then a previous load
    operation has incorrectly marked it FREE, and if it says IN_USE
    but not SYSTEM then a subsequent load or insert operation has
    already overwritten it.  You should immediately (before a
    database deactivation)change the INDEXREC database
    configuration parameter to "ACCESS" and export the contents of
    this table so that it can be rebuilt later.

Problem summary

  • Users affected : Users having MDC tables which have row
    compression  Problem description : Load can corrupt the table
    leaving the data unrecoverable.  Problem Summary : This apar fix
    prevents the corruption.

Problem conclusion

  • First fixed in DB2 UDB Version 9, Fixpak 5

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name

    DB2 DPF

  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name

    DB2 DPF

  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEPGG","label":"DB2 for Linux- UNIX and Windows"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"910"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
03 October 2021