IBM Support



You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • Preventive Maintenance does not generate all Child PM Workorders
    MAM 7505, 7506, 7507, 7508, 7509
    Steps to reproduce:
    1) Go to Profile > Default Information and set Default Insert
    Site as NASHUA
    2) Go to Assets application
    3) Create a new Asset 11521 and change its Status to OPERATING
    4) Create a new Asset 11523, with Parent = 11521, and change its
    Status to OPERATING
    Note: At this point, we have the following Asset Hierarchy in
    NASHUA Site, where 11523 is Child Asset of 11521:
    5) Go to Profile > Default Information and set Default Insert
    Site as BEDFORD
    6) Go to Assets application
    7) Create a new Asset 11523 and change its Status to OPERATING
    8) Create a new Asset 11519, with Parent = 11523, and change its
    Status to OPERATING
    9) Create a new Asset 11520, with Parent = 11523, and change its
    Status to OPERATING
    10) Create a new Asset 11521, with Parent = 11523, and change
    its Status to OPERATING
    11) Create a new Asset 11522, with Parent = 11523, and change
    its Status to OPERATING
    Note: At this point, we have the following Asset Hierarchy in
    BEDFORD Site, where 11523 is the Parent Asset of 11521:
    12) Go to Preventive Maintenance application
    13) Create a new PM 11523 against Asset 11523, with Frequency =
    12 MONTHS and Estimated Next Due Date = 1/31/16
    14) Create a new PM 11519 against Asset 11519, with Frequency =
    12 MONTHS and Estimated Next Due Date = 1/31/16
    15) Create a new PM 11520 against Asset 11520, with Frequency =
    12 MONTHS and Estimated Next Due Date = 1/31/16
    16) Create a new PM 11521 against Asset 11521, with Frequency =
    12 MONTHS and Estimated Next Due Date = 1/31/16
    17) Create a new PM 11522 against Asset 11522, with Frequency =
    12 MONTHS and Estimated Next Due Date = 1/31/16
    18) Bring up PM 11523 record to the screen and go to PM
    Hierarchy tab
    19) In the Children table-window, enter the PM records just
    created, in order to build a PM Hierarchy whose Parent is PM
    20) Save
    21) Change Status to ACTIVE, selecting the option ?Roll New
    Status to All Child PMs?
    22) Still with the Parent PM on the screen, Select Action >
    Generate Work Orders
    23) From Generate Work Orders dialog, enter the following info
    and click OK:
     - Generate WOs Due Today Plus This Number of Days: 10 (***)
     - Use Frequency Criteria?: Yes
     (***) Considering Estimated Next Due Date = 1/31/16 and system
    date = 1/21/16.
    System generates WOs from both Parent and Child PMs with no

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
    * Maximo users                                                 *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
    * PM work order generation using a PM hierarchy does not       *
    * generate work orders for all PMs even when due.              *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    * Apply latest fix pack.                                       *
    Preventive Maintenance does not generate all Child PM
    Problem is because sometimes a null pointer exception will be
    encountered due to assets having the same assetnum in multiple
    Problem cannot always be reproduced as sometimes the correct
    asset will be the first record and the record that is selected
    from a SQL result set. That is, this problem may occur in some
    environments and instances and not in others.
    MAM 7505, 7506, 7507, 7508, 7509
    Steps to reproduce:
    1) Go to Profile > Default Information and set Default Insert
    Site as NASHUA
    2) Go to Assets application
    3) Create a new Asset 11521 and change its Status to OPERATING
    4) Create a new Asset 11523, with Parent = 11521, and change its
    Status to OPERATING
    Note: At this point, we have the following Asset Hierarchy in
    NASHUA Site, where 11523 is Child Asset of 11521:
    5) Go to Profile > Default Information and set Default Insert
    Site as BEDFORD
    6) Go to Assets application
    7) Create a new Asset 11523 and change its Status to OPERATING
    8) Create a new Asset 11519, with Parent = 11523, and change its
    Status to OPERATING
    9) Create a new Asset 11520, with Parent = 11523, and change its
    Status to OPERATING
    10) Create a new Asset 11521, with Parent = 11523, and change
    its Status to OPERATING
    11) Create a new Asset 11522, with Parent = 11523, and change
    its Status to OPERATING
    Note: At this point, we have the following Asset Hierarchy in
    BEDFORD Site, where 11523 is the Parent Asset of 11521:
    12) Go to Preventive Maintenance application
    13) Create a new PM 11523 against Asset 11523, with Frequency =
    12 MONTHS and Estimated Next Due Date = 1/31/16
    14) Create a new PM 11519 against Asset 11519, with Frequency =
    12 MONTHS and Estimated Next Due Date = 1/31/16
    15) Create a new PM 11520 against Asset 11520, with Frequency =
    12 MONTHS and Estimated Next Due Date = 1/31/16
    16) Create a new PM 11521 against Asset 11521, with Frequency =
    12 MONTHS and Estimated Next Due Date = 1/31/16
    17) Create a new PM 11522 against Asset 11522, with Frequency =
    12 MONTHS and Estimated Next Due Date = 1/31/16
    18) Bring up PM 11523 record to the screen and go to PM
    Hierarchy tab
    19) In the Children table-window, enter the PM records just
    created, in order to build a PM Hierarchy whose Parent is PM
    20) Save
    21) Change Status to ACTIVE, selecting the option ?Roll New
    Status to All Child PMs?
    22) Still with the Parent PM on the screen, Select Action >
    Generate Work Orders
    23) From Generate Work Orders dialog, enter the following info
    and click OK:
     - Generate WOs Due Today Plus This Number of Days: 10 (***)
     - Use Frequency Criteria?: Yes
     (***) Considering Estimated Next Due Date = 1/31/16 and system
    date = 1/21/16.

Problem conclusion

  • PM work order generation using a PM hierarchy will generate work
    orders for all PMs when due without encountering null pointer
    exception due to assets having the same assetnum in multiple
    The fix for this APAR is contained in the following maintenance
    	| release\fix pack\interim fix for Releases and of Base Services

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:



Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R750 PSY


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSCHPN7","label":"Prev Maint"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"750","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 June 2016