IBM Support


Fixes are available

XL C for AIX Fix Pack 8 (March 2014 PTF) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 8 (March 2014 PTF) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 11 (February 2015 PTF) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 12 (May 2015 PTF) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 12 (May 2015 PTF) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 13 (August 2015 Update) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 14 (December 2015 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 15 (April 2016 Update) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 15 (April 2016 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 16 (July 2016 Update) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 16 (July 2016 Update) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 17 (November 2016 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 17 (November 2016 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 18 (February 2017 Update) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 18 (February 2017 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 19 (August 2017 Update) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 19 (August 2017 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 20 (March 2018 Update) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 20 (March 2018 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 9 (July 2014 PTF) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 9 (July 2014 PTF) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 10 (October 2014 PTF) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 10 (October 2014 PTF) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 11 (February 2015 PTF) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 13 (August 2015 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 14 (December 2015 Update) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 21 (January 2019 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 21 (January 2019 Update) for 12.1


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • The following test case shows the internal compiler when
    compiled with xlC_r -q32 -O2
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    #include <builtins.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #define plasma_endian_swap64_const(x)          \
            ( (((x)>>56))                          \
            | (((x)<<40) & 0x00FF000000000000LL)   \
            | (((x)<<24) & 0x0000FF0000000000LL)   \
            | (((x)<<8)  & 0x000000FF00000000LL)   \
            | (((x)>>8)  & 0x00000000FF000000LL)   \
            | (((x)>>24) & 0x0000000000FF0000LL)   \
            | (((x)>>40) & 0x000000000000FF00LL)   \
            | (((x)<<56)) )
    static uint64_t
    plasma_endian_swap64_func (const uint64_t x)
        return __rldimi((uint64_t)__load4r(((uint32_t *)(&x))+1),
                        (uint64_t)__load4r(((uint32_t *)(&x))),
                        32u, 0xFFFFFFFF00000000uLL);
    #define plasma_endian_swap64(x)     \
      (__builtin_constant_p(x)          \
        ? plasma_endian_swap64_const(x) \
        : plasma_endian_swap64_func(x))
    int main (void)
        const struct {
            uint64_t d_input;
    #ifndef _GOOD_ONE /* compiler failure */
        const uint64_t INPUT = DATA.d_input;
        uint64_t hostToLE = plasma_endian_swap64(INPUT);
    #else /* compiles successfully */
        uint64_t hostToLE = plasma_endian_swap64(DATA.d_input);
    #if 0
    /* (not needed to reproduce compile failure) */
        const uint64_t EXPECTED = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFuLL;
        return (EXPECTED != hostToLE);  /* 0 == success; 1 ==
    failure */
        return 0;

Local fix

  • Use -q64

Problem summary

  • PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Internal Compiler Error with
    __builtin_constant_p with -q32 -O2
    USERS AFFECTED: who use __builtin_constant_p and the expression
    is complex enough

Problem conclusion

  • Problem  is fixed.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name

    XL C/C++ FOR AI

  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • RC10 PSY UP


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSGH2K","label":"XL C for AIX"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"12.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB73","label":"Power TPS"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
21 August 2024