IBM Support


Fixes are available

March 2013 PTF for XL C for AIX, V12.1
March 2013 PTF for XL C/C++ for AIX, V12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 4 (June 2013 PTF) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 5 (September 2013 PTF) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 7 (January 2014 PTF) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 8 (March 2014 PTF) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 8 (March 2014 PTF) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 11 (February 2015 PTF) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 12 (May 2015 PTF) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 12 (May 2015 PTF) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 13 (August 2015 Update) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 14 (December 2015 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 15 (April 2016 Update) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 15 (April 2016 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 16 (July 2016 Update) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 16 (July 2016 Update) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 17 (November 2016 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 17 (November 2016 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 18 (February 2017 Update) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 18 (February 2017 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 19 (August 2017 Update) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 19 (August 2017 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 20 (March 2018 Update) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 20 (March 2018 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 4 (June 2013 PTF) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 5 (September 2013 PTF) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 6 (December 2013 PTF) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 6 (December 2013 PTF) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 7 (January 2014 PTF) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 9 (July 2014 PTF) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 9 (July 2014 PTF) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 10 (October 2014 PTF) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 10 (October 2014 PTF) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 11 (February 2015 PTF) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 13 (August 2015 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 14 (December 2015 Update) for 12.1
XL C/C++ for AIX Fix Pack 21 (January 2019 Update) for 12.1
XL C for AIX Fix Pack 21 (January 2019 Update) for 12.1


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • xlC initializes struct and union member with inefficient loads
    from constant area while load immediate could be used to
    create the values that are stored to the struct/union.
    xlC -q64 -O2 -qlist -c test.C
    ===== TESTCASE:
    $ cat test.C
    struct  sqlz_value
       unsigned short type;
          unsigned short clen;
             unsigned char m;
             unsigned char n;
          } dlen;
       } len;
       unsigned char *data;
    extern "C" void intToDec(struct sqlz_value *dec, int i);
    extern "C" void init(int i)
       struct sqlz_value promote;
       promote.type = 2;
       promote.len.dlen.m = 11;
       promote.len.dlen.n = 0;
       intToDec(&promote, i);
    When looking at the provided test case, only the 0 gets loaded
    using li.
    But for 11, two loads from constant area are used.
     18|                                  PROC      i,gr3
        0| 000000 mfspr    7C0802A6   1     LFLR      gr0=lr
        0| 000004 ld       E8A20008   1     L8
        0| 000008 stdu     F821FF81   1     ST8U
       24| 00000C extsw    7C6407B4   1     EXTS4     gr4=gr3
       24| 000010 addi     38610070   1     AI        gr3=gr1,112
        0| 000014 std      F8010090   1     ST8
       23| 000018 addi     38000000   1     LI        gr0=0
       23| 00001C stb      98010073   1     ST1Z
       22| 000020 lhz      A0050000   1     L2Z
    gr0=+CONSTANT_AREA(gr5,0) <---- here
       22| 000024 lbz      88A50002   1     L1Z
    gr5=+CONSTANT_AREA(gr5,2) <---- here
       22| 000028 sth      B0010070   1     ST2Z
       22| 00002C stb      98A10072   1     ST1Z
       24| 000030 bl       4BFFFFD1   1     CALL
       24| 000034 ori      60000000   1
       25| 000038 ld       E9810090   1     L8
       25| 00003C addi     38210080   1     AI        gr1=gr1,128
       25| 000040 mtspr    7D8803A6   1     LLR       lr=gr12
       25| 000044 bclr     4E800020   1     BA        lr

Local fix

  • n/a

Problem summary

  • TBD

Problem conclusion

  • TBD

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name

    XL C/C++ FOR AI

  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:


Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • RC10 PSY UP


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSGH2K","label":"XL C for AIX"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"12.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB73","label":"Power TPS"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
21 August 2024