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APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • A secondary server needs failure recovery,  and it cannot reach
    the primary server.
    when starting the secondary we get:
    14:50:08  Physical Recovery Started at Page (1:8442).
    14:50:08  Physical Recovery Complete: 0 Pages Examined, 0 Pages
    14:50:08  DR: Trying to connect to primary server = ol_pr1150fc6
    14:50:09  DR: Cannot connect to primary server
    14:50:09  DR: Turned off on secondary server
    14:50:09  Dataskip is now OFF for all dbspaces
    14:50:09  Restartable Restore has been ENABLED
    14:50:09  Recovery Mode
    the secondary hangs there.
    now we do an ontape -l  to get it online:
    C:\sqldists\1150fc6>ontape -l
    Roll forward should start with log number 111
    Restore will use log backup file
    c:\ltape\chokmah_9_Log0000000111. Press Return to continue ...
    Rollforward log file c:\ltape\chokmah_9_Log0000000111 ...
    buc_fe.c : Archive API processing failed at line 908 for msgtype
    Do you want to suspend (y), commit (n) or abort (CTRL/C) logical
    this will lead to the following:
    14:53:58  10 recovery worker threads will be started.
    14:53:58  Start Logical Recovery - Start Log 111, End Log ?
    14:53:58  Starting Log Position - 111 0x436110
    14:54:02  rsrecvr.c 4585 set EOF
    14:54:02  No logical log restore will be performed.
    14:54:02  Clearing the physical and logical logs has started
    14:54:04  Cleared 103 MB of the physical and logical logs in 2
    14:54:05  Physical Recovery Started at Page (1:7142).
    14:54:05  Physical Recovery Complete: 0 Pages Examined, 0 Pages
    14:54:05  Logical Recovery Started.
    14:54:05  10 recovery worker threads will be started.
    14:54:05  Started processing open transactions on secondary
    during startup
    14:54:06  Finished processing open transactions on secondary
    during startup.
    14:54:06  DR: HDR secondary server operational
    14:54:06  Logical Recovery has reached the transaction cleanup
    14:54:06  Logical Recovery Complete.
       13 Committed, 1 Rolled Back, 0 Open, 0 Bad Locks
    14:54:06  Begin recreating indexes deferred during recovery.
    14:54:06  Bringing system to Quiescent Mode with no Logical
    14:54:07  Quiescent Mode
    14:54:07  Completed recreating indexes.
    14:54:08  Checkpoint Completed:  duration was 0 seconds.
    14:54:08  Tue Feb 23 - loguniq 111, logpos 0x453018, timestamp:
    0x1ae7cb2 Interval: 2964
    14:54:08  Maximum server connections 1
    14:54:08  Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, #
    Txns blocked 1, Plog used
    ontape will bring the engine to quiescent mode
    if the primary comes online again, the secondary states:
    15:49:32  DR: Secondary server connected
    15:49:32  Updates from secondary allowed
    15:49:32  Updates from secondary allowed
    15:49:32  DR: Secondary server needs failure recovery
    15:49:35  DR: Start failure recovery from tape ...
    15:49:40  DR: Multi-User mode
    15:49:41  Recovery Mode
    15:49:44  Updates from secondary currently not allowed
    15:49:44  Updates from secondary currently not allowed
    15:49:44  Updates from secondary currently not allowed
    15:49:44  Updates from secondary currently not allowed
    if you do an ontape -l the following will happen:
    15:55:30  DR: Start failure recovery from tape ...
    15:55:31  Logical Recovery Started.
    15:55:31  10 recovery worker threads will be started.
    15:55:31  Start Logical Recovery - Start Log 111, End Log ?
    15:55:31  Starting Log Position - 111 0x453018
    15:55:34  Requested shared memory segment size rounded from
    532596KB to 532608KB
    15:55:34  Dynamically allocated new virtual shared memory
    segment (size 532608KB)
    15:55:34  Memory sizes:resident:47616 KB, virtual:565312 KB, no
    SHMTOTAL limit
    15:55:34  Checkpoint Record not Found in Logical Log.
    15:55:34  Assert Failed: Invalid Mutex Type
    15:55:34  IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.FC6
    15:55:34   Who: Session(15, informix@HDR1, 1540,
                    Thread(38, ontape, 0, 1)
                    File: mt.c Line: 8617
    15:55:34  stack trace for pid 1568 written to
    15:55:42   See Also: C:\sqldists\1150fc6\tmp\af.40eec66,
    15:55:43  Updates from secondary currently not allowed
    15:55:43  Updates from secondary currently not allowed
    15:55:43  Updates from secondary currently not allowed
    15:55:43  Updates from secondary currently not allowed
    this is the stack of the af file:
    15:55:34  Stack for thread: 38 ontape
     base: 0x0000000083870000
      len:   69632
       pc: 0x0000000140b58cd4
      tos: 0x000000008387edf0
    state: running
       vp: 1
    0x0000000140B59C1A (oninit)afhandler
    0x0000000140B5A4AF (oninit)afcrash_interface
    0x0000000140B4A18C (oninit)mt_lock
    0x000000014057EF88 (oninit)_igetstreamQ
    0x000000014070F6C2 (oninit)rswrite_lgr
    0x0000000140288A5F (oninit)tbj_log_write_restore
    0x0000000140061228 (oninit)sqmain
    0x0000000140BD0D20 (oninit)listen_verify
    0x0000000140BD220E (oninit)spawn_thread
    0x0000000140B8616A (oninit)startup
    and the ontape will also fail with an error message
    C:\Windows\system32>ontape -l
    Roll forward should start with log number 111
    Restore will use log backup file
    c:\ltape\chokmah_9_Log0000000111. Press Return to continue ...
    Rollforward log file c:\ltape\chokmah_9_Log0000000111 ...
    buc_fe.c : Archive API processing failed at line 908 for msgtype
    Do you want to suspend (y), commit (n) or abort (CTRL/C) logical
    Do you want to suspend (y), commit (n) or abort (CTRL/C) logical
    Program over.
    the secondary is now corrupted, it cannot even be patched, it
    needs to be re-initialized.
    ontape should check whether or not it is running on a secondary
    and not do the cleaning of
    logical logs and going to quiescent mode.

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
    * Users of HDR environment.                                    *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
    * Performing log restore (ontape -l, or via onbar) on a HDR    *
    * secondary server when the primary server is unavailable can  *
    * cause the HDR pair to fail synchronization when the primary  *
    * is back online.                                              *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    * Upgrade to 11.50.xC9 when available.                         *

Problem conclusion

  • Problem fixed in 11.50.xC9.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


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  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • RB15 PSY


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSGU8G","label":"Informix Servers"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"B15","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 September 2011