IBM Support

HE07113: IF RUN THE CATVBA, "RUN-TIME ERROR "-2147417856 (800 10 100)" OC CURED.


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as Permanent restriction.

Error description

  • Scenario:
    1. Launch CATIA V5R20SP5 64bit version on Windows 7 64bit
    2. Select menu "Tools -> Macros -> Macro
    3. Run attached "ConnectTest.catvba".
    4. "CATIA V5" dialog box is displayed.
    5. Click OK, "Normal End" message is displayed.
         This is normal behavior.
    6. Select menu "Tools -> Macros -> Macro.
    7. Run attached "ConnectTest.catvba" again.
    8. "CATIA V5" dialog box is displayed.
    9. Do not click OK.Wait for approx 30 minutes. (This is
    10. Click OK.
    PROBLEM: Error message is displayed.
    "Run-time error ?-2147417856 (800 10 100)' :
            Automation error
            System call failed.
    Expected result:
    If click "OK" button 30 minutes later, "Normal End" message
    should be displayed.

Local fix

  • empty

Problem summary

  • Scenario:
    1. Launch CATIA V5R20SP5 64bit version on Windows 7 64bit
    2. Select menu "Tools -> Macros -> Macro
    3. Run attached "ConnectTest.catvba".
    4. "CATIA V5" dialog box is displayed.
    5. Click OK, "Normal End" message is displayed.
         This is normal behavior.
    6. Select menu "Tools -> Macros -> Macro.
    7. Run attached "ConnectTest.catvba" again.
    8. "CATIA V5" dialog box is displayed.
    9. Do not click OK.Wait for approx 30 minutes. (This is
    10. Click OK.
    PROBLEM: Error message is displayed.
    "Run-time error ???-2147417856 (800 10 100)' :
            Automation error
            System call failed.
    Expected result:
    If click "OK" button 30 minutes later, "Normal End" message
    should be displayed.

Problem conclusion

    Additional Closure Information:
    Incident Diagnosis:
    a vba macro fails to run after a long expectation.
    First of all, it must be known that Microsoft
    doesn???t give access to a 64 bit version of VBA.
    Then VBA shouldn???t be available in a 64 bit
    application. I don???t know other 64 bits
    application than CATIA that provides VBA
    integration. Attached file ???VBA integration within
    V5 on Windows 64bit.pptx??? explains our 64 bits
    As it is explains in the document, the
    communications between VBA (and the form it
    creates in the scenario) and CATIA are done
    thanks to COM. COM uses windows message to do that
    job. Because CATIA is frozen during a macro
    execution (*), the incoming windows message are
    not treated but queued, the windows message queue
    becomes full at some time (a long time in fact)
    and the communication is no more possible (the
    call to DELMIA.caption fails in the scenario).
    This problem is very well explained in this
    Microsoft site :
    I???ve searched several ways to fix this issue but
    none is acceptable :
    - Implementing the IMessageFilter interface to
    remove CATIA incoming messages, particularly
    WM_TIMER messages that are the more frequent. It
    is dangerous as these messages are expected by
    some application components that will not react in
    case of removing. I cannot easily determine which
    components would be impacted but anyway in the
    future other component may uses this mechanism.
    - Implementing the IMessageFilter interface to
    treat CATIA incoming messages, particularly
    WM_TIMER messages. It can be dangerous as treating
    these messages will make the application be
    reactive. It is indeed safer during a macro
    execution to have the application blocked (i.e.
    windows messages are not treated) to avoid
    function reentrance. This is a similar issue than
    the DoEvents VBA function that is not forbidden
    but not recommended
    ( ;
    Moreover this fix is not needed as it is similar
    to the different proposed bypasses
    (RefreshDisplay, ???) that make the application be
    reactive during a replay macro.
    - Ask CATIA components to decrease the number of
    WM_TIMER that are sent. It???s not easy as these
    messages are used for internal communication then
    they are really needed. Moreover some messages are
    coming from the operating system (cf. E. step in
    previous Microsoft link ) then we cannot manage them.
    (*) To have this problem
    - the macro form must be modal because if not
    modal the macro execution will finish then CATIA
    will be reactive again.
    - the macro must be executed from
    ???tools/macro/macros/execute??? because if it is
    executed from the VBA editor CATIA is not frozen
    - with RefreshDisplay=false (default with VBA)
    because if RefreshDisplay is set to True the
    messagequeue is treated time to time even when
    CATIA is frozen
    set RefreshDisplay=true at the beginning of the macro

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name

    CAA V5 NT>XP

  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

Applicable component levels

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSVJ2K","label":"CATIA"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"520","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
21 August 2024