IBM Support

Upgrading the HMC from Version 8.8.3 or Later to Version 8.8.5



This document provides instructions to upgrade the HMC from Version 8.8.3 or later to Version 8.8.5

Resolving The Problem


Prior to upgrading, complete the following:

1. Verify HMC model is compatible with 8.8.5

HMC V8.8.5 is supported on rack-mount models CR5, CR6, CR7, CR8, CR9 and OE1; and on desktop model C08. These listed models meet or exceed the V8.8.5 minimum memory requirement of 2GB however 4GB is recommended.

2. HMC must currently be HMC 8.8.3+mandatory fix MH01514 or HMC 8.8.4+mandatory fix MH01560 to upgrade to 8.8.5

For HMC version 8.8.3, apply mandatory fix MH01514 or later before upgrading to 8.8.5. To update 8.8.3 HMC to latest fixes, see Update(s) for HMC 8.8.3 at N1021590:

For HMC version 8.8.4, apply mandator fix MH01560 or later before upgrading to 8.8.5 To update 8.8.4 HMC to latest fixes, see Update(s) for HMC 8.8.4 at N1021591: .

For HMC version 8.8.2 and earlier:
o Upgrade to 8.8.3 first, then upgrade to 8.8.5.
o Do a scratch install of 8.8.5, then reconfigure the HMC.
For a list of upgrade paths to 8.8.3, see support document HMC Code Updates

3. Confirm machine type/model and serial number are correct

Use one of the methods below to verify that the Machine Type/Model and Serial Number (MTMS) matches the information on the tag on the front of the physical HMC. If they do not match, do not attempt the upgrade. To resolve the problem, contact IBM Hardware at 1-800-426-7378 (800-IBM-SERV), Option 1 for hardware, and request a BIOS flash to correct the MTMS:

oOn the HMC GUI interface, select Updates in the left-hand navigation panel. Find Model Type and Serial number in the HMC Code Level section of the right-hand panel.
oFrom a restricted shell command line, type the following command and press Enter: lshmc -v *TM is the machine type/model, and *SE is the serial number.
Note: Install images were refreshed in June 2016 to avoid a potential upgrade/install issue on 7042-CR9 systems returning "the current system does not have a valid machine type/model".  It is recommended that all customers ensure they have the new image(s) to perform upgrades or installs. See for more info.

4. Reboot the HMC

If the HMC has not been restarted recently, you should restart before you begin the upgrade. To reboot, either:
- Use the GUI task HMC Management > Shutdown or Restart, select Restart HMC, and click OK.
- Use the command hmcshutdown -r -t now

6. Verify Server Firmware is compatible

Click here for a complete list of supported combinations of HMC V7 and V8 code levels and server firmware levels. While the HMC can perform basic management tasks and upgrades on downlevel servers, servers below the supported level should be updated soon after the HMC upgrade is complete.

7. Review the readme

The Readme file/release notes for HMC V8 R8.5 Recovery Media and mandatory fix MH01617 can be found in IBM Fix Central at

8. Server managed by dual (redundant) HMCs require that both HMCs be upgraded to the same release

When a server is managed by dual (or redundant) HMCs, both HMCs must be upgraded to the same release. Dual management of Flex nodes with FSM is not supported.

After one HMC is upgraded the servers on the redundant HMC will go to "Version Mismatch" state, with reference code "Save area version mismatch". This state will clear when the redundant HMC is upgraded.

9. Select one of the following tabs for instructions on the upgrade method you wish to use:

o .iso images: Instructions for downloading the fixes and installing them from USB flash or optical media.

o Ordering/Using DVDs: Instructions for ordering optical media from IBM and installing from media.

o Network: Instructions for upgrading the HMC over the network; either directly from the IBM FTP site or, alternately, from a local FTP server.

Note: Virtual HMC (vHMC) should be upgraded using the Network option.

Tab navigation

.iso images

Instructions for downloading the image and upgrading from media

Step 1: To obtain HMC 8.8.5 .iso image, do the following:

1. Download and burn the HMC Version 8.8.5 Recovery DVD: HMC_Recovery_V8R850_1.iso

2. Burn the .iso as an image to DVD-R media.

Note: Starting with Version 8.8.1, recovery media is only one volume

Step 2: Save Profile Data

Use one of the following options to perform a Save Profile Data for each managed system to save an additional copy of partition/profile configurations.

Option 1: Use HMC GUI interface

1. Expand Systems Management, then select Servers.

2. Select the first managed system by checking the box in front of the server name.

3. Under Tasks, expand Configuration, then expand Manage Partition Data.

4. Select Backup.

5. In the Profile Data Backup window, type a name for the backup file, and click OK.

6. You will get a popup window that the profile data has been backed up. Click OK.

7. Repeat 1 through 6 for each additional system managed by this HMC. Once you have a partition data backup for each managed system, continue with Step 3.

Option 2: Use restricted shell command line

On the local HMC, select HMC Management -> Open Restricted Shell Terminal. For remote access using SSH, refer to section above titled "Remote SSH Connectivity"

At the command prompt, enter the following command which will save profile data for all servers:
lssyscfg -r sys -F type_model*serial_num | while read machine; do bkprofdata -m "$machine" -f Beforeupgrade$(date +%Y%m%d) ; done

Step 3: Save Upgrade Data

A Save Upgrade Data task must be done to preserve information on the HMC before performing the upgrade. You must upgrade immediately after the Save Upgrade Data task. If you restart the HMC again without doing the upgrade, you must log in and run the Save Upgrade Data task again before performing the upgrade.

1. Prepare media to use for Save Upgrade Data. You will need a USB flash drive.

USB flash drive must be formatted FAT32 with a single partition and it cannot be password protected. Plug the flash drive into a USB port on the front of the HMC. Wait until you hear 3 beeps (or approximately 1 minute) for the HMC to detect the flash drive.

Note: Save Upgrade Data will overwrite any existing save upgrade data on the media. It will not overwrite any Backup Management Console Data already on the media.

2. Save Upgrade Data can be performed using either HMC GUI or restricted shell command line.

Use the HMC GUI:
a. Select HMC Management.
b. Select Save Upgrade Data.
c. Select media type USB flash drive, click Next, and then click Finish.

Use restricted shell command line:
Use the following command specifying "diskusb" for USB flash drive.
saveupgdata -r diskusb

3. Wait for the Save Upgrade Data task to complete. If the task fails, contact your next level of support before proceeding. If the Save Upgrade Data task is successful, the following optional procedure can be performed to verify the data:

a. Open a restricted shell terminal as follows:

1. Select HMC Management.
2. Select Open restricted Shell Terminal.

b. Mount the media:

1. Run the command lsmediadev to determine the mount point of the USB flash drive. In the example below, USB flash drive is /media/sda1
device=/dev/fd0,mount_point=/media/floppy,type=2,description=internal diskette drive
device=/dev/hda,type=6,description=internal hard disk drive
device=/dev/sda1,mount_point=/media/sda1,type=3,description=USB flash memory device

2. Run the command mount (i.e., mount /media/sda1 for USB flash drive)

c. Run the command ls –l using the same mount point as in step b above

d. Verify that there are five tar files with the following names:


If any of these tar files are missing, contact your next level of support.

e. Issue the command umount using the same mount point as in step b above

Note: The Save Upgrade Data will be saved to the hard drive on the HMC as well as the USB flash drive. The Save Upgrade Data on the media is used only to recover from an unexpected error under the direction of support personnel.

4. Once the Save Upgrade Data task is successful, remove the USB flash drive.

Step 4: Upgrade HMC to 8.8.5 (from Recovery Media)

Do the following at the HMC interface to upgrade the HMC by means of the Recovery DVD.

1. Insert V8.8.5 recovery media (which was either ordered from IBM or downloaded and burned to DVD as indicated above) into the DVD-RAM drive.

2. Click HMC Management, then click the Shutdown or Restart menu option.

3. Select Restart HMC and click OK. Note: If the HMC fails to restart from optical, the boot manager may need to be called (in other words, press F12 during the boot process) in order to get the HMC to boot from the optical drive.

4. The HMC reads the media in the DVD-RAM drive and displays the Hardware Management Console Install Wizard window. Highlight Next button (use tab/alt-Tab or arrow keys to move), and press Space bar or Enter to select.

Note: If the Save Upgrade Data (Step 3 above) was not performed, you will see a warning window that save upgrade data was not found on the hard drive. Cancel the upgrade, remove the recovery media from the DVD drive, reboot the HMC, complete Step 3 above to Save Upgrade Data, then start the upgrade process again.

5. Using tab or arrow keys to move the cursor and the space bar to select an option, select Upgrade to a new release (need asterisk on Upgrade to a new release as shown below):

( * ) Upgrade to a new release
( ) Install

Highlight Next button, and press Enter.

6. On Upgrade Confirmation screen, highlight Finish, and press Enter to start the Upgrade process.

7. The HMC installs 8.8.5 from the media, restores the data preserved by the Save Upgrade Data task, and then completes the booting process.

Note: The initial reboot can take 30-45 minutes. During the reboot, the local session may display a list of environment variables for hmcmanager (last line is "END ENV" ) for as long as 20 to 40 minutes without a screen change. Do not reboot or power off; wait for the boot to complete.

8. Select "Log on and launch the Hardware Management Console Web application", then log in using your user ID and password.

Ordering / Using DVDs/CDs

Instructions for ordering the DVD and upgrading from media

Step 1: Order the HMC Version 8.8.5 Recovery DVD: MH01616.

Note: Starting with Version 8.8.1, recovery media is only one volume

Step 2: Save Profile Data

Use one of the following options to perform a Save Profile Data for each managed system to save an additional copy of partition/profile configurations.

Option 1: Use HMC GUI interface

1. Expand Systems Management, then select Servers.

2. Select the first managed system by checking the box in front of the server name.

3. Under Tasks, expand Configuration, then expand Manage Partition Data.

4. Select Backup.

5. In the Profile Data Backup window, type a name for the backup file, and click OK.

6. You will get a popup window that the profile data has been backed up. Click OK.

7. Repeat 1 through 6 for each additional system managed by this HMC. Once you have a partition data backup for each managed system, continue with Step 3.

Option 2: Use restricted shell command line

On the local HMC, select HMC Management -> Open Restricted Shell Terminal. For remote access using SSH, refer to section above titled "Remote SSH Connectivity"

At the command prompt, enter the following command which will save profile data for all servers:
lssyscfg -r sys -F type_model*serial_num | while read machine; do bkprofdata -m "$machine" -f Beforeupgrade$(date +%Y%m%d) ; done

Step 3: Save Upgrade Data

A Save Upgrade Data task must be done to preserve information on the HMC before performing the upgrade. You must upgrade immediately after the Save Upgrade Data task. If you restart the HMC again without doing the upgrade, you must log in and run the Save Upgrade Data task again before performing the upgrade.

1. Prepare media to use for Save Upgrade Data. You will need a USB flash drive.

USB flash drive must be formatted FAT32 with a single partition and it cannot be password protected. Plug the flash drive into a USB port on the front of the HMC. Wait until you hear 3 beeps (or approximately 1 minute) for the HMC to detect the flash drive.

Note: Save Upgrade Data will overwrite any existing save upgrade data on the media. It will not overwrite any Backup Management Console Data already on the media.

2. Save Upgrade Data can be performed using either HMC GUI or restricted shell command line.

Use the HMC GUI:
a. Select HMC Management.
b. Select Save Upgrade Data.
c. Select media type USB flash drive, click Next, and then click Finish.

Use restricted shell command line:
Use the following command specifying "diskusb" for USB flash drive.
saveupgdata -r diskusb

3. Wait for the Save Upgrade Data task to complete. If the task fails, contact your next level of support before proceeding. If the Save Upgrade Data task is successful, the following optional procedure can be performed to verify the data:

a. Open a restricted shell terminal as follows:

1. Select HMC Management.
2. Select Open restricted Shell Terminal.

b. Mount the media:

1. Run the command lsmediadev to determine the mount point of the USB flash drive. In the example below, USB flash drive is /media/sda1
device=/dev/fd0,mount_point=/media/floppy,type=2,description=internal diskette drive
device=/dev/hda,type=6,description=internal hard disk drive
device=/dev/sda1,mount_point=/media/sda1,type=3,description=USB flash memory device

2. Run the command mount (for example, mount /media/sda1 for USB flash drive)

c. Run the command ls –l using the same mount point as in Step b above.

d. Verify that there are five tar files with the following names:


If any of these tar files are missing, contact your next level of support.

e. Issue the command umount using the same mount point as in Step b above.

Note: The initial reboot can take 30-45 minutes. During the reboot, the local session may display a list of environment variables for hmcmanager (last line is "END ENV" ) for as long as 20 to 40 minutes without a screen change. Do not reboot or power off; wait for the boot to complete.

4. Once the Save Upgrade Data task is successful, remove the USB flash drive.

Step 4: Upgrade HMC to 8.8.5 (from Recovery Media)

Do the following at the HMC interface to upgrade the HMC by means of the Recovery DVD.

1. Insert V8.8.5 recovery media (which was either ordered from IBM or downloaded and burned to DVD as indicated above) into the DVD-RAM drive.

2. Click HMC Management, then click the Shutdown or Restart menu option.

3. Select Restart HMC and click OK. Note: If the HMC fails to restart from optical, the boot manager may need be called (in other words, press F12 during the boot process) in order to get the HMC to boot from the optical drive.

4. The HMC reads the media in the DVD-RAM drive and displays the Hardware Management Console Install Wizard window. Highlight Next button (use tab/alt-Tab or arrow keys to move, and press Space bar or Enter to select.

Note: If the Save Upgrade Data (Step 3 above) was not performed, you will see a warning window that save upgrade data was not found on the hard drive. Cancel the upgrade, remove the recovery media from the DVD drive, reboot the HMC, complete Step 3 above to Save Upgrade Data, then start the upgrade process again.
5. Using tab or arrow keys to move the cursor and the space bar to select an option, select Upgrade to a new release (need asterisk on Upgrade to a new release as shown below):

( * ) Upgrade to a new release
( ) Install

Highlight Next button, and press Enter.

6. On Upgrade Confirmation screen, highlight Finish and press Enter to start the Upgrade process.

7. The HMC installs 8.8.5 from the media, restores the data preserved by the Save Upgrade Data task, and then completes the booting process.
Note: The initial reboot can take 30-45 minutes. During the reboot, the local session may display a list of environment variables for hmcmanager (last line is "END ENV" ) for 25 minutes or more without a screen change. Do not reboot. or power off; wait for the boot to complete.

8. Select "Log on and launch the Hardware Management Console web application", then log in using your user ID and password.


Instructions for upgrading from a network server
This section describes how to perform the upgrade over the network instead of from Recovery DVD. The network upgrade can be done using ftp, sftp or (8.8.4 and later) nfs protocol.

Restricted Shell Access

This upgrade method requires restricted shell command line access.

From the local HMC, select HMC Management > Open a Restricted Shell Terminal

Running commands using the restricted shell remotely is available through the ssh protocol. The user must obtain and install an ssh client such as PuTTY, then configure the HMC for running remote commands. For further information on how to configure remote command execution, refer to document N1012875, Configuring the Version 7 HMC to Accept SSH Connections and Remote Commands. To link to document N1012875 immediately, click here

Step 1: Save Profile Data

Use one of the following options to perform a Save Profile Data for each managed system to save an additional copy of partition/profile configurations.

Option 1: Use HMC GUI interface

1. Expand Systems Management, then select Servers.

2. Select the first managed system by checking the box in front of the server name.

3. Under Tasks, expand Configuration, then expand Manage Partition Data.

4. Select Backup.

5. In the Profile Data Backup window, type a name for the backup file, and click OK.

6. You will get a popup window that the profile data has been backed up. Click OK.

7. Repeat Steps 1 through 6 for each additional system managed by this HMC. Once you have a partition data backup for each managed system, continue with Step 2.

Option 2: Use restricted shell command line

On the local HMC, select HMC Management -> Open Restricted Shell Terminal. For remote access using SSH, refer to section above titled Restricted Shell Access.

At the command prompt, enter the following command which will save profile data for all servers:
lssyscfg -r sys -F type_model*serial_num | while read machine; do bkprofdata -m "$machine" -f Beforeupgrade$(date +%Y%m%d) ; done

Step 2: Save Upgrade Data

A Save Upgrade Data task must be done to preserve information on the HMC before performing the upgrade. You must upgrade immediately after the Save Upgrade Data task. If you restart the HMC again without doing the upgrade, you must log in and run the Save Upgrade Data task again before performing the upgrade.

1. Prepare media to use for Save Upgrade Data. You will need a USB flash drive.

USB flash drive must be formatted FAT32 with a single partition and it cannot be password protected. Plug the flash drive into a USB port on the front of the HMC. Wait until you hear 3 beeps (or approximately 1 minute) for the HMC to detect the flash drive.

Note: Save Upgrade Data will overwrite any existing save upgrade data on the media. It will not overwrite any Backup Management Console Data already on the media.

2. Use the following command specifying "diskusb" for USB flash drive.
saveupgdata -r diskusb.

3. Wait for the Save Upgrade Data task to complete. If the task fails, contact your next level of support before proceeding. If the Save Upgrade Data task is successful, the following optional procedure can be performed to verify the data:

a. Mount the media:

1. Run the command lsmediadev to determine the mount point of the USB flash drive. In the example below, USB flash drive is /media/sda1
device=/dev/fd0,mount_point=/media/floppy,type=2,description=internal diskette drive
device=/dev/hda,type=6,description=internal hard disk drive
device=/dev/sda1,mount_point=/media/sda1,type=3,description=USB flash memory device

2. Run the command mount (for example, mount /media/sda1 for USB flash drive)

b. Run the command ls –l using the same mount point as in Step b above.

c. Verify that there are five tar files with the following names:


If any of these tar files are missing, contact your next level of support.

d. Issue the command umount using the same mount point as in Step b above.

Note: The Save Upgrade Data will be saved to the hard drive on the HMC as well as the media. The Save Upgrade Data on the media is used only to recover from an unexpected error under the direction of support personnel.

4. Once the Save Upgrade Data task is successful, remove the USB flash drive.

Step 3: Upgrade the HMC to 8.8.5

1. Download the V8.8.5 network upgrade files to the HMC.
To upgrade from a local server instead of direct from the IBM FTP site, refer to "Using a local server" section at the bottom of this page.

Open Restricted Shell (or ssh session) and type the following command:

getupgfiles -h -u anonymous --passwd anonymous -d /software/server/hmc/network/v8850

The parameters of the getupgfiles command:

-h The host name or IP address of the remote FTP server.
-u The user ID to log into the remote site.
--passwd The password to log into the remote site. If this option is omitted, you will be prompted for the password.
-d The directory on the remote site that contains the upgrade files.

The following files will be downloaded to the directory indicated (June 2016 refresh images):
File name Description Destination Size Checksum
img2a kernel image /hmcboot 4053200 61272
img3a Ram Disk file system /hmcboot 38704230 36748
base.img Base Image /hmcboot 929583104 56635
disk1.img Base HMC Image and Service Doc /hmcdump 2633879552 30743
hmcnetworkfiles.sum checksums /hmcdump 55 n/a

While the download is running, there is no indication of progress in the restricted shell. To monitor progress, open another restricted shell session and monitor the files and file sizes. For example the following command will loop indefinitely querying the file sizes every 30 seconds: while true; do ls -l /hmcdump ; ls -l /hmcboot ; sleep 30; done (Use ctl+c to end).
Once the files have all been downloaded successfully, the getupgfiles command returns to the command prompt and the ls -l command will no longer list the files in the directory as the target directories are unmounted.

2. Set the HMC to do the next reboot from the special location on the hard drive where the downloaded 8.8.5 files are stored by typing the following command:

chhmc -c altdiskboot -s enable --mode upgrade

Note: Remove any USB flash drive that contains HMC Backup Management Console Data prior to performing a network upgrade. Failure to remove the drive will result in failed network upgrade.

3. Reboot the HMC using one of the following methods:

Option 1. HMC GUI: HMC Management > Shut Down or Restart > Restart HMC
Option 2. Restricted shell command: hmcshutdown -t now -r

Note: The reboot will take approximately 45 minutes. During the reboot, the local session will display a list of environment variables for hmcmanager (last line is "END ENV" ) for 25 to 45 minutes without a screen change.
Do not reboot. or power off; wait for the boot to complete.

4. At the Hardware Management Console login prompt, log in using your user ID and password.

Once the HMC reboots, the installation starts and typically takes about an hour. After the installation of V8.8.5 is complete, you should be able to remotely access the HMC again.

5. Install the required fixes for V8.8.5 using the link provided below.

Optional: Using a local server

1. Use FTP to do a binary download of the upgrade files from the IBM server to a directory on a local server:

IBM Server:

2. Perform the upgrade as described above. However, in Step 1, modify the getupgfiles command to point to your local FTP server. For example:

getupgfiles -h myserver -u myuserid --passwd mypassword -d /mydirectory

Install the required fixes for 8.8.5

Critical fixes for 8.8.5 must be installed. Follow the instructions to get the corrective service updates applied by referring to document N1021592 , Update(s) for HMC 8.8.5. To link to document N1021592 immediately, click here .

[{"Product":{"code":"SSB6AA","label":"Power System Hardware Management Console Physical Appliance"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Component":"HMC","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB08","label":"Cognitive Systems"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
22 September 2021

