IBM Support

SNADS Fails to Send with Message CPF5107 Error Code 'E01A'



This document describes a scenerio where larger SNADS files fail with a CPF5107 rc 'E01A'.

Resolving The Problem

SNADS send of larger files fail on the source side with a CPF5107 error code 'E01A'. The sense code is '1001'. CPI8805 rc22 was also posted.

CPF5107Escape50 05/18/08 09:33:27.664344 QACERP1 QSYS 03C0 QZDBLDRQ QSYS 02A3
Message . . . . : SNA session with device ZDPGMDEV ended abnormally.
Cause . . . . . : The Systems Network Architecture (SNA) error caused
session with device ZDPGMDEV on file QCSNADSC in library QSYS to end
abnormally. The system error code is X'E01A'. System error codes and their
meanings follow: -- E015: An unbind command received, other than protocol
violation. -- E019: An unbind command sent. -- E01A: An unbind command
Recovery . . . : The SNA sense code of X'1001' indicates the reason the session ended.
CPI8805Information00 05/18/08 09:33:27.686120 QZDSENDR QSYS 060E QZDSENDR QSYS 060E
Message . . . . : Starting recovery for SNADS sender 538312/QSNADS/AS400A,
serving *SNADS distribution queue AS400A
Cause . . . . . : The SNADS sender is unable to send distribution queue
entries due to reason code 22. The reason codes and their meanings follow:
22 -- Communications failed or could not be established with the remote system
Recovery . . . : The sender will attempt to restart normal
processing after waiting 5 minutes (the retry wait interval that was
configured for this queue). The current number of retry attempts is 1. The
maximum number of retries configured for this queue is 3. If you want to
take immediate action, the reason codes and their recovery actions follow:
21, 22, 25 and 26 -- See the previously listed messages in the job log, and
correct any errors. . For all recovery actions,start the sender again (send the queue
(SNDDSTQ command or option 2 from the WRKDSTQ display)).
Technical description . . . . . . . . : The failing sender is automatically started
whenever the QSNADS subsystem is started, or whenever a receiver starts for
a queue that has the send while receiving option configured.

Target side joblog shows a CPF5282 error on device ZDDEVNAME. Data that is not valid was received from the remote system.
CPC8805 rc3
CPF5282Escape50 05/19/08 11:16:54.808520 QACERP1 QSYS 03C0 QZDRCVR QSYS 0102
Message . . . . : Error on device ZDDEVNAME.
Cause . . . . . : Data that is not valid has been received from the remote
system. Recovery . . . : End the session and then inform the programmer
on the remote system of the error. When the error has been corrected, start
the session again. Technical description . . . . . . . . : Either the
length field (LL) received from the remote device was not valid, or the data
stream ended before the amount of data specified in the LL was received.
CPC8805 Completion50 05/19/08 11:16:54.809896 QZDRCVR QSYS 0510 QZDRCVR QSYS 0510
Message . . . . : SNADS receiver 262099/QSNADS/AS400B ended abnormally.
Cause . . . . . : The SNA Distribution Services (SNADS) receiver ended
because of reason code 3. The reason codes and their meanings follow: 1 --
Receiver detected error. 2 -- Sender detected error. 3 -- APPC conversation
A communications trace on the source side shows an UNBIND of 32FE1001 received. Looking at the source trace, many frames are sent. Then a frame is sent with 1420 bytes. Looking at the target system communications trace for this frame, the same frame is received. This received frame only has 331 bytes.

This problem was referred to the users networking support group. Some packet inspection was occurring at the firewall for Instant Messaging. Changing the rule to log from drop helped. However, once this firewall rule was removed, SNADS returned to normal and sent files normally.

[{"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Communications-SNA","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
11 November 2019

