IBM Support

MustGather: Temporary Storage Issues (V7R1 and older)



This document describes the necessary information that needs to be collected to aid in quicker resolution of Temporary Storage issues.

Resolving The Problem

For issues concerning Temporary Storage, this document includes the recommended data collection for debug. This is by no means all inclusive; however, it is meant as a starting point for document collection.

Temporary Storage general issues specific MustGather information

If you encounter a Temporary Storage issue, collect the following information as related to the issue:

1.Initial Questions
Appendix A: What Initial Questions we would like answered
2.Basic System Information
Appendix B: What Basic System Information to collect and how
3.Advanced Analysis Macros
Appendix C: What Advanced Analysis Macro Information to collect and how
4.Preparation if Additional In-Depth Data Must be Collected
Appendix D: Preparation if additional data needs to be collected later
5.Send Data to IBM for Analysis
Appendix E: Sending Data to IBM
  • - Appendix A: What Initial Questions we would like answered

    1.Do you have all of the known fixes for temporary storage on your system?

    Check the fixes listed in document N1017368, Temporary Storage PTFs and verify that you have all known fixes for temporary storage on your system.
    2.When was the Temporary Storage issue first noticed?
    3.How fast is temporary storage growing?
    4.Are specific applications or jobs associated with the Temporary Storage issue? If not, can you locate any by using the WRKSYSACT SEQ(*STGALC) command and refreshing to check storage allocation by jobs and tasks?
    5.When any application or job ends, does the Temporary Storage come back?
    6. If the system is going to IPL, can you end the system subsystem by subsystem and see if the storage comes back when any specific subsystem is ended?

  • - Appendix B: What Basic System Information to collect and how

    (Note: Basic System information can be collected using the QMGTOOLS SYSSNAP command or menu option. You should refer to document N1010353, QMGTOOLS: System Snapshot (SYSSNAP).

    PTF Information
    1. Version, release, and modification level of system (for example, V5R4M5, V6R1M0, and so on).
    2. WRKPTFGRP then use F6 to print.

    System Information
    2. If temporary storage is growing at a rate you can monitor, collect WRKSYSSTS again after done with Appendix C.

  • - Appendix C: What Advanced Analysis Macro Information to collect and how

    Process Information Advanced Analysis Macro
    1. Issue the STRSST command
    2. Select Option 1. Start a service tool
    3. Select Option 4. Display/Alter/Dump
    4. Select Option 2. Dump to printer
    5. Select Option 2. Licensed Internal Code (LIC) data
    6. Select Option 14. Advanced analysis
    7. Select Option 1 for PROCESSINFO
    8. Options -FRAMES 0
    9. Add a title, change pages to 999999999

    Task Information Advanced Analysis Macro
    1. Issue the STRSST command
    2. Select Option 1. Start a service tool
    3. Select Option 4. Display/Alter/Dump
    4. Select Option 2. Dump to printer
    5. Select Option 2. Licensed Internal Code (LIC) data
    6. Select Option 14. Advanced analysis
    7. Select Option 1 for TASKINFO
    9. Add a title, change pages to 999999999

    Teraspace Information Advanced Analysis Macro
    1. Issue the STRSST command
    2. Select Option 1. Start a service tool
    3. Select Option 4. Display/Alter/Dump
    4. Select Option 2. Dump to printer
    5. Select Option 2. Licensed Internal Code (LIC) data
    6. Select Option 14. Advanced analysis
    7. Select Option 1 for blank line at top and fill in DUMPTSTGUSED
    8. Fill in no options
    9. Add a title, change pages to 999999999

  • - Appendix E: Sending Data to IBM

    (Note: Data can be sent to IBM using QMGTOOLS. You should refer to document N1010370, QMGTOOLS: FTP Data to IBM.)

  • - Directions for collecting spooled files that you own

    To retrieve the spooled file that you own, you should do the following:

    1.Open the System i Navigator.
    2.Expand your system where the files are located. Log in with your user ID (used to collect the spooled files above).
    3.Expand Basic Operations, and left click on Printer Output to display the output files.
    4.Locate the spooled files collected in the job(s) above.
    5.Finally, right click the files from System i Navigator, select Export, select the destination folder, and click Save.

  • - Directions for transferring files to IBM

    Using E-Mail (if the files are smaller than 20MB)

    If the data you will be submitting is less than 20 MBs and you would like to e-mail the data to IBM, use the following information. You can send an e-mail to using the instructions from the following URL:

    Using the Service Request (SR) Tool (if the files are smaller than 2GB)

    If you have an existing PMR

    1.Sign on to the SR tool at the following URL:
    2.On the Welcome page, enter the PMR number in the Enter a report number field and click Go.
    3.Scroll down to the Attach Relevant File field.
    4.Click Browse to locate the log or trace file that you want to submit to IBM Support.
    5.Click Submit to transfer your file to IBM Technical Support through FTP (ECuRep) and associated with this PMR.

    If you are opening a new PMR
    1.Sign on to the SR tool at the following URL:
    2.Select Open a new service request.
    3.Follow the steps to create a Service Request until you have come to the final page prior to submitting your request.
    4.Scroll down to the Attach additional files section.
    5.Click Browse to start adding files to your PMR. Note that there is a 2GB limit per file.
    6.Click Submit when you are done adding files and are ready to submit your PMR to IBM Service. If the data you will be submitting is less than 20 MBs and you would like to e-mail the data to IBM, use the following information. You can send an e-mail to using the instructions from the following URL:

    Using FTP

    You should refer to this link for full instructions:
    oIn Step 1, you should use:

    - For North / South America locations -> ftp
    - For all other locations -> ftp
    o In Step 4, you should use cd /toibm/os400

    [{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"6.1.0"}]

    Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
18 December 2019

