IBM Support


A fix is available


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All Fault Analyzer Version 11 users.         *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 01. "Invalid command" message received  *
    *                          from ISPF interface when using      *
    *                          MATCH command for numerical column  *
    *                          and specifying a value which        *
    *                          includes a percent sign.            *
    *                          APAR PM53167                        *
    *                      02. IDI0145I IDIS subtask IDISCJST      *
    *                          terminated ECB=400C4000 and         *
    *                          IDI0144E IDIS IDISAMAN:990          *
    *                          Unexpected condition.               *
    *                          APAR PM52562                        *
    *                      03. IBM Fault Analyzer not using the    *
    *                          EPIE in a U4036 abend to report the *
    *                          original problem.                   *
    *                          APAR PM53168                        *
    *                      04. Abend S0C4 during CICS system dump  *
    *                          analysis.                           *
    *                          APAR PM49599                        *
    *                      05. During transaction DUMP analysis,   *
    *                          Fault Analyzer abends with ATCV     *
    *                          and CICS terminates with DFHPC0409. *
    *                          APAR PM53169                        *
    *                      06. IDISF8130S File not found "SYSLOGIC *
    *                          *" when calling IDILANGX with PARM= *
    *                          *PL(...)                            *
    *                          APAR PM52564                        *
    *                      07. PL/I decimal floating point (DFP)   *
    *                          variables show incorrect values.    *
    *                          APAR PM50154                        *
    *                      08. Listing exit not called when        *
    *                          COBOL program is compiled with      *
    *                          TEST(NOSEP).                        *
    *                          APAR PM53170                        *
    *                      09. Incorrect program name for PL/I     *
    *                          procedures included from package.   *
    *                          APAR PM47309                        *
    *                      10. PL/I SYSDEBUG file not used.        *
    *                          APAR PM50349                        *
    *                      11. Message IEC036I abend S002-18.      *
    *                          APAR PM53171                        *
    *                      12. Enterprise PL/I does not report     *
    *                          defined structure types or          *
    *                          anonymous unions.                   *
    *                          APAR PM51689                        *
    *                      13. RESET or MATCH ALL from Fault Entry *
    *                          List display does not always result *
    *                          in the original list being shown.   *
    *                          APAR PM52232                        *
    *                      14. ICH408I messages for JESSPOOL when  *
    *                          using Fault Analyzer IVP interface  *
    *                          under CICS.                         *
    *                          APAR PM53162                        *
    *                      15. When a program terminates with an   *
    *                          SQLCODE=-805, the wrong DB2 package *
    *                          information is shown.               *
    *                          APAR PM53172                        *
    *                      16. Abend S0C4 in pp_ke_stack when      *
    *                          analyzing CICS system dump.         *
    *                          APAR PM51892                        *
    *                      17. Fault Analyzer IDI0131W Waiting for *
    *                          History File SPFEDIT ENQ messages   *
    *                          from the IDIS subsystem.            *
    *                          APAR PM53508                        *
    *                      18. Error when processing CICS TS 4.2   *
    *                          auxiliary trace.                    *
    *                          APAR PM53603                        *
    *                      19. Message IDI0092S and RFR dump after *
    *                          a loop in Fault Analyzer.           *
    *                          APAR PM53229                        *
    * RECOMMENDATION: Apply the provided PTF.                      *
    01. Support for percent sign (%) in MATCH command values was not
        supported for columns containing numerical data, although
        the documentation indicated that this should be valid.
    02. The Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem may have intermittent
        failure producing IDISCJST and IDISAMAN ECB=400C4000 and
    03. Under some conditions, the EPIE address from R2 for a U4036
        abend is not used to report the initial abend.
    04. An invalid stack entry was being processed.
    05. Fault Analyzer is not reacting to a TERMERR condition and
        is continuing to use the terminal.
    06. When the EXEC PGM=IDILANGX PARM= has a program name ending
        with PL, and is immediately followed by an opening bracket,
        then the error will occur. A space prior to the bracket will
        circumvent the problem.
    07. FA does not support PL/I DFP variables.
    08. Listing exit not called for PROGSUM compiler listings.
    09. Packaged procedure used to form mangled CSECT name is not
    10. CUI fixup table not in minidump when DEFERREDREPORT option
        is in effect.
    11. A fault entry record used for saving a DB2 SQLDA data area
        exceeded the maximum logical record length of 10000 bytes.
    12. Defined structure types or anonymous unions were not
    13. The Fault Entry List display was reformatted using the
        current array of fault entry information, which might have
        been modified due to sorting or matching.
    14. Unintentional use of fflush function which under IPV was
        causing the JESSPOOL SAF check.
    15. When a DBRM is contained in many packages, and an attempt
        is made to display the package information, then the wrong
        information is being shown.
    16. Processing continues past the end of the label-names table.
    17. IDI0131W ENQ contention followed by IDI0130E time-out
        problems might occur in the IDIS subsystems in a sysplex.
    18. Auxiliary trace header record 4.2 extension gave wrong
        offset to trace entries.
    19. Under CICS and Debug Tool, a S0C4 abend and loop is possible
        with a CIB pointing to itself, causing IDI0092S Fault
        Analyzer time-out.

Problem conclusion

  • 01. Support for percent signs in numerical column MATCH command
        values has been added as per the current documentation.
    02. Correct unchaining of the Queue element under task
        termination has been added.
    03. The code has been updated.
    04. Invalid stack entries are now ignored.
    05. Fault Analyzer has been changed to detect the TERMERR
        condition and prevent further use of Terminal Control.
    06. Misinterpretation of the "*PL(...)" sequence for
        PermitLangx option has been corrected.
    07. Support for PL/I DFP variables has been added.
    08. Listing exit now called for PROGSUM compiler listings.
    09. Code to determine which procedure was used to name the
        CSECT added. This code requires that a procedure with the
        same name as the package is available.
    10. Code to locate CUI fixup pages in minidump added.
    11. The DB2 SQLDA data area is now saved across multiple records
        if necessary.
    12. Support has been added for defined structure types and
        anonymous unions.
    13. The current array of fault entry information is now being
        rebuilt from the last obtained history file cache.
    14. The fflush usage has been corrected.
    15. Fixed the call for package information to only show packages
        that are bound to the associated plan.
    16. Processing now ends once the end of the label-names tables
        has been reached.
    17. ENQ timing window error corrected.
    18. Offset to trace entries in auxiliary trace data set
    19. The code now detects the potential CIB loop at this point
        of execution.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

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    ***This field was truncated.  To obtain the full apar record, please contact your local support center.***

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • RB10 PSY UK74578

       UP11/12/11 P F112

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"B10","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSXJAJ","label":"Fault Analyzer for z\/OS"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"B10","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
02 May 2012