IBM Support


A fix is available


You can track all active APARs for this component.

APAR status

  • Closed as new function.

Error description

  • WLM enhancements.

Local fix

  • N/A

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All users of IBM z/OSMF Workload Management  *
    *                 task, HSMA213.                               *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: New function is added to the            *
    *                      z/OSMF V2R1 Workload Management         *
    *                      task to allow users to enter comments   *
    *                      for service definition actions.         *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    z/OSMF Workload Management (WLM) allows a user to perform the
    following actions on a service definition:
    Create, Modify, Import, Export, Install and Activate, Activate
    service policy.
    For each of these actions, z/OSMF WLM writes one or multiple
    records in the history data. However, a user can not add
    comments to describe the intention of each action.
    z/OSMF V2R1 WLM is enhanced to:
    - Allow the user to enter comments for the following service
    definition actions: Create, Modify, Import, Export, Install and
    Activate, Activate service policy.
    Comments are saved along with the corresponding history record.
    - Provide a setting to allow the administrator to choose if
    comments are required or not.

Problem conclusion


Temporary fix



  • -------------  ENHANCEMENTS  ---------------------------------
    z/OSMF V2R1 WLM is enhanced to:
    - Allow the user to enter comments for the following service
    definition actions: Create, Modify, Import, Export, Install
    and Activate, Activate service policy.
    Comments are saved along with the corresponding history record.
    - Provide a setting to allow the administrator to choose if
    comments are required or not. The default setting is optional.
    -------------  DOCUMENTS UPDATES -----------------------------
    Online help chapter "Performance" -"Workload Management task"
    - "settings tab" adds node "Comments for service definition
    The content is:
    Comments that you provide when taking actions against service
    definitions help to describe the actions. The comments are
    recorded with the service definition history. To view the
    history of a service definition, you can use the View History
    action provided in the Service Definitions tab. You can provide
    comments when taking these actions against service definitions:
    create, modify, install, import, export, and service policy
    activation. When you choose to require comments for service
    definition actions, using the Settings tab, you ensure that
    there will be a comment in the history for each action.
    Online help chapter "Performance" -"Workload Management task"
    - "Service Definitions tab" - "Viewing the history of service
    definitions" is changed to add below description:
    You can use the Comments window to add comments for service
    definition actions. The comments are recorded in the service
    definition history.
    Online help chapters below have similar change. Below chapters
    are both under "Performance" -"Workload Management task"
    - "Service Definitions tab" :
    "Exporting service definitions to a host data set" - "Export
    Service Definition to a Host Data Set window"
    "Exporting service definitions to the local workstation" -
    "Export Service Definition to the Local Workstation window"
    "Importing service definitions from the local workstation"
    - "Import Service Definition from the Local Workstation dialog
    "Importing service definitions from a host data set" - "Import
    Service Definition from a Host Data Set window".
    Change of above chapters is:
    Comments for the "corresponding" operation. Comments are
    recorded service definition history.
    Depending on your settings, comments may be required.
    Online help chapter "Performance" - "Workload Management task"
    - "Install and Activate tab" - "Welcome page" adds below
    description: Comments  Comments for the install operation.
    Comments are recorded in the service definition history.
    Depending on your settings, comments may be required. If there
    are comments from the previous modification, you can import them
    using Import.
    Online help chapter "Performance" - "Workload Management task"
    -"Install and Activate tab" - "Select a Service Policy page"
    adds below description:
    Comments for this activation
    Comments for the activation operation. Comments are recorded in
    the service definition history.
    Depending on your settings, comments may be required.
    Online help chapter "Performance" - "Workload Management task"
    - "Install and Activate tab" - "Install and Activate page" adds
    below description:
    Comments for this installation
    Comments for the install operation. Comments are recorded in the
    service definition history. Depending on your settings, comments
    may be required.
    Comments for this activation
    Comments for the activation operation. Comments are recorded in
    the service definition history. Depending on your settings,
    comments may be required.
    Online help chapter "Performance" - "Workload Management task"
    - "New, View, Modify, and Copy tabs" adds below description:
    Add comments to history
    This link is displayed in the top right corner of the tab. When
    you click the link, the Comments window is displayed.
    Online help chapter "Performance" - "Workload Management task"
    - "Service Definitions tab" - "Viewing the history of service
    definitions"  "History" adds below description:
    Comments for the service definition action. Comments may be
    added when a service definition is installed, modified,
    imported, or exported, when a service policy is activated, and
    on the service definition history table. The comments may
    include comments added automatically by z/OSMF.
    Click More in the column heading to show all comments expanded
    to the maximum length. You can then use Less at the end of a
    particular comment to truncate it. Click Less in the column
    heading to show a maximum of 80 characters for all comments.
    You can then use More at the end of a particular comment to
    expand it.
    Online help chapter "Performance" - "Workload Management task"
    - "Settings tab" adds below description:
    Require comments for service definition actions
    Specify whether comments are required for service definition
        Yes. Comments are required.
        No. Comments are optional. This is the default.
    The service definition actions are modify, install, import,
    export, and service policy activation. When you add a comment
    when performing any of these actions, the comment is recorded in
    the service definition history.
    New message IZUW021E is added:
    The comment exceeds 500 characters.
    The comment is not valid because it exceeds 500 characters. The
    maximum allowed length is 500 characters.

APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    YesSpecatt / New Function / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:




Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R213 PSY UI16027

       UP14/03/31 P F403

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":null,"label":null},"Product":{"code":"SG19O","label":"APARs - MVS environment"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF054","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"213"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
28 March 2021