IBM Support

SPSS Modeler 18.2 Fix List

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Issues fixed in SPSS Modeler 18.2



SPSS Modeler 18.2

Issues corrected in the SPSS Modeler 18.2.0 release

PH04339 Statistic Node's custom table cannot accept Japanese characters to perform Add Category  
PH03622 Modeler documentation does not explain how Time Series > 'Lowest data quality score' is calculated.  
PH05623 Week not starting on specified day in Time Series 
PH03051 *SQUAD* Unable to score an XGBoost model nugget with Modeler 18.1.1-IF003  
PH02655 XGBoost Tree model not parsing full input data for processing in Modeler Client 18.1.1 
PH02498 Interrupting stream execution containing Jython script will corrupt the Parameters tab of Modeler Client 18.1.1  
PH02432 Binning node in 18.1.1 is incorrectly creating the bin groups  
PH05622 Modeler 18.1.1 - Modeler Client getting freeze when cancelling stream execution against Modeler Server 
PH02347 XGBoost tree node produces empty model nugget  
PH02271 Modeler should display help topic content with default language same as the UI language setting  
PH05621 SPSS syntax dialog does not retain original fields & layout  
PH01956 Generate SQL' default not saved in 18.1.1 
PH00992 Logistic regression model building fails with "Logistic Node Error: IBM SPSS Statistics error"  
PH03894 "Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException..." occurred when execute specific stream with HIVE data source and SQL Optimization enable. 
PH00780  SQL pushback does not work for a stream with merge and aggregate node when using "Import Default" sql rather than table mode in the input source 
PH00705 Applying Modeler 16.0-FP2 reduces the coefficients table of a Regression model to a single value 
PH01038 *SQUAD* Consistent random java.lang.IllegalArgumentException error for Modeler job-steps when executed quickly 
PI79541 Modeler "Sample" node is translated to ASL "samplingComponent:samplingModel" then submitted to AS.  
PI99603 Attempting to run a STP model scoring configuration three straight times fails with: E3: AEQAE1419E: File already exists  
PH00525 Garbled numbers in Model Viewer tree  
PI99390 A stream containing ADP node, PCAFactor model, and Apriori model fails to run within a C&DS job 
PH05620 Attempting to configure a scoring configuration against a stream contain an XGBoost model nugget fails with a timeout error 
PI98437 "@DIFF1" function seems to fail when one of the fields is type real. Works if both fields are type integer 
PI98154 "Automatic Layout" Context menu option dropped after 18.0 
PI79490 Predictor importance unavailable when adding a field to the model  
PI91404 r_start.exe application error in Modeler stream  
PH05610 core dump when running AIX model 
PI79462 Modeler terminates with 'java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException' when DERIVE nodes attempts to write the same value for True and False condition 
PI79457 Modeler Client produces 'Please register your license' dialog window when all Concurrent licenses are in use.  
PI97251 A Modeler-generated .csv file produces 'Unexpected end-of-file' message when read by Modeler Client  
PH05609 Data truncated' when using with Hive 2.1 on AIX 
PI96767 Modeler 18.1.1 ignoring DB2 error messages  
PI96637 Modeler ignored ODBC error which occurred during insertion to hive table  
PI96459 Anomaly Detection algorithm returned code (30006) error occured by iterating anomaly model using stram script (python) 
PI95992 Modeler/Modeler Server does not cleanup AS working directories after a canceled stream  
PI79405 Analysis node sometimes does not produce an output result 
PI94639 no error in 18.1.1 when db export terminates due to string column width being exceeded  
PI93549 Upgrade GSKit to, according to PSIRT record  
PI94000 retrieving Stats dialog in output node from Modeler 16 hangs Modeler Client  
PI93719 SQL displayed in messages is incorrect 
PI79584 Issue upgrading from CaDS 7/Modeler 17.0 to CaDS 8.1.1/Modeler 18.1.1  
PI89228 C&DS execution of job building thousands of models causes C&DS to hang with exhausted Java heap 
33778420 [TS000075510] Analytic Server related error on Scoring Server log 
PI89439 Modeler 18.1 does not release a concurrent license seat immediately after exiting.  Previous versions of Modeler do. 
PI92720 Error initializing scoring engine: (0) (code: ()) when scoring C5 nugget 
PI92933 REG: date_xxx_difference() can not work for SQL server 
PI89753 C&DS 8.1 is acting a direct clientof SPSS Analytic Server -- breaks customer deployments 
PI89015 Doc: MSP API logging info is incorrect 
PI89267 Customer written R script works in R, but fails in Modeler 
PI90737 generated Neural Net model dependant on field names 
PI93081 specific options specifiable via group configuration not documented. 
PI90808 transpose node overflowing when trying to transpose integer values > than max 32-bit integer 
PI89380 Same as ECM00223785 - inactive modeler processes are lingering when run from C&DS 
PI91740 extension output corrupting Japanese data in attached example 
PI85215 modeler server crash when running ExtensionOutput node in client 
PI89206 Split in Time Series model generates null values for all but the first split value 
PI90348 AEQAE1004E: Unable to complete the request. Reason: Execution error - Start time occurs after last observation in data. 
PI91978 A particular logistic regression model seems to run forever and never finish 
PI89051 Transpose node - python error when executing in records to field mode 
PI89200 Numerator and Denominator fields not documented in Time Series Model Nugget Output 
PI90346 scoring attached time series model returns error  "For input string: "false"" 
PI90424 Modeler back end crashes importing Data Collection data with "import system variables" set to "all" 
PI89841 Cannot execute database functions in SQL Server if database name contains hyphens 
PI88597 Type III statistics displayed with missing values due to numerical problems 
PI93027 time_ecode_execution_log and comments are still present in options.cfg file 
PI91218 Executing a Random Tree node will produce an empty model with the error "Error: Invalid input container" found in the logs. 
PI91404 [SQUAD] r_start processes remaining on the system after streams are executed via C&DS Web Service calls 
PI92250 "double free or corruption (fasttop)" error executing image file containing R node in MSP mutliple times 
PI86895 Several error occurred when executing image file (.par) in multi thread process via Modeler Solution Publisher 18.1 API 
PI83177 Frequent Temporary Files Access Causing Performance Degraded in Real-Time Scoring Deployment 
PI91966 binning node shows same 2 bins with different ranges in equal count 
PI59924 Modeler Client hangs when viewing the ADP > Analysis tab after stream is saved and then re-opened. 
PI89380 inactive modeler processes are lingering when run from C&DS

Text Analytics:

PH02970 Text Analytics: Scoring fails in 18.1.x where it worked fine in 18.0
PI97361 File List node reads .html files as text rather than as html
TS000129249 Attempting to run scoring streams involving Text Analytics nodes fail with AEQAE1614E: Execution Failed.
PI94968 "missing" concept extracts as "Negative" type rather than user-defined "Missing" type.
PI94844 Modeler 18.1.1 Mac appends a backslash on exported template files
PI94620 Hierarchical categories not displayed in category bar chart
PI94225 How is one supposed to interpret the Category Bar visualization counts where nested sub-categories are involved?


Original Publication Date

04 December 2018

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS3RA7","label":"IBM SPSS Modeler"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"18.2","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
04 December 2018

