IBM Support

How to change the default Rational Web Platform (RWP) HTTP port for 2003.06.xx

Question & Answer


How can I change the default IBM® Rational® Web Platform (RWP) HTTP Port?


The port on which RWP listens for HTTP requests is defined by the Listen parameter in the rwp.conf file.

If the rwp.conf has the Listen parameter set to 80 RWP will listen for HTTP requests on port 80 which is the default for HTTP.

Changing the Listen parameter:
For this example we will be changing the Listen parameter from port 80 to port 8000.

  1. Locate the rwp.conf file in the following directory:
    <Install Drive>\Program Files\Rational\common\rwp\conf\
  2. Open the rwp.conf file using Notepad
  3. Scroll down through the configuration file and locate the Listen 80 parameter
  4. Update the parameter to Listen 8000
  5. Save and close the rwp.conf file

Stop and Restart RWP:

  1. Open a DOS prompt
  2. Browse to the following directory:
  3. Type the following command: rwp_restart

    Note: This command will run the rwp_shutdown and the rwp_startup command, in that order, to restart RWP.

Note: If you change the RWP HTTP port number to anything other than 80, all URLs that reference RWP must include the port number.

      For example:




Note: If the rwp.conf file is not present on UNIX/Linux RWP servers, the following file
can be changed to reflect the application to use another preferred port.


[{"Product":{"code":"SSSHCT","label":"Rational RequisitePro"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"RequisiteWeb","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"2003.06.13;2003.06.14;2003.06.15;2003.06.16","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

