IBM Support

IBM Integration Explorer V9.0 - Fix Pack



This is Fix Pack for IBM Integration Explorer Version 9.0

Download Description

Fix Pack is the third maintenance release for IBM Integration Explorer Version 9.0. It is available for the following platforms:

Linux on Intel x86 and Intel x86-64
Windows 32 & 64 bit

Note that this Fix Pack is for the IBM Integration Explorer product only. Updates to IBM Integration Bus and IBM Integration Toolkit are available from the IBM Integration Bus and IBM Integration Toolkit links on the following URL:


Install the Fix Pack on top of IBM Integration Explorer Version 9.0 or IBM Integration Explorer Version
The link below documents the supported environments for IBM Integration Bus V9.0, IBM Integration Toolkit V9.0 and IBM Integration Explorer V9.0

[{"PRLabel":"System Requirements","PRLang":"English","PRSize":"999","PRPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"PRURL":""}]

Installation Instructions

Instructions for applying maintenance are provided in the Installation Instructions link below. Installation instructions can also be found in the product Information Center, under the heading "Installing". You can view the Information Center online, via your Integration Toolkit or Integration Explorer, or download the PDF file "Managing your Installation" from the library link below.

These instructions must be amended by any changes documented in the latest product readme file below.

[{"INLabel":"Install Instructions","INLang":"English","INSize":"9999","INURL":""},{"INLabel":"IBM Integration Bus Library","INLang":"English","INSize":"9999","INURL":""},{"INLabel":"Readme","INLang":"English","INSize":"9999","INURL":""},{"INLabel":"Problems Fixed","INLang":"English","INSize":"9999","INURL":""}]
[{"DNLabel":"Linux","DNDate":"12 Mar 2015","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"175921368","DNPlat":{"label":"Linux","code":"PF016"},"DNURL":",x86&function=all&useReleaseAsTarget=true","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"Windows","DNDate":"12 Mar 2015","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"193143208","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":",+x86&function=all&useReleaseAsTarget=true","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null}]
[{"Product":{"code":"SSNQK6","label":"IBM Integration Bus"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"MBX","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
23 March 2020

