IBM Support

Installing Business Space powered by WebSphere: V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1

Product Documentation


This document contains instructions on how to install V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1 for Business Space powered by WebSphere (Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1).



Installing Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1

Uninstalling Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1

Installing Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1

Before you install Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1, do the following:

Important: Before you install this Interim Fix, you must back up your WebSphere product profile. Use the instructions below titled "Backing up your WebSphere product profile."

Backing up your WebSphere product profile

Note: Before you install this Interim Fix, use these steps for each WebSphere product profile that you want to back up.
  1. Stop the server and the running processes for the profile that you want to back up.
  2. Create a directory to store the backup of the profile. For example, C:\backup\profiles.
  3. Go to <WAS_root>\bin.
  4. Run the following command:
    -profileName <
    -backupFile <


profileName> represents the name of your profile

<backupDirectory> is the directory you created to store the backup of the profile. You must provide a fully qualified file path for the backup file.If the path contains any spaces, you must use quotation marks before and after the fully qualified path name. For example, "C:\Program Files\profiles\"

The console should display the following message: INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: The profile backup operation was successful. You can proceed with installing Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1.

For more information about these parameters, access the link:

Installing the Interim Fix in a network deployment environment

In a network deployment environment, if you have any WebSphere product profiles that were created prior to installing Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1, please proceed to the section Upgrading your WebSphere product profiles in a network deployment environment for the correct procedure to install Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1. If you do not have any WebSphere product profiles that were created prior to installing Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1, please continue with the procedure in the section Installing the Interim Fix to install Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1 on each WebSphere Application Server installation where Business Space V7.5.1.1 exists.

Installing the Interim Fix

  1. Download Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1 to a temporary disk location.
  2. Unpack the repository to any directories you choose. Take note of where you have unpacked the repository.
  3. Start IBM Installation Manager.
  4. Click File > Preferences.
  5. On the Repositories panel click the Add Repository button. Type or browse to the location of the repository.config file for the Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1 repository that you unpacked in step 2. Click OK to save the new repository settings.
  6. Click Update, and click Next.
  7. From the Update Packages panel, select the package group that has IBM Business Space installed, and click Next. If only one package group is available, it is selected by default; therefore, just click Next.
  8. Under the installed IBM Business Space Version, select, and click Next.
  9. Ensure that you have already backed up all profiles. If yes, click Next.
  10. Verify the information on the panel and click Update to start applying the Interim Fix.
  11. When the update is completed, click View Log File on the last panel to verify that there are no errors.

Upgrading your WebSphere product profiles in a stand-alone environment

Use the procedure in this section to upgrade your WebSphere product profiles that were created prior to installing Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1, in a stand-alone environment. If you do not have any WebSphere product profiles that were created prior to installing Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1, proceed to the section Restarting the environment after installation of Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1.

You will use one of the following scripts depending on your platform:

Windows: <WAS_root>\BusinessSpace\scripts\upgradeBSpaceProfile.bat
UNIX and Linux: <WAS_root>/BusinessSpace/scripts/

Run the script as shown:

upgradeBSpaceProfile -profileName <profile_name> -nodeName <node_name> -serverName <server_name>

Proceed to the section Restarting the environment after installation of Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1.

Upgrading your WebSphere product profiles in a network deployment environment

Use the procedure in this section to upgrade your WebSphere product profiles that were created prior to installing Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1, in a network deployment environment. If you do not have any WebSphere product profiles that were created prior to installing Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1, proceed to the section Restarting the environment after installation of Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1.

Security-enabled network deployment environments

When you apply the Interim Fix in a network deployment environment where WebSphere administrative security is enabled, the connection to the deployment manager requires a user ID and password to be supplied. The IBM Installation Manager does not prompt for these credentials when you start updating an installation containing managed profiles. However, depending on your configuration, you may have to enter the credentials in a separate prompt near the end of the upgrade process.

The credential panel appears twice during the upgrade process, and has a default timeout period of one minute. If you miss this prompt, or your security configuration is set up such that no prompt is displayed, or if you are running the silent installation script, follow the instructions in the Identifying profile update errors section.

For more information on how to configure security for WebSphere administration scripts (which the Business Space scripts depend on), see Configuring security with scripting in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.

Upgrading the deployment manager

  1. Install Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1 onto the deployment manager’s installation using IBM Installation Manager as described in the section Installing the Interim Fix.
  2. On the deployment manager change to <WAS_root>.
  3. Depending on the platform, run one of the following commands:

    Windows: bin\ws_ant.bat -f BusinessSpace\upgrade\BSpaceProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true

    UNIX and Linux: bin/ -f BusinessSpace/upgrade/BSpaceProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true

    where <profileName> is the name of the deployment manager profile.
  4. Check for any errors, as explained in the Identifying profile update errors section, before continuing.

Upgrading the nodes

  1. Start the deployment manager. The deployment manager must be running when you apply the Interim Fix to an installation with a managed profile.
  2. For each managed node hosted by the same physical installation as the deployment manager, perform the following steps:

    a. Ensure all the servers and their node agents are stopped.

    b. On the deployment manager change to <WAS_root>.

    c. Depending on the platform, run one of the following commands:

    Windows: bin\ws_ant.bat -f BusinessSpace\upgrade\BSpaceProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true

    UNIX and Linux: bin/ -f BusinessSpace/upgrade/BSpaceProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true

    where <profileName> is the name of the managed profile.

    d. Check for any errors, as explained in the Identifying profile update errors section, before continuing.
  3. For each managed node with an independent installation, perform the following steps:

    a. Ensure all the servers and their node agents are stopped.

    b. Install Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1 onto the managed node's installation using IBM Installation Manager as described in the section Installing the Interim Fix.

    Note: When applying the Interim Fix in a network deployment environment where WebSphere administrative security is enabled, the connection to the deployment manager requires a user ID and password. Depending on your configuration you may have to enter the credentials in a separate prompt near the end of the update process. Please refer to Security enabled network deployment environments for details.

    c. On the managed node's physical installation change to <WAS_root>.

    d. Depending on the platform, run one of the following commands:

    Windows: bin\ws_ant.bat -f BusinessSpace\upgrade\BSpaceProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true

    UNIX and Linux: bin/ -f BusinessSpace/upgrade/BSpaceProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true

    where <profileName> is the name of the managed profile.

    e. Check for any errors, as explained in the Identifying profile update errors section, before continuing.
  4. If any of the nodes contain cluster members follow the steps described under Upgrading clusters before starting the servers.
  5. For each node, restart the node agent and wait for the node synchronization to complete.
  6. If you have disabled automatic synchronization, ensure all your nodes are correctly synchronized before starting the cluster members.
  7. Start all the servers and cluster members as needed.

Upgrading clusters

After upgrading the deployment manager and the managed nodes containing cluster members, follow these steps to upgrade the clusters before starting the cluster members (servers).
  1. On the deployment manager change to <WAS_root>.
  2. Depending on the platform, run one of the following commands for each cluster:

    Windows: <WAS_root>\bin\ws_ant.bat -f ..\BusinessSpace\upgrade\BSpaceProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true -Dcluster=<clusterName>

    UNIX and Linux: <WAS_root>/bin/ -f ../BusinessSpace/upgrade/BSpaceProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true -Dcluster=<clusterName>

    where <profileName> is the name of the deployment manager profile and <clusterName> is the name of the cluster.
  3. Check the following log file for errors:


    where <profile_root> is the root directory of the managed profile. There may be more than one file whose name matches this pattern. Open the log files and search for "-cluster" to find the cluster associated with this particular log file. If there is an error, fix the cause, then rerun step 2.
  4. When all clusters have been successfully upgraded, stop and restart the deployment manager.
  5. For each node, restart the node agent and wait for the node synchronization to complete.
  6. If you have disabled automatic synchronization, ensure all your nodes are correctly synchronized before starting the cluster members.
  7. Start all the servers and cluster members as needed.

Identifying profile update errors

If an error message "The packages are updated with warnings" is displayed on the Installation Manager summary panel, check the log file <WAS_root>/logs/bspace/install.FP7511/installconfig_bspace_profileMaintenance.log.
If it contains the message:

Result of executing [...]BSpaceProfileMaintenance.ant was: false

then a profile update error has occurred. If multiple profiles in the installation are being updated, search for the first occurrence of "profileName=" prior to the error to know which profile this error is associated with. Fix the cause, then follow the appropriate steps in the Recovering after profile update errors section.

Note: For network deployment environments the most likely cause of an error is that a connection to the deployment manager cannot be established.

Recovering after profile update errors

Note: For network deployment environments that are not using clusters, please refer to this technote for instructions on identifying and recovering from a particular Business Space profile upgrade error that can occur. For all other profile upgrade errors (in any type of environment), follow the instructions in this section that are appropriate for the profile for which update failed.

Stand-alone profiles and deployment manager profiles

  1. Make sure the stand-alone application server or the deployment manager is stopped.
  2. Change to the <WAS_root> directory where the profile update error has occurred and run one of the following commands as appropriate for your platform.

    Windows: <WAS_root>\bin\ws_ant.bat -f BusinessSpace\upgrade\BSpaceProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true

    UNIX and Linux: <WAS_root>/bin/ -f BusinessSpace/upgrade/BSpaceProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true

    where <profileName> is the name of the stand-alone profile or deployment manager profile that had update errors.

Federated profiles

  1. Make sure the deployment manager has been started. This is necessary because the BSpaceProfileUpgrade.ant script must connect to the central configuration repository on the deployment manager to make the updates.
  2. Change to the <WAS_root> directory where the profile update error has occurred and run one of the following commands as appropriate for your platform.

    Windows: <WAS_root>\bin\ws_ant.bat -f BusinessSpace\upgrade\BSpaceProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true

    UNIX and Linux: <WAS_root>/bin/ -f BusinessSpace/upgrade/BSpaceProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true

    where <profileName> is the name of the federated profile that had update errors.

    If you are updating a federated node when WebSphere administrative security is enabled, you must also supply the -Duser=<userID> -Dpassword=<password> parameters, where <userID> is a user ID from the user registry that has administration authority and <password> is the password for that user ID.

Restarting the environment after installation of Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1

If you have not already restarted your environment, do so now, as follows.
  • In a network deployment environment, start the following components (use the links for instructions):

Uninstalling Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1

Before you uninstall Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1, do the following:

Uninstalling the Interim Fix

  1. Start the IBM Installation Manager and click Uninstall.
  2. Select the package group that has your WebSphere product installed and click Next
  3. Select and click Next.
  4. Verify the information on the panel and click Uninstall to start uninstalling the Interim Fix.
  5. When the uninstallation is completed, click View Log File on the last panel to verify that there are no errors.

Restoring a profile backup after successful uninstallation of Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1

Important: After uninstalling Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1, you must follow the steps below for each WebSphere profile that you want to restore.
  1. Stop the server and the running processes for the profile that you want to restore.
  2. Go to <WAS_HOME>\profiles and rename the <profileName> directory to <profileName>.7511if1.
  3. Go to <WAS_HOME>\bin.
  4. Run the following command:

    manageprofiles.bat -validateAndUpdateRegistry

    The output on the console should display [ <profileName> ].
  5. Run the following command:

    manageprofiles.bat -restoreProfile
    -backupFile <


    backupDirectory> is the directory where the backup of the profile is located. You must provide a fully qualified file path for the backup file.If the path contains any spaces, you must use quotation marks before and after the fully qualified path name. For example, "C:\Program Files\profiles\"

    <profileName> is the name of your profile that is being restored.

    The output on the console should display the message: INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: The profile was successfully restored. If the restoration fails, refer to If your profile restoration fails below.

    For more information about these parameters, access the link:

Restarting the environment after uninstallation of Business Space V7.5.1.1 Interim Fix 1

  • In a network deployment environment, start the following components (use the links for instructions):

Original Publication Date

20 July 2013

[{"Product":{"code":"SS7NQD","label":"IBM Business Monitor"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Business Space","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB36","label":"IBM Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSWLGF","label":"WebSphere Service Registry and Repository"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Business Space","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"","label":"HP Itanium"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"","label":"Linux pSeries"},{"code":"","label":"Linux zSeries"},{"code":"","label":"Linux\/x86"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSFTN5","label":"IBM Business Process Manager Advanced"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Business Space","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"","label":"Linux zSeries"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB36","label":"IBM Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSCTJ4","label":"IBM Case Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":" ","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"","label":"Linux on System z"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"}],"Version":";","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SS7J6S","label":"WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Business Space","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"","label":"i5\/OS"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"","label":"Linux iSeries"},{"code":"","label":"Linux pSeries"},{"code":"","label":"Linux xSeries"},{"code":"","label":"Linux zSeries"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

