IBM Support

Installing WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3

Product Documentation


This document details and provides the installation and usage instructions for IBM WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3.


Installing WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3

It is important to understand that in WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0, two key changes have been made since the prior release:
  • The Monitor Model Editor is now a feature that can be selected with WebSphere Integration Developer V7.0.
  • The WebSphere test environment (WTE) for WebSphere Business Monitor is a separate installable entity from the development toolkit.

These changes mean the following for WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3:
  • WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 updates any WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 installation to the level, in the following environments:
  • WebSphere Business Monitor server installation
  • WebSphere test environment (WTE) installation (for WebSphere Integration Developer or Rational Application Developer) that includes WebSphere Business Monitor
  • If the WTE is installed, in addition to updating the WTE, you must also update the development toolkit separately:

Throughout this document, <Monitor_root> will be used to designate the installation location of WebSphere Business Monitor. For the location of <Monitor_root>, see <Monitor_root> in
If WebSphere Business Monitor is installed in a WebSphere test environment, <Monitor_root> can be one of the following:
  • For WebSphere Integration Developer: <WID_WTE_root>\runtimes\bi_v7 (<WID_WTE_root> is typically the WID7_WTE directory alongside the WID installation directory)
  • For Rational Application Developer: <RAD_WTE_root>\runtimes\bi_v7 (<RAD_WTE_root> is typically the SDP_WTE directory alongside the RAD installation directory)

Problems addressed in the Fix Pack

The fixes included in WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 are detailed in the Fix List for IBM WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0. Fixes for Business Space are also included; please refer to Fix/Update list for Business Space powered by WebSphere: Version 7.0 (fixes in all releases prior to and including V7.0 Fix Pack 3 for Business Space are included in WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3).

  • Important: WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 includes an update for Business Space. If you have installed Business Space V7.0 Interim Fix 1 for WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0, you must install Business Space V7.0 Interim Fix JR36142 prior to installing V7.0 Fix Pack 3.
  • If WebSphere Process Server is not installed (WebSphere Business Monitor is installed on WebSphere Application Server), then the WebSphere Application Server V7.0 Feature Pack for XML must be upgraded to Version This upgrade can be performed prior to, or at the same time as, the installation of WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 (using IBM Installation Manager).
  • In the WTE installed under Rational Application Developer, you must ensure that the following repository is included in the list of repositories in IBM Installation Manager:

Without this repository, the following error will be displayed when you try to update the WTE using WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3:

The following addition components are required in installation location IBM WebSphere Application Server
The installation package 'IBM WebSphere Business Monitor' requires components supplied by other packages.
The required components may be supplied by the following installation packages:
Package: WebSphere Application Server
Package: IBM WebSphere Application Server V7.0 Feature Pack for XML
  The following additional components are required in installation location 'IBM WebSphere Application Server - ND':
  In root installation context
    Component "" required by component "" was not found
  In root installation context:    
    Component "" required by component "" was not found

Additional prerequisites before installing the Fix Pack:

Backing up your WebSphere Business Monitor profile

Note: For the WTE, profile backup is not required, and should not be performed. Additionally, when you roll back WebSphere Business Monitor in the WTE from V7.0.0.3 to V7.0.0.0, all Monitor data in the WTE server profiles will be lost.

Important: Before you install this Fix Pack, use these steps for each WebSphere Business Monitor profile that you want to back up.

  1. Stop the server and the running processes for the profile that you want to back up.
  2. Create a directory to store the backup of the profile. For example, C:\backup\profiles.
  3. Go to <Monitor_root>\profiles\<profileName>\bin.
  4. Run the following command or see the note below for an alternate command:
    -profileName <
    -backupFile <


    profileName> represents the name of your profile

    <backupDirectory> is the directory you created to store the backup of the profile. You must provide a fully qualified file path for the backup file.If the path contains any spaces, you must use quotation marks ( " ) before and after the fully qualified path name. For example, "C:\Program Files\profiles\"

    Note: Another way to backup your profile configuration is using the backupConfig command. From the <profile_root>/bin directory, run the command backupConfig.bat -help. This command displays the following usage:

    backupConfig [backup_file] [-nostop] [-quiet] [-logfile <filename>]
    [-replacelog] [-trace] [-username <username>] [-password <password>]
    [-profileName <profile>] [-help]

The console should display the following message: INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: The profile backup operation was successful. You can proceed with installing WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3.

For more information about these parameters, access the link:

Updating WebSphere Application Server to Version

Before WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 can be installed, WebSphere Application Server must be updated to V7.0.0.11, using the following instructions:
  1. Download IBM Update Installer V7.0.0.11 for WebSphere Software for your platform.
  2. Install IBM Update Installer V7.0.0.11.
  3. Use the IBM Update Installer to uninstall the following Interim Fixes from your WebSphere Application Server V7.0.0.7 installation, if they have been installed:
    • SDKPM00452.pak
  4. If the machine has Internet access, skip to step 14.
  5. Installation of WebSphere Application Server V7.0 Fix Pack 11 requires IBM Installation Manager V1.4.1. Refer to this document for instructions for updating IBM Installation Manager to V1.4.1 on a machine without Internet access.
  6. Download WebSphere Application Server V7.0 Fix Pack 11.
  7. Unpack the repository to any directory you choose. Take note of where you have unpacked the repository.
  8. Launch IBM Installation Manager.
  9. Click File > Preferences > Repositories.
  10. Click Add Repository.
  11. Click Browse to search for the repository.config file in the unzipped download package. Click Open.
  12. To add the new repository to the list and return to the Repositories page, click OK and then OK again.
  13. Close IBM Installation Manager.
  14. Launch IBM Installation Manager.

    Note: At this point, the following message might be displayed. indicating that your Installation Manager needs to be updated: "A new version of IBM Installation Manager is available. You must update Installation Manager before you can continue. To update Installation Manager, click Yes..." Click Yes. When the Installation Manager update completes, click OK to restart the Installation Manager, and then click Update. (This will update Installation Manager to V1.4.1 or higher, as required for installation of WebSphere Application Server V7.0 Fix Pack 11.)
  15. From the Update Packages panel, select the package group that has IBM WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 installed, and click Next. If only one package group is available, it is selected by default; therefore, just click Next.
  16. Under the installed IBM WebSphere Application Server, select Version Click Next.
  17. Accept the License Agreement and click Next.
  18. Ensure that you have already backed up all WebSphere Business Monitor profiles. If yes, click Next.
  19. Verify the information on the panel and click Update to start applying the fix pack.
  20. When the update is completed, click View Log File on the last panel to verify that there are no errors.

Installing the Fix Pack in a network deployment environment

In a network deployment environment, if you have any WebSphere Business Monitor profiles that were created prior to installing WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3, please proceed to the section Upgrading your WebSphere Business Monitor profiles in a network deployment environment for the correct procedure to install WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3. If you do not have any WebSphere Business Monitor profiles that were created prior to installing Business Space V7.0 Fix Pack 3, please continue with the procedure in the section Installing the Fix Pack to install WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 on each WebSphere Application Server installation where WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 exists.

Installing the Fix Pack

Note: On Windows 7, please use these instructions to install WebSphere Business Monitor development toolkit and WebSphere test environment V7.0 and update them to V7.0.0.3.

If the machine where you are installing WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 has Internet access, skip to step 3.
  1. Download WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 to a temporary disk location.

    If not already installed, download the WebSphere Application Server V7.0 Feature Pack for XML fix pack repository, and local copies of the WebSphere Application Server V7.0 import repositories from the locations listed here:
  2. Unpack the repositories to any directories you choose. Take note of where you have unpacked the repositories. You should unpack each repository to its own directory.
  3. Start IBM Installation Manager.
  4. Click File > Preferences.
  5. If the machine has Internet access, ensure that the Search service repositories during installation and updates option is selected, and skip to step 7.
  6. On the Repositories panel click the Add Repository button. Type or browse to the location of the repository.config file for the WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 repository that you unpacked in step 2. Click OK. Repeat this process for each of the other repositories you unpacked in step 2. Click OK to save the new repository settings.
  7. Click Update, and click Next.
  8. From the Update Packages panel, select the package group that has IBM WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 installed, and click Next. If only one package group is available, it is selected by default; therefore, just click Next.
  9. Under the installed IBM WebSphere Business Monitor Version, select Version If WebSphere Application Server V7.0 Feature Pack for XML is displayed, select Version underneath. Click Next.
  10. Accept the License Agreement and click Next.
  11. Ensure that you have already backed up all WebSphere Business Monitor profiles. If yes, click Next.
  12. Verify the information on the panel and click Update to start applying the fix pack.
  13. When the update is completed, click View Log File on the last panel to verify that there are no errors.

    Note: If you are updating the WTE, one or more of the following error messages may appear in the log file. These can be safely ignored.

    Stand-alone development WebSphere Monitor on WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus profile (<profile_name>) feature is not available for installation because either IBM WebSphere Process Server or IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus is not installed.
    Stand-alone development WebSphere Monitor on WebSphere Process Server profile (<profile_name>) feature is not available for installation because IBM WebSphere Process Server is not installed.
    Installation Manager cannot remove the Stand-alone development WebSphere Monitor profile (<profile_name>) feature from this installation package.
    Installation Manager cannot remove the Server runtime feature from this installation package.
    Installation Manager cannot remove the Stand-alone development WebSphere Monitor profile (<profile_name>) feature from this installation package.
    The installation package 'IBM WebSphere Business Monitor' requires components supplied by other packages.
    Installation Manager cannot remove the Server runtime feature from this installation package.
    Installation Manager cannot remove the Stand-alone development WebSphere Monitor profile (<profile_name>) feature from this installation package.
  14. If any profiles have been created, run the appropriate command to update the administrative console:

    Linux or UNIX: <Monitor_root>/bin/ -restore
    Windows: <Monitor_root>\bin\iscdeploy.bat -restore

Upgrading your WebSphere Business Monitor profiles in a network deployment environment

Use the procedure in this section to upgrade your WebSphere Business Monitor profiles that were created prior to installing WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3, in a network deployment environment. If you have a stand-alone profile or you do not have any WebSphere product profiles that were created prior to installing WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3, proceed to the section Restarting the environment after installation of WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3.

Security-enabled network deployment environments

When you apply the fix pack in a network deployment environment where WebSphere administrative security is enabled, the connection to the deployment manager requires a user ID and password to be supplied. The IBM Installation Manager does not prompt for these credentials when you start updating an installation containing managed profiles. However, depending on your configuration, you may have to enter the credentials in a separate prompt near the end of the upgrade process.

The credential panel appears twice during the upgrade process, and has a default timeout period of one minute. If you miss this prompt, or your security configuration is set up such that no prompt is displayed, or if you are running the silent installation script, follow the instructions in the Identifying Profile Update Errors section.

For more information on how to configure security for WebSphere administration scripts (which the WebSphere Business Monitor scripts depend on), see Configuring security with scripting in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.

Upgrading the deployment manager
  1. Install WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 onto the deployment manager’s installation using IBM Installation Manager as described in the section Installing the Fix Pack. The deployment manager profile is automatically updated during Fix Pack installation.
  2. Check for any errors, as explained in the Identifying Profile Update Errors section, before continuing.

Upgrading the nodes
  1. Start the deployment manager. The deployment manager must be running when you apply the fix pack to an installation with a managed profile.

    Note: The only exception to this rule is for managed profiles hosted by the same installation as their Deployment Manager profile. The upgrade script contains special case code for this scenario. If starting the Deployment Manager is not possible, the upgrade script (BPMProfileUpgrade.ant) must be called manually after the appropriate error messages have been received.
  2. For each managed node with an independent installation, perform the following steps:

    a. Ensure all the servers and their node agents are stopped.

    b. Install WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 onto the managed node’s installation using IBM Installation Manager as described in the section Installing the Fix Pack.

    Note: When applying the fix pack in a network deployment environment where WebSphere administrative security is enabled, the connection to the deployment manager requires a user ID and password. Depending on your configuration you may have to enter the credentials in a separate prompt near the end of the update process. Please refer to Security enabled network deployment environments for details.

    The managed node (profile) is automatically updated during fix pack installation.
    Log files are saved as:


    where <profile_root> is the root directory of the managed profile.

    c. Check for any errors, as explained in the Identifying Profile Update Errors section, before continuing.
  3. If any of the nodes contain cluster members follow the steps described under Upgrading Clusters before starting the servers.
  4. For each node, restart the node agent and wait for the node synchronization to complete.

Upgrading clusters

After upgrading the deployment manager and the managed nodes containing cluster members, follow these steps to upgrade the clusters before starting the cluster members (servers).
  1. Make sure the deployment manager has been started. This is necessary because the BPMProfileUpgrade.ant script must connect to the central configuration repository on the deployment manager to make the updates.
  2. On the deployment manager change to <Monitor_root>.
  3. Depending on the platform, run one of the following commands for each cluster:

    Windows: <Monitor_root>\bin\ws_ant.bat -f util\BPMProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true -Dcluster=<clusterName> [-Duser=<user> -Dpassword=<password>]

    UNIX and Linux: <Monitor_root>/bin/ -f util/BPMProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true -Dcluster=<clusterName> [-Duser=<user> -Dpassword=<password>]

    where <profileName> is the name of the deployment manager profile and <clusterName> is the name of the cluster.
  4. Check the following log file for errors:


    where <profile_root> is the root directory of the managed profile. There may be more than one file whose name matches this pattern. Open the log files and search for "-cluster" to find the cluster associated with this particular log file. If there is an error, fix the cause, then rerun step 2.
  5. When all clusters have been successfully upgraded, stop and restart the deployment manager.
  6. For each node, start the node agent and wait for the node synchronization to complete.

Identifying profile update errors

If an error message "The packages are updated with warnings" is displayed on the Installation Manager summary panel, check the log file <Monitor_root>/logs/wbm/install.FP7003/installconfig_wbm_profileMaintenance.log.
If it contains the message:

Result of executing [...]BPMProfileMaintenance.ant was: false

then a profile update error has occurred. If multiple profiles in the installation are being updated, search for the first occurrence of
"profileName=" prior to the error to know which profile this error is associated with. Fix the cause, then follow the appropriate steps in the Recovering after profile update errors section.

Note: For network deployment environments the most likely cause of an error is that a connection to the deployment manager cannot be established.

Recovering after profile update errors

Note: For network deployment environments that are not using clusters, please refer to this technote for instructions on identifying and recovering from a particular Business Space profile upgrade error that can occur. For all other profile upgrade errors (in any type of environment), follow the instructions in this section that are appropriate for the profile for which update failed.

Stand-alone profiles and deployment manager profiles
  1. Make sure the stand-alone application server or the deployment manager is stopped.
  2. Change to the <Monitor_root> directory where the profile update error has occurred and run one of the following commands as appropriate for your platform.

    Windows: <Monitor_root>\bin\ws_ant.bat -f util\BPMProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true [-Duser=<user> -Dpassword=<password>]

    UNIX and Linux: <Monitor_root>/bin/ -f util/BPMProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true [-Duser=<user> -Dpassword=<password>]

    where <profileName> is the name of the stand-alone profile or deployment manager profile that had update errors.

Federated profiles
  1. Make sure the deployment manager has been started. This is necessary because the BPMProfileUpgrade.ant script must connect to the central configuration repository on the deployment manager to make the updates.
  2. Change to the <Monitor_root> directory where the profile update error has occurred and run one of the following commands as appropriate for your platform.

    Windows: <Monitor_root>\bin\ws_ant.bat -f util\BPMProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true [-Duser=<user> -Dpassword=<password>]

    UNIX and Linux: <Monitor_root>/bin/ -f util/BPMProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName <profileName> -Dupgrade=true [-Duser=<user> -Dpassword=<password>]

    where <profileName> is the name of the federated profile that had update errors.

    If you are updating a federated node when WebSphere administrative security is enabled, you must also supply the -Duser=<userID> -Dpassword=<password> parameters, where <userID> is a user ID from the user registry that has administration authority and <password> is the password for that user ID.

Restarting the environment after installation of WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3

  • In a network deployment environment, start the following components if they are not already started (use the links for instructions):

Verifying the fix pack installation
  • Log in to the administrative console.
  • Verify that the Welcome Page contains as the version of WebSphere Business Monitor.

Updating WebSphere Business Monitor applications

You must update the following WebSphere Business Monitor applications in your clusters or servers after applying WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3:

REST Services (RESTServicesGateway)

In a network deployment environment, you must also update the following WebSphere Business Monitor applications in your clusters or servers after applying WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 (you do not need to update these applications in a stand-alone environment):





Alphablox Platform Service (AlphabloxPlatform)

Alphablox Application Service (ApplicationStudio)

Details on the procedure to update WebSphere Business Monitor applications are documented at the following location:

Updating applications with the console

Note: In step 4b of the procedure documented at the above location, where you use the update wizard to specify or edit application binding information, do not modify any information. Click Next on each page of the wizard until you reach the last page, then continue with step 5 (where you will click Finish on the last page of the wizard).

You must also update the WebSphere Business Monitor widgets for Business Space, by running the wsadmin command.
  1. For your profile, open a command window. For a clustered environment, go to the <deployment_manager_profile_root>/bin directory. For a stand-alone server environment, go to the <profile_root>/bin directory.
  2. At the command prompt, type the wsadmin command to start the wsadmin environment.
  3. Run the updateBusinessSpaceWidgets command:

    For a stand-alone environment, use the following command:

    $AdminTask updateBusinessSpaceWidgets {-serverName <server> -nodeName <node> -widgets <Monitor_root>/BusinessSpace/widgets/WBM}

    For a network deployment environment, use the following command:

    $AdminTask updateBusinessSpaceWidgets {-clusterName <BSpace_cluster_name>
    -widgets <Monitor_root>/BusinessSpace/widgets/WBM}

    where <BSpace_cluster_name> is the name of the cluster where Business Space is deployed.
In a network deployment environment, start the following components (use the links for instructions):

Updating plug-ins on your CEI server in a network deployment environment

If your CEI server is on WebSphere Application Server V7.0 and is in the same network deployment cell as WebSphere Business Monitor, and WebSphere Business Monitor is not installed on that server, you must copy certain plug-ins to the CEI server after installing WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3. Refer to the following technote for instructions:

Monitor model is not receiving events and instances are not viewable on the dashboard

Note that if CEI is on WebSphere Process Server V7.0, the plug-ins are automatically updated when you install WebSphere Process Server V7.0 Fix Pack 3.

If CEI is in a different network deployment cell than WebSphere Business Monitor, you must update the cross-cell files on the remote CEI system, using the procedure in the section Updating support applications in a cross-cell environment.

Updating support applications in a cross-cell environment

In a cross-cell environment, where CEI is on WebSphere Application Server V7.0, after applying WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 you must update the cross-cell files on the remote CEI system, using the procedure below. Note that if CEI is on WebSphere Process Server V7.0, the cross-cell files are automatically updated when you install WebSphere Process Server V7.0 Fix Pack 3; therefore you can skip this procedure.

Note: The term “remote CEI server” in this section refers to the remote stand-alone server (comprising its own remote cell) or the deployment manager of the remote cell containing the CEI target.
  1. Stop the remote CEI cell. (For a stand-alone CEI server, stop the server. For CEI in a network deployment environment, stop the cell in this sequence: servers, clusters, node agents, deployment manager.)
  2. Follow the appropriate steps to copy the updated cross-cell files to the remote CEI system:

    Choose the appropriate action depending on whether or not WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 is already installed on the remote CEI server.

    If WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 is installed locally, but not on the remote CEI server:

    a. Delete all files named <WAS_root>/plugins/*.jar ('*' is a wildcard character representing any pattern of characters between "7.0" and ".jar") from the remote CEI server.

    b. From the <WAS_root>/scripts.wbm/crosscell folder of the local WebSphere Business Monitor server installation, locate the appropriate file depending on your operating system:

    Linux or UNIX: monitorCommunicationWithWAS70BasedCells.tar, monitorCommunicationWithWAS61BasedCells.tar, or monitorCommunicationWithWAS60BasedCells.tar.

    Windows:,, or

    Copy the appropriate file to the <WAS_root>/plugins folder of the remote CEI server, and extract the contents.

    c. On the remote CEI server, for each server profile, go to the <profile_root>/bin folder, and run the appropriate command to configure the application server to recognize the .jar file:

    Linux or UNIX:
    Windows: osgiCfgInit.bat

    If WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 is installed both locally and on the remote CEI server:

    a. From the <WAS_root>/scripts.wbm/crosscell folder of the local WebSphere Business Monitor server installation, copy the file to the <WAS_root>/plugins folder of the remote CEI server.

    b. On the remote CEI server, for each server profile, go to the <profile_root>/bin folder, and run the appropriate command to configure the application server to recognize the .jar file:

    Linux or UNIX:
    Windows: osgiCfgInit.bat

  3. Restart the remote CEI cell. (For a CEI stand-alone server, stop the server. For CEI in a network deployment environment, restart the cell in this sequence: deployment manager, node agents, clusters, servers.)

Installing the portlet-based dashboards on WebSphere Portal V7

WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0.0.3 supports WebSphere Portal V7.0. To install the portlet-based dashboards and update them to the V7.0.0.3 level in your WebSphere Portal V7.0 installation, complete the following steps:
  1. Copy the WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 installation image to a temporary directory (<WBMV7_image>).
  2. Download (or .tar). (See the Download packages section in the document WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 and click the download link for Portal Update.) Unzip the contents of this file into a separate temporary directory (<7003PortalUpdate>) from the directory you used in step 1.
  3. Copy the files from the <7003PortalUpdate>/updateInstall directory to the <WBMV7_image>/WBM directory.
  4. Install the portlet-based dashboards from the <WBMV7_image> directory using the procedure at this link:

Updating portlet-based dashboards in WebSphere Portal V6.X

Note: If WebSphere Portal V6.X is installed on a network deployment environment, please refer to this technote to install the portlet-based dashboards and update them to the V7.0.0.3 level. If WebSphere Portal V6.X is installed on a stand-alone environment, please use the procedure in this section to update the portlet-based dashboards to the V7.0.0.3 level.

There are two installation scenarios for portlet-based dashboards on a stand-alone WebSphere Portal V6.X server:
  1. Portlet-based dashboards were installed with the WebSphere Business Monitor server - If you installed portlet-based dashboards with the WebSphere Business Monitor server, all of the application and portlet files are arranged for you by the fix pack installer. However, you must perform the portlet updates manually. See the instructions below for Manual update of portlet-based dashboards.
  2. Portlet-based dashboards were installed separately - If you installed portlet-based dashboards separately from your WebSphere Business Monitor server, you need to copy both the application and portlet files, as well as update them manually using the instructions below:
  • Manual file copy
  • Manual application update
  • Manual update of portlet-based dashboards

Manual file copy

Note: If you want to be able to roll back the manual portlet-based dashboard update should you decide to roll back WebSphere Business Monitor from V7.0 Fix Pack 3 at a later time, back up the following files from your current WebSphere Portal installation:
  • <WP_root>/installableApps/WBMonDashboard.war
  • <WP_root>/installableApps/MonABXViews.war
  • <WP_root>/scripts.wbm
  • <WP_profile_root>/installedApps/<WP_profile_cell>/wps.ear/wps.war/themes
  • <WAS_root_WP>/Alphablox/repository/theme/wbmonitor (<WAS_root_WP> is the WebSphere Application Server (for WebSphere Portal server) installation directory)

Download (or .tar). (See the Download packages section in the document WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 and click the download link for Portal Update.) Unzip the contents of this file into a temporary directory.
  • Copy WBMDashboardRESTProxy.ear into the installableApps directory of the WebSphere Portal server profile: (<WP_profile_root>/installableApps).
  • Copy the portlets (WBMonDashboard.war and MonABXViews.war) into the installableApps directory of the WebSphere Portal server installation directory: (<WP_root>/installableApps).
  • Copy the scripts.wbm directory to the WebSphere Portal server installation directory.
  • Copy the themes directory to the following location in the WebSphere Portal server profile directory: <WP_profile_root>/installedApps/<WP_profile_cell>/wps.ear/wps.war/. Where WP_profile_root is the path of the WebSphere Portal server profile and WP_profile_cell is the cell name for the WebSphere Portal server.
  • Copy the CONTENTS OF the ABXTheme directory to the following location in the WebSphere Application Server (for WebSphere Portal server) installation directory: <WAS_root_WP>/Alphablox/repository/theme

Manual application update

Manually update the REST Services Proxy application using the WebSphere Application Server V7.0 administrative console.
  1. Start WebSphere Portal.
  2. Log in to WebSphere Application Server (for WebSphere Portal server) with your administrator user ID and password.

    Note: You must log on to the server for your WebSphere Portal server (usually named WebSphere_Portal, not server1) to update the application.
  3. From the administrative console, click Applications > Enterprise Applications.
  4. Locate IBM_WBM_REST_PROXY in the Enterprise Applications list.
  5. Check the box to the left of IBM_WBM_REST_PROXY and click Update at the top of the page.
  6. Use the Browse button to locate WBMDashboardRESTProxy.ear in the <WP_profile_path>/installableApps directory.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Continue clicking Next (accepting the default selections on each screen) until you reach the last screen.
  9. Click Finish. The updated application is now installed.
  10. Click Save to Master Configuration.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Locate the IBM_WBM_REST_PROXY application in the list again to make sure it started.

Manual update of portlet-based dashboards

Use the following steps to manually update portlet-based dashboards:

  1. Start WebSphere Portal.
  2. Go to the <WP_root>/scripts.wbm/migration/dashboards directory and run the migrateSettings.bat ( on UNIX):


    migrateSettings.bat <WAS_root_WP> <WP_config_url> <WP_admin> <WP_pw>

    Typical usage:

    migrateSettings.bat C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer http://localhost:10040/wps/config wpadmin wppasswd

    <WAS_root_WP> = WebSphere Application Server (for WebSphere Portal server) installation directory
    <WP_config_url> = WebSphere Portal server host url
    <WP_admin> = WebSphere Portal server administrative user ID
    <WP_pw> = WebSphere Portal administrative password

    Note: You might experience problems viewing your dashboard pages if your browser is open during the update process. If you are unable to view your dashboard pages after this update procedure, clear your browser cache:
  • Firefox

  • 1. Go to Tools > Options.
    2. Click Privacy.
    3. Click clear your recent history.
    4. Restart your browser.
  • Internet Explorer:

  • 1. Go to Tools > Internet Options > General Tab.
    2. Under Browsing history, click Delete.
    3. Make sure that Temporary Internet files is selected and click Delete.
    4. Restart your browser.

Updating Alphablox for portlet-based dashboards

You must update Alphablox on the WebSphere Portal server (to V9.5.7 build 55) using the following procedure:
  1. Edit the file and set PROFILE_TYPE="standAlone" (<zip_extract> is the directory where you extracted (or .tar)):
    Linux or UNIX: Change directory to <zip_extract>/wbmInstall/scripts
    Windows: Change directory to <zip_extract>\wbmInstall\scripts
  2. After updating the file, run the following command:
    Linux or UNIX:
    Windows: updateAlphablox.bat

Applying library code fixes to monitor model applications

After updating your WebSphere Business Monitor installation with a Fix Pack, you still need to update the individual monitor model applications because they are not updated automatically. To help you update these applications, a script and sample response file are included in the Fix Pack in the <Monitor_root>/scripts.wbm/MM_App_Updater directory.

Before you begin, back up your monitor model applications using the export function from the Enterprise Applications page in the administrative console. To display the administrative console page, click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.

To apply fixes to the library code for your monitor model applications, use the following steps to update the response file ( and then run the updateMMApplicationLibraries_70 script on your deployment manager or stand-alone server. After you update the properties file, the script updates the library code for all monitor model applications that are compatible with the update that you are applying and it matches the restrictions declared in the response file.

To update the configuration properties file, make a backup copy of the file located in the <Monitor_root>/scripts.wbm/MM_App_Updater directory, and complete the following steps on the deployment manager or stand-alone server:
  1. In a text editor, open the file located in the <Monitor_root>/scripts.wbm/MM_App_Updater directory.
    The response file documents all the options with comments in the file.
  2. Check the response file options and update them if necessary because they vary for individual installations:
  • hostname - set to localhost because you should always run this script from the deployment manager or stand-alone server.
  • port - enter the port to use to transport information. For SOAP, use the SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS port for the stand-alone server or deployment manager. For RMI, use the BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS port for the stand-alone server or deployment manager. The default is port = 8880.
  • username - remove the pound sign (#) before the username property, and then enter the user name to use for authentication. Note that any trailing spaces will be interpreted as being part of the user name, so ensure that the right number of trailing spaces is included. If you do not have security enabled, leave this field blank.
  • password - remove the pound sign (#) before the password property, and then enter the password to use for authentication. Note that any trailing spaces will be interpreted as being part of the password, so ensure that the right number of trailing spaces is included. If you do not have security enabled, leave this field blank.
3. To check your response file before running it, set the validateResponseFileOnly property. This test is always done as part of the script's execution, but setting this flag forces the script to check the response file without performing any updates.

4. To test the compatibility of your applications with the update, set the testMMAppCompatibilityOnly property. This test is always done as part of the script's execution to ensure that no incompatible monitor model application is updated. However, setting this flag forces the script to check the compatibility of the monitor model applications without performing any updates.

5. To turn on tracing, which is usually not necessary, edit the file and uncomment this line: = FINEST.

6. Stop all the monitor models currently installed.

7. Back up each installed monitor model application by exporting it to an EAR file.  Use this link for instructions:

8. Run the appropriate command to install the updated library code:
  • updateMMApplicationLibraries_70.bat (Windows)
  • (UNIX)

Note: If you are installing on a network deployment environment, wait until the nodes have finished synchronizing before starting the monitor model applications. You can view the synchronization status from the administrative console by clicking System Administration > Nodes.

9. Start the monitor model applications.

Installing a new or updating an existing showcase model

Installing a new showcase model

Use these steps to install a new showcase model using First Steps:
  1. Start First Steps.
  2. Click the Showcase model option.

Updating an existing showcase model

Use these steps to update an existing showcase model:
  1. After installing V7.0 Fix Pack 3, log on to Business Space.
  2. Delete the existing "Better Lender Space."
  3. On a command line, change directories to the directory, <Monitor_root>/installableApps.wbm/showcase/scripts.
  4. Execute the following command, showcase.bat/sh -w <monitor_profile_root>.
    This command uninstalls the prior version of the showcase model, and then installs the new showcase model and all of its new artifacts.
    Note: If the pathname represented by <monitor_profile_root> contains any spaces, you must use the "8.3" notation to specify the pathname in the command. For example, if the pathname is C:\IBM\WebSphere 70\profiles\MonSrv01, you must use C:\IBM\WEBS70~1\profiles\MonSrv01 as the pathname in the command.

Installing the new Global Process model

The Global Process model has been updated in V7.0 Fix Pack 3.

For a WebSphere Business Monitor profile that is created after V7.0 Fix Pack 3 is installed, the new version of this model will be installed automatically into that profile.

For profiles created prior to the installation of V7.0 Fix Pack 3, you must manually install the new version of the Global Process model. Details on the procedure to install a monitor model are documented at the following location:

In step 3 of the above procedure, specify the following file:

In step 7 of the above procedure, click Select installation options in the left column and change the name in the Application name field to Global Process Model V3. You should then click Summary in the left column and then click the Finish button on the Summary panel to complete the installation of the new version of the Global Process model.

Updating the Microsoft Excel add-in

If you have installed the Microsoft Excel add-in, you must remove the currently installed add-in and then install the updated add-in from WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3. See Set up the Excel add-in for details on this feature.

To remove the currently installed add-in:
  1. In Windows, click Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.
  2. Select IBM WebSphere Business Monitor Office add-in V7.0.
  3. Click Change/Remove and follow the removal instructions.

To install the updated add-in:
  1. Download (See the Download packages section in the document WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 and click the download link for Desktop Components.) Unzip the contents of this file into a temporary directory.
  2. Extract the files from the file located in <temporarydirectory>\Desktop_Components\Plugins\MS_Excel to another temporary directory.
  3. Locate the setup.exe file for the Microsoft Excel add-in and double-click the file to start the install.
  4. After the installation program starts, click Next on the initial window.
  5. Click Next to accept the default location and access.
  • To change the location of the install, click Browse and select where you want the installation to be placed.
  • To check the amount of disk space the installation uses, click Disk Cost. When you finish viewing the information, click OK to return to the installation.
  • To change the access, click Everyone (Just me is the default).
5. Click Next to start the installation.
6. When the installation is complete, click Next and Finish.
7. Verify that the add-in installed correctly by opening Microsoft Excel and locating the WebSphere Business Monitor ribbon.

Uninstalling WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3

Backing up your Business Space pages added by the upgrade

To prevent losing your Business Space pages, before you roll back WebSphere Business Monitor from V7.0.0.3, export your newly created Business Spaces and pages to a file. Refer to Exporting spaces for instructions.

Uninstalling the Fix Pack

Before uninstalling WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3, do the following:

  1. Start the IBM Installation Manager and click Roll Back.
  2. Select the package group that has WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0.0.3 installed and click Next. If only one package group is available, it is selected by default; therefore, just click Next.
  3. Under the installed IBM WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0.0.3, select Version or Version and click Next.
  4. Verify the information on the panel and click Roll Back to start uninstalling the Fix Pack.
  5. When the roll back is completed, click View Log File on the last panel to verify that there are no errors.

Restoring a profile backup after successful uninstallation of WebSphere Business Monitor 7.0 Fix Pack 3

For a WTE installed on Rational Application Developer:

Although you cannot restore a backed up profile to the WTE, you can use the following procedure to rebuild the profile:
  1. Launch Rational Application Developer and stop the server and the running processes for the profile that you want to rebuild.
  2. Go to <RAD_WTE_root>\runtimes\bi_v7\bin.
  3. Run the following command:

    manageprofiles.bat -deleteProfile
    -profileName <
  4. Delete the profile directory <RAD_WTE_root>\runtimes\bi_v7\profiles\qmwas from the file system.
  5. Launch IBM Installation Manager and click Modify.
  6. Select the IBM WebSphere Application Server -ND package group and click Next.
  7. Expand the feature IBM WebSphere Business Monitor and then WebSphere Business Monitor Server.
  8. Click the checkbox Stand-alone development WebSphere Monitor profile (qmwas). and click Next.
  9. Follow the instructions in Installation Manager to complete this process, and click Modify.

For a WTE installed on WebSphere Integration Developer:

Although you cannot restore a backed up profile to the WTE, you can use the following procedure to reset the profile:
  1. Launch WebSphere Integration Developer.
  2. Stop your server if it is started.
  3. Right-click your server in the Servers tab and select Manage server profiles.
  4. Follow the instructions to select the checkbox to Reset your server(s) and click OK.

For a WebSphere Business Monitor server:
  1. Stop the server and the running processes for the profile that you want to restore.
  2. Go to <Monitor_root>\profiles and rename the <profileName> directory to <profileName>.7003.
  3. Go to <Monitor_root>\bin.
  4. Run the following command:

    manageprofiles.bat -validateAndUpdateRegistry

    The output on the console should display [ <profileName> ], for example [WBMon01].
  5. Run the following command:

    manageprofiles.bat -restoreProfile
    -backupFile <


    backupDirectory> is the directory where the backup of the profile is located. You must provide a fully qualified file path for the backup file.If the path contains any spaces, use quotation marks ( " ) before and after the fully qualified path name. For example, "C:\Program Files\profiles\"

    <profileName> is the name of your profile that is being restored.

    The output on the console should display the message: INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: The profile was successfully restored. If the restoration fails, refer to If your profile restoration fails below.

    For more information about these parameters, access the link:

Note: If you want to view your WebSphere Business Monitor dashboards after your profile is successfully restored, start the server and access the Business Space dashboard page. If you cannot see your dashboards when accessing the Business Space dashboard page, clear the browser cache using the appropriate method below.
  • Firefox

  • 1. Go to Tools > Options.
    2. Click Privacy.
    3. Click clear your recent history.
    4. Restart your browser.
  • Internet Explorer:

  • 1. Go to Tools > Internet Options > General Tab.
    2. Under Browsing history, click Delete.
    3. Make sure that Temporary Internet files is selected and click Delete.
    4. Restart your browser.

If your profile restoration fails

If you receive an error message that your profile restoration failed because the directory path exceeds the maximum number of characters, create a new profile with a directory path with fewer characters. To create your new profile, complete the following steps:
  1. Go to the directory where WebSphere Application Server is installed. For example, C:\IBM\WebSphere\MonServer.
  2. Change directories to the \bin\ProfileManagement directory.
  3. Start the Profile Management Tool to create a new profile. Specify a profile name and store it in a directory path that is short to avoid exceeding the maximum number of characters.

Restriction: If you are using the 64-bit version of WebSphere Business Monitor, you must use the manageprofiles command. The Profile Management Tool user interface is not available for 64–bit versions.

After restoring your profile

  1. Verify that the server is stopped.
  2. Copy 
    from <Monitor_root>\BusinessSpace\wbm\plugins
    to <Monitor_root>\plugins.
  3. From a command line, run the <Monitor_root>\bin\osgicfginit.bat file.
  4. Restore the Business Space and pages that you backed up before rolling back WebSphere Business Monitor from V7.0.0.3 by importing them from your backup location. Refer to this link for instructions in the information center:

Verifying the Fix Pack 3 uninstallation
  • In a network deployment environment, start the following components (use the links for instructions):
  • Log in to the administrative console.
  • Verify that the Welcome Page contains the version of WebSphere Business Monitor to which you rolled back ( or

Restoring WebSphere Business Monitor applications in a network deployment environment

You must update the following WebSphere Business Monitor applications in your clusters or servers after uninstalling WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3:

REST Services (RESTServicesGateway)

In a network deployment environment, you must also update the following WebSphere Business Monitor applications in your clusters or servers after applying WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 to restore them to the previous levels (you do not need to update these applications in a stand-alone environment):





Alphablox Platform Service (AlphabloxPlatform)

Alphablox Application Service (ApplicationStudio)

Details on the procedure to update WebSphere Business Monitor applications are documented at the following location:

Updating applications with the console

Note: In step 4b of the procedure documented at the above location, where you use the update wizard to specify or edit application binding information, do not modify any information. Click Next on each page of the wizard until you reach the last page, then continue with step 5 (where you will click Finish on the last page of the wizard).

You must also update the WebSphere Business Monitor widgets for Business Space, by running the wsadmin command.
  1. For your profile, open a command window. For a clustered environment, go to the <deployment_manager_profile_root>/bin directory. For a stand-alone server environment, go to the <profile_root>/bin directory.
  2. At the command prompt, type the wsadmin command to start the wsadmin environment.
  3. Run the updateBusinessSpaceWidgets command:

    For a stand-alone environment, use the following command:

    $AdminTask updateBusinessSpaceWidgets {-serverName <server> -nodeName <node> -widgets <Monitor_root>/BusinessSpace/widgets/WBM}

    For a clustered environment, use the following command:

    $AdminTask updateBusinessSpaceWidgets {-clusterName <BSpace_cluster_name>
    -widgets <Monitor_root>/BusinessSpace/widgets/WBM}

    where <BSpace_cluster_name> is the name of the cluster where Business Space is deployed.

In a network deployment environment, start the following components (use the links for instructions):

Restoring plug-ins on your CEI server in a network deployment environment

If your CEI server is on WebSphere Application Server V7.0 and is in the same network deployment cell as WebSphere Business Monitor, and WebSphere Business Monitor is not installed on that server, you must copy certain plug-ins to the CEI server after uninstalling WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3. Refer to the following technote for instructions:

Monitor model is not receiving events and instances are not viewable on the dashboard

Note that if CEI is on WebSphere Process Server V7.0, the plug-ins are automatically updated when you uninstall WebSphere Process Server V7.0 Fix Pack 3.

If CEI is in a different network deployment cell than WebSphere Business Monitor, you must update the cross-cell files on the remote CEI system, using the procedure in the section, Restoring support applications in a cross-cell environment.

Restoring support applications in a cross-cell environment

In a cross-cell environment, where CEI is on WebSphere Application Server V7.0, after uninstalling WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 you must update the cross-cell files on the remote CEI system, using the procedure below. Note that if CEI is on WebSphere Process Server V7.0, the cross-cell files are automatically updated when you install WebSphere Process Server V7.0 Fix Pack 3.

Note: The term “remote CEI server” in this section refers to the remote stand-alone server (comprising its own remote cell) or the deployment manager of the remote cell containing the CEI target.

  1. Stop the remote CEI cell. (For a stand-alone CEI server, stop the server. For CEI in a network deployment environment, stop the cell in this sequence: servers, clusters, node agents, deployment manager.)
  2. Follow the appropriate steps to copy the updated cross-cell files to the remote CEI system:

    Choose the appropriate action depending on whether or not WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 is already installed on the remote CEI server.

    If WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 is installed locally, but not on the remote CEI server:

    a. Delete all files named <WAS_root>/plugins/*.jar ('*' is a wildcard character representing any pattern of characters between "7.0" and ".jar") from the remote CEI server.

    b. From the <WAS_root>/scripts.wbm/crosscell folder of the local WebSphere Business Monitor server installation, locate the appropriate file depending on your operating system:

    Linux or UNIX: monitorCommunicationWithWAS70BasedCells.tar, monitorCommunicationWithWAS61BasedCells.tar, or monitorCommunicationWithWAS60BasedCells.tar.

    Windows:,, or

    Copy the appropriate file to the <WAS_root>/plugins folder of the remote CEI server, and extract the contents.

    c. On the remote CEI server, for each server profile, go to the <profile_root>/bin folder, and run the appropriate command to configure the application server to recognize the .jar file:

    Linux or UNIX:
    Windows: osgiCfgInit.bat

    If WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 is installed both locally and on the remote CEI server:

    a. From the <WAS_root>/scripts.wbm/crosscell folder of the local WebSphere Business Monitor server installation, copy the file to the <WAS_root>/plugins folder of the remote CEI server.

    b. On the remote CEI server, for each server profile, go to the <profile_root>/bin folder, and run the appropriate command to configure the application server to recognize the .jar file:

    Linux or UNIX:
    Windows: osgiCfgInit.bat

  3. Restart the remote CEI cell. (For a CEI stand-alone server, stop the server. For CEI in a network deployment environment, restart the cell in this sequence: deployment manager, node agents, clusters, servers.)

Restoring monitor model applications

You need to restore the monitor model applications that were exported during the "Applying library code fixes to monitor model applications" steps.

1. Stop all the monitor models currently installed.

2. Update each monitor model application from the corresponding monitor model application EAR file you exported in step 7 of the procedure in the section “Steps for updating”.  Details on the procedure to update WebSphere Business Monitor applications are documented at the following location:

Updating applications with the console

Note: In step 4b of the procedure documented at the above location, where you use the update wizard to specify or edit application binding information, do not modify any information. Click Next on each page of the wizard until you reach the last page, then continue with step 5 (where you will click Finish on the last page of the wizard).

Note: If you are installing on a network deployment environment, wait until the nodes have finished synchronizing before starting the monitor model applications. You can view the synchronization status from the administrative console by clicking System Administration > Nodes.

3. Start the monitor model applications.

Restoring portlet-based dashboards

Note: The procedure in this section is only applicable to a stand-alone WebSphere Portal V6.X server.

If you have installed portlet-based dashboards on your system, you must perform some manual steps after uninstalling WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3 to restore the portlet-based dashboards to the previous level. There are two installation scenarios for portlet-based dashboards:
  1. Portlet-based dashboards were installed with WebSphere Business Monitor server - If you installed portlet-based dashboards with the WebSphere Business Monitor server, all of the application and portlet files are arranged for you by the Fix Pack installer. However, you need to perform the portlet updates manually. See the instructions below for Manual update of portlet-based dashboards.
  2. Portlet-based dashboards were installed separately - If you installed portlet-based dashboards separately from your WebSphere Business Monitor server, you need to copy both the application and portlet files, as well as update them manually using the instructions below:
  • Manual file copy
  • Manual application update
  • Manual update of portlet-based dashboards

Note that, for this installation scenario, it is assumed that you backed up the files for the version of WebSphere Business Monitor to which you are rolling back, prior to copying files extracted from (or .tar), as described in the section Updating portlet-based dashboards ("Manual file copy"). If you did not back up the files, you cannot restore the portlet-based dashboards to the previous level.

Manual file copy

In your WebSphere Portal installation, restore the files you backed up prior to updating the portlet-based dashboards for WebSphere Business Monitor V7.0 Fix Pack 3, as listed below:
  • <WP_root>/installableApps/WBMonDashboard.war
  • <WP_root>/installableApps/MonABXViews.war
  • <WP_root>/scripts.wbm
  • <WP_profile_root>/installedApps/<WP_profile_cell>/wps.ear/wps.war/themes
  • <WAS_root_WP>/Alphablox/repository/theme/wbmonitor

You must also copy WBMDashboardRESTProxy.ear from the directory <Monitor_root>/installableApps.wbm on the Monitor server into the installableApps directory of the WebSphere Portal server profile: (<WP_profile_root>/installableApps).

Manual application update

Manually update the REST Services Proxy application using the WebSphere Application Server V7.0 administrative console.
  1. Start WebSphere Portal.
  2. Log in to WebSphere Application Server (for WebSphere Portal server) with your administrator user ID and password.

    Note: You must log on to the server for your WebSphere Portal server (usually named WebSphere_Portal, not server1) to update the application.
  3. From the administrative console, click Applications > Enterprise Applications.
  4. Locate IBM_WBM_REST_PROXY in the Enterprise Applications list.
  5. Check the box next to IBM_WBM_REST_PROXY and click Update at the top of the page.
  6. Click Browse to locate WBMDashboardRESTProxy.ear in the <WP_profile_path>/installableApps directory.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Continue clicking Next (accepting the default selections in each screen) until you reach the last screen.
  9. Click Finish. The updated application is now installed.
  10. Click Save to Master Configuration.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Locate the IBM_WBM_REST_PROXY application in the list again to make sure it started.

Manual update of portlet-based dashboards

Use the following steps to manually update portlet-based dashboards:

  1. Start WebSphere Portal.
  2. Go to the <WP_root>/scripts.wbm/migration/dashboards directory and run the migrateSettings.bat ( on UNIX):


    migrateSettings.bat <WAS_root_WP> <WP_config_url> <WP_admin> <WP_pw>

    Typical usage:

    migrateSettings.bat C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer http://localhost:10040/wps/config wpadmin wppasswd

    <WAS_root_WP> = WebSphere Application Server (for WebSphere Portal server) installation directory
    <WP_config_url> = WebSphere Portal server host URL
    <WP_admin> = WebSphere Portal server administrative user ID
    <WP_pw> = WebSphere Portal administrative password

    Note: You might experience problems viewing your dashboard pages if your browser is open during the update process. If you are unable to view your dashboard pages after this update procedure, clear your browser cache:
  • Firefox

  • 1. Go to Tools > Options.
    2. Click Privacy.
    3. Click clear your recent history.
    4. Restart your browser.
  • Internet Explorer:

  • 1. Go to Tools > Internet Options > General Tab.
    2. Under Browsing history, click Delete.
    3. Make sure that Temporary Internet files is selected and click Delete.
    4. Restart your browser.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSRR3","label":"WebSphere Business Monitor"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";;7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

