IBM Support


A fix is available


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • Ship APAR fixes for H28W700 Fix Pack

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All users of WebSphere Application Server    *
    *                 V7.0 for z/OS                                *
    *                                                              *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: APAR PM09162 addresses various defects  *
    *                      in WebSphere Application Server V7.0    *
    *                      for z/OS.                               *
    *                                                              *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    APAR PM09162 fixes the following defects in WebSphere
    Application Server V7.0 for z/OS:
    APAR    Description
    PK98206 NullPointerException at load of pluginxml on startup.
    PK98210 WASPreUpgrade is failing when trying to migrate Derby
            databases with exception MIGR0496E: Derby database lock
            file detected.
    PK98225 Cache responses with s-maxage set.
    PK98302 VMM_JDBC_CLASSPATH has to contain \ on Micosoft Windows
            and / on Unix operating systems.
    PK98366 The application detectprocess.exe does not work when the
            path contains brackets "()".
    PK98385 When running with java 2 security enabled and getting
            trace an AccessControlException may be thrown in certain
    PK98388 Using a WMQ messaging provider activation spec with a
            QSG on z/OS with a destination which also specifies a
            QSG name breaks.
    PK98399 Need to add message for usage information for new
            parameter -requireEmbeddedDBMigration on the
            WASPreUpgrade command.
    PK98420 Console displays dynamic clusters and deployment manager
            as Application Servers.
    PK98423 WebSphere Application Server v7.0 does not allow a
            wildcard character for the queue manager name when
            configuring a QCF.
    PK98437 When starting Application Server as root with runAsUser
            the appserver process is not setting secondary groups.
    PK98441 Adding function to allow dynacache invalidations to be
            propagated between cells and core groups.
    PK98449 The SIP DMZ Proxy needs to retry the TCP and TLS
            connections that it establishes to the SIP containers.
    PK98454 A user may be allowed to delete a policy set or binding
            that is referenced by a trust client attachment.
    PK98463 Incorrect warning message during CIM installation.
            "XCIM0199W: Installation completed but errors were
    PK98470 AddNode fails when security is enabled in deployment
            manager version
    PK98482 RuntimeException when processing SOAP request due to
            NoClassDefFoundError loading DeserializationStub.
    PK98504 SQL optimization for enterprise java beans timers.
    PK98539 If you accidently delete or
   EJBDeploy does not work properly.
    PK98544 MDB with bean managed transaction and using message
            listener service in non-ASF mode does not requeue
            backout messages.
    PK98562 StackOverflowError in the SIP container.
    PK98587 SIBus clients asynchronously consuming messages can
            deadlock with a thread stuck in
    PK98589 Creation of property extension tables fails on z/OS.
    PK98591 In administrative console the change logger level
            performs incorrect optimization on logger levels.
    PK98624 Profile management tool for Z/OS version 7.0 generates
            incorrect member names when uploading jobs using secure
    PK98660 EventService.ear app is not completly installed.
    PK98703 Excessive ORB log files are generated when a client is
            accessing a remote EJB via SSL HTTP tunneling.
    PK98735 Security warning SECJ0314E is logged for
    PK98741 WebSphere Portal is seeing an AccessControlException
            during the creation of a classloader when J2EE security
            is enabled.
    PK98746 Failed to lookup with an InjectionException.
    PK98750 WS-Security runtime may incorrectly retrieve cached
            keystore information.
    PK98777 RSP conformance issue mustUnderstand inconsistent.
    PK98802 Creating publish/subscribe bridge broker profiles to
            make use of the WMQ 7.0 pub/sub engine can result in a
            CWSIL0018E message.
    PK98813 A SOAP 1.2 fault might contain incorrect values for role
            and node.
    PK98818 The WebSphere Application Server deployment from client
            JMX code fails with a NullPointerException error.
    PK98846 Messages are left in a locked state following a service
            integration bus message engine failover.
    PK98900 ArrayStoreException occurs with the h:selectManyListBox
    PK98925 During start up getting Ljava.lang.String incompatible
            with  Ljava.lang.Class .
    PK98926 The "endpoint reference not found" message produced by
            the JAX-WS runtime should be more user friendly.
    PK98938 Lang attribute missing in console.
    PK98961 JAX-WS engine must allow wild-cards in url patterns.
            This is a requirement for SCA applications.
    PK98978 No error message displayed when trying to remove a
            running service.
    PK98997 HMGR0107E: IllegalStateException due to self-loop call
            where server sending message gets called again.
    PK98999 Replacing a module using fine grained application update
    PK99022 Certain WMQ messaging provider configuration properties
            are allowed to end with a character but a can't be set.
    PK99026 JMS client connection to WebSphere Application Server
            V6.1 fails with a CWSIC8007E ObjectStoreFullException.
    PK99098 Application deployment fails with web services
    PK99191 Unable to programatically add links to the asset detail
    PK99195 Synchronization missing command handling for addCompUnit
            and importAsset for the administrative console.
    PK99225 During a failover that involves a converged application
            the HTTP Proxy may send HTTP requests to servers that do
            not own them.
    *** NOTE ***
    Additional information about the APARs listed above can be found
    in RETAIN or by using the APAR search facility located at URL:
    Once at this web page, the APAR search facility can be found in
    the "Self help" section under "Solve a problem". Click on
    "-> APARs" to access the APAR search faciltiy.
    Once the APAR search utility is accessed, APAR numbers from
    the above list can be used as "Additional search terms" to
    locate an APAR's associated documentation.

Problem conclusion

  • APAR PM09162 fixes various defects in WebSphere Application
    Server V7.0 for z/OS.
    APAR PM09162 is currently targeted for inclusion in Service
    Level (Fix Pack) of WebSphere Application Server V7.0
    for z/OS.
    Please refer to URL:
    for Fix Pack availability.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    YesSpecatt / CST

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:



    BBO01656 BBO02478 BBO03637 BBO11713 BBO12580 BBO16410 BBO16715
    BBO16735 BBO16846

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R700 PSY UK55163

       UP10/03/26 P F003

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS7K4U","label":"WebSphere Application Server for z\/OS"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
10 February 2022