IBM Support

Updates to the information center for IBM Content Collector 2.1.0

Product Documentation


This document updates the information center for IBM Content Collector 2.1.0.


You can view the information center for IBM Content Collector 2.1.0 on the Web at

This document contains the following updates and additions to the online version of the information center:

  • Update 1: Upgrading from IBM CommonStore to IBM Content Collector
  • Update 2: Typographical error in the topic "Running the query for item type information"
  • Update 3: Error in the backup and recovery section of the fast indexer
  • Update 4: Installing a separate computer or partition to run Windows operating systems
  • Update 5: Use of regular expressions in IBM Content Collector
  • Update 6: Using an existing WebSphere Application Server
  • Update 7: Updates to the documentation of the search application
  • Update 8: Integrating IBM Content Collector with IBM Classification Module
  • Update 9: Information about logging
  • Update 10: Updates to the e-mail system metadata properties
  • Update 11: Capturing to an IBM FileNet Image Services repository
  • Update 12: Misleading description for findPST

Update 1: Upgrading from IBM CommonStore to IBM Content Collector

Updated topic: Access to CommonStore repositories

You can access legacy repositories that are serviced by the following versions of IBM CommonStore for Exchange Server and IBM CommonStore for Lotus Domino:
  • IBM CommonStore for Exchange Server Version 8.3.1
  • IBM CommonStore for Exchange Server Version 8.3.2
  • IBM CommonStore for Exchange Server Version 8.4
  • IBM CommonStore for Lotus Domino Version 8.3.2
  • IBM CommonStore for Lotus Domino Version 8.4

For older versions of IBM CommonStore for Lotus Domino, upgrade the design of the CommonStore Configuration Database to the level of IBM CommonStore for Lotus Domino Version 8.4 before you upgrade to IBM Content Collector.

Update 2: Typographical error in the topic "Running the query for item type information"
Updated topic: Running the query for item type information

There is a typographical error in the code block for the query to run to obtain item type information.

The line:
should read:

Update 3: Error in the backup and recovery section of the fast indexer
Updated topic: Backing up the index files

The script file IndexDocumentsExit that is mentioned in the section "Backing up the index files" is not delivered with the product as is suggested in the documentation. Because any backup processing is dependent on the user and installation, the documentation was changed to include sample script coding that can be used.

The section now reads:

Back up the index files after each db2text update process has finished running. To make regular copies of all the index files, you can write your own backup script or alternatively use a regularly scheduled backup program that runs when indexing is not running. Whichever method you use, test your backup process to make sure that the process works correctly.

This is an example of what an indexing backup script for Windows could contain. Bear in mind that this is only a sample to use as a basis for writing any script code and must be adapted to your environment:

@rem  This is a sample script to back up NSE index files on Windows
@rem  using IndexDocumentsExit from the fast indexing process.

@rem Save files only if a reorg was done on the "db2text update" command
@if " %2" == " 0" @goto :exit

@set BackupDirectory=e:\NSEBACKUPS

@echo ======================= >> %emsutil_path%\IndexDocumentsExit.log
@time /T >> %emsutil_path%\IndexDocumentsExit.log
@echo Copy index files for %1 >> %emsutil_path%\IndexDocumentsExit.log

@db2 connect to icmnlsdb
@db2 set current schema icmadmin    
@db2 -x select '@SET INDEXID=' ^
           concat cast(t.indexidentifier as char(8)) ^
           from db2ext.ttextindexes t, db2ext.ttextcolumns c ^
           where t.indexidentifier = c.indexidentifier ^
           and c.tablename='%1' > ~tmp.bat
@db2 -x select '@SET COPY1=' ^
           concat rtrim(indexdirectory) ^
           concat '\NODE0000\' ^
           concat rtrim(t.indexidentifier) ^
           concat '\*' ^
           from db2ext.ttextindexes t, db2ext.ttextcolumns c ^
           where t.indexidentifier = c.indexidentifier ^
           and c.tablename='%1' >> ~tmp.bat
@db2 -x select '@SET COPY2=' ^
           concat rtrim(indexdirectory) ^
           concat '\NODE0000\' ^
           concat rtrim(t.indexidentifier) ^
           concat '.*' ^
           from db2ext.ttextindexes t, db2ext.ttextcolumns c ^
           where t.indexidentifier = c.indexidentifier ^
           and c.tablename='%1' >> ~tmp.bat
@call ~tmp.bat

xcopy %COPY1% %BackupDirectory%\%INDEXID%\* /sy  >> %emsutil_path%\IndexDocumentsExit.log
copy  %COPY2% %BackupDirectory%\%INDEXID% /y     >> %emsutil_path%\IndexDocumentsExit.log

@echo Backup complete
time /T >> %emsutil_path%\IndexDocumentsExit.log


Update 4: Installing a separate computer or partition to run Windows operating systems
Updated topic: Installing the IBM Content Collector server

In the section "Installing the IBM Content Collector server," the information about installing Lotus Domino is incomplete. The section about installing Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Domino should read as follows:

You need a separate computer or partition that runs one of the supported Windows operating systems. This computer or logical machine must be connected by a TCP/IP network to the repository server and to your Lotus Domino or Microsoft Exchange servers.

For Microsoft Exchange, this computer must be in the same domain as the Exchange servers.

For Lotus Domino, this computer requires a Lotus Notes runtime. You can provide this runtime by installing a Lotus Domino server. Note however that the Domino server that is installed on the IBM Content Collector machine must not be started or already in use.

Update 5: Use of regular expressions in IBM Content Collector
See the techdoc in the Related information section for information about the use of regular expressions.

Update 6: Using an existing WebSphere Application Server
The attached PDF file updates the topic Configuring IBM WebSphere Application Server.


Update 7: Updates to the documentation of the search application
The attached PDF file contains an additional subtopic for the topic Adapting the configuration settings of the search application and updates the topic Viewing and restoring documents.


Update 8: Integrating IBM Content Collector with IBM Classification Module
The attached PDF file updates the topic About the integration of ICC with IBM Classification Module (and subtopics).


Update 9: Information about logging
See the two techdocs in the Related information section for information about logging in IBM Content Collector.

Update 10: Updates to the e-mail system metadata properties

Updated topic: Email system metadata properties

The descriptions for the following properties have been updated:

From Address (multi) A multi-value version of From Address.
From Address (single) The e-mail address of the user owning the originating mailbox.
From Display (multi) A multi-value version of From Display.
From Display (single)The display name of the user owning the originating mailbox.
From Display/Address (multi)A multi-value version of From Display/Address.
From Display/Address (single)Both the e-mail address and display name of the user owning the originating mailbox.
From Domain (multi)A multi-value version of From Domain.
From Domain (single)The domain name of the e-mail address of the user owning the originating mailbox.
From Raw (multi) A multi-value version of From Raw.
From Raw (single) The e-mail server's internal representation of the sender information.
Originating UserThe display name of the actual sender of the e-mail.

Update 11: Capturing to an IBM FileNet Image Services repository
Updated topic: Capturing to an IBM FileNet Image Services repository

In the statement "To capture an e-mail or file into a FileNet IS repository:", the term "e-mail" refers only to e-mail documents that you have transformed into other formats and stored in your file system before capture. Do not use Content Collector for Email to capture e-mail documents directly into FileNet Image Services.

Update 12: Misleading description for findPST
Updated topic: findPST

The introductory text for the example command implies that the findPST program outputs email addresses. This is wrong. The example should read:

The following command searches for PST files on the computer with the host name and writes the file names to a CSV file. The program will search three folder levels below the root folder. The output is written to a file named PSTscan.csv.

findPst -computer -scanPublicShares YES -scanHiddenShares YES -depth 3 -output PSTScan.csv

[{"Product":{"code":"SSAE9L","label":"Content Collector"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"All Content Collector products","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"2.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

